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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. I did some searching the other night and founds these folks.


    Dropped them a line about their product and got back to me right away. After I complete my first alpine board, gonna give a shot of buildinga long board.

    Been keeping my eye on Vanguard Loaded but they have been goign for bout $230. The wife would kill me, but she doesnt care if I build one.

    Thought this might be interestng for those of you with kids and even handy with tools.



  2. Not Tranworld Snowboarding, but just got back from the doctor's, he confirmed what I though I had the past few weeks. Symptoms, barking at the wife :argue: , hot fork treatment for the kids, kicking the dog :smashfrea , overall teeth grinding :eplus2: and surliness. Becoming introverted, cant eat, constant diarhea :eek: (sp)

    That's right, he said I am suffering from............

    Trench Withdrawal Syndrome- TWS

    I dont know about you folks, but this is the worst I have had since starting to carve 4 years ago. Seriously, I have been irritable, short tempered and surly, since summerizing my boards a couple weeks ago. Weather has been miserable, so I cant get out and waterski or tinker in the garage on my boards. I know Seasonal Stress Disorder exists, but any hobby induced syndromes.

    I dont know if there has ever been any studies done on the effects to humans from withdrawal from their favorite hobbies, but I would be interested if there is. I know in Riding Giants, Laird talks about getting depressed when he isnt riding. Anyone know if such a thing exists. I'd be interested and so would my wife. She doesnt ride, so she may not "get it"



  3. I dont think its photo shopped. It gives that illusion because when you initially look at the photo, it gives the impression he is dropping in from above and the body position is odd for that. But he approached from the snow, up onto the face of the rock and is dropping back in. A shadows are accurate and spray of snow. If it is photoshopped, someone has to much time on their hands.

  4. Didnt get his card, but he did have some sidewalk goats handing out business cards for his Beavers. Some times when the beavers show up, the come with a protective Kodiak Bear who accepts the shillings you have to pay to lay down on the pelts. Some times me and the boys will get a few of them and have beav rassling matches. You pay a little extra but to see two or three prize fighting Castor canadensis' clacking their incisors off each other is something for the books.

    I just dont know how they survive, such a high population density of Varmits with very little trees to chew in the sand and sidewalks. Must be the transient tree harvest.

    My favorite attack beaver is a toss up between the southeastern swamp Hairless and the Midwest Mohawk, although for posterity sakes, taking a run at the beaver cousin, "Welcome Mat" Wallabee from AUS can be fun. The hip to hip pelt reminds me of running my hands thru my high school mullet, which offically scored an 8.79 on the T&P (Trailer & Park) Mullitude Scale back in '87.

  5. I cant do anything with it, b/c my microsoft picture manager will not recognize it as a picture in the file I save it to. When I save it to my file , it saves as a Kodak picture and the kodak pics do not show up in my Microsift pic manager. In Paint, I can only stretch AND SKEW, unless there is a function i am ont aware of.

  6. Can some one give me the step by step to get the CAD2 pic posted. I have tried to load directly form my CAD files, but its says it not compatible and then I put Prtint screena dn paste into a word docutment but that doesnt work. Any tips would be apprecaited.

    also gotta hook up with Shred and Chuck for design this summer. One of my builds is goind to be a short , stiff, big SCR beast.



  7. When I was in grad school, one of my classmates brought in a sign that was posted in a rural area of Amish looking for males to come in a stud with their wives to "break the cycle". If I knew some beavers, I would help you out. The closest I can some is my Mother in laws boyfriend, who calls his granddaughter, the Hammering Beaver.

    Good luck beaver hunting. ;)

  8. Thank God this board finally sold, cant wait to delete thread. Hijacking, himming and hawing, yadda this yadda that 2,000 plus views, I will be happy to releive posters of the update on this thread if havent already discontinued replies.

    almost as if I was posting the sale of a waxed slice of plywood.

  9. Today was killer and I hope the last day is the same. It was solid and fast ain the morning, loosen up a bit late morning and was great considering late march. If it drops to 40 or less tonight, whoever was pondering t0o come , pack it uop and get out here.

    JBS and I had some hero snow mid morning to the point of people following us just to watch.

    Only bad thing was overcast.

  10. Yea, this board did well on most everything I rode on it and being here in PA, conditions change day to day and even thru the day. This was one of the first boards to give me confidence on very rigid snow/icy conditions and on steeps and then it would work well in slop too.

    I will be coming back to MADD's, just funds are limited from other purchases and my board building endeavor.

    I cant believe it hasnt sold yet. SOmeone help me out, the wife is chewing on my ear and not in a ;) ;) way.

  11. Folks

    Now that summer is creeping upon and my mtn closes this sunday, looking for input on some things. Not interested in what you do during the summer to stay in shape. Thats been posted plenty.

    Shopping for Pedometer, but when googled about 100 different types come up. Any recs on what brand and/or models are good at a reasonable price. Main interest, getting those 10,000 steps ina day to maintain weight, or even reduce.

    Also, got back into swimming a couple months ago after 15 years off, down 15 pounds and looking for 15 more. At 130 laps nonstop and goal is to swim 1,000 laps non stop, but when I get into a rhythm (or a zone) I lose track of lap count. Is there a lap counter for swimming?

    Interesting little tid bit I learned on Sunday from JBS. Since losing the weight, I have noticed my days of riding were less ardous after 3-4 hours of solid riding and the legs dont tire as readily. He indicated for every pound lighter you are, it takes about 4 pounds of stress off your joints. I'm sure the numbers change due to the physics of riding and other factors, but it has made a world of difference for my riding these past two months.

    If I reach my goal of 30 pounds, that's an average eight grader I'm not toting around or 3, 5-gallon buckets of water.

  12. "Too Flexy for me" means that when a did have this board in my ride rotation, I went 215 lbs. It rode well and held up to everything I threw at it. Maybe "too flexy" wasnt the right choice of words.

    I needed to sell equipment to rid myself of board debt to my wife. Hate to do it, but the MADD is the second board I am selling to cover the Blitz purchase. When cash flows my way again, I intend on adding a MADD 158, 170 and 180, back to my quiver but for now my 170 has dropped to the bottom of my quiver index and its gotta go to hush my wife.

    I tend to like stiffer boards and ride like a middle linebacker. I now ride a POGO Blitz and Overdose and throw in a little taste of Riot Velocity once in a while. I now go 200 lbs and would probably love the MADD even more, but my indulgence is in POGO's.

    If your a free safety or corner looking for a board that can help you to the next level, is forgiving but let you feel like a world champ, this is the board.

    Email JBS if you want another opinion on the board. His first day on it, he won a gold medal at MAC Tracks 2006. He even said he wouldnt be upset if I didnt seel it, so he could get a couple days on it.

    I cant get over I need to do this much explaining to sell a MADD :confused:

    This thing is a machine, just not one of my machines for now so someone might as well get some use out of it.


    PS if this thing didnt fold under me, it shouldnt fold unless your one Ronnie Lott type of rider and you dive it into a slush pocket during the spring and I highly doubt it would fold even undert those condition under your 145 lbs. If I gotta explain the football analogies........ :barf:

  13. Now I'm super confused?!?!?!?!?!

    West are you interested in my board or are you waiting for Lone's board? I think lone's point was to let you realize that the board I have for sale would be a good fit for you, not to sell you his board.

    Just let me know what you want to do. It's a great board, in good shape, you can be lazy on it as well as lay into some mean turns. The only reason I am selling is because under my wife's conditions, I must sell equipment to get other equipment. I picked up another board mid season under the conditions I had to sell two others to get the one I wanted. I sold my Coiler PR and now the MADD is on the block for someone else to enjoy, because it isnt in my ride rotation.

    Help a carvers addiction to equipment.



  14. I still have it but on my last nerve waiting for this fella to reply. He keeps telling me he wants it but I get no responses when I tell him to send me the check.

    Do you want it?

    If so, and you can get me the $$$, it's yours


  15. Dave

    I would be more than happy to make you a real veneer topsheet at cost of materials. You would need to pick out the veneer types and patterns, if not for this build, maybe on a future one.

    If interested, I can get you the website for my veneer supplier just to see what they have in stock.


    PS thanks for posting that website, I never knew it existed.

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