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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Didnt know such a thing existed until now. I was ponderingn this last summer based on the same physics and envisioned mounting a deck in the lowest area of slack. Now that I know such a thing exists, I may give it a whirl by using two line and placing adeck in the center.

    Run the lines the nose and tail of the board. Not a real board, unless you have an old beater that you can drill. That way you can sway much easier than just a line. I assume one can also mount over head "steady" line to hold onto unti you get the hang of it.

    Cool though

  2. all the input is good and I will take into consideration. Leanign towards solid works just to have some 3d models of what I am designing. Does it also have graphics design capabilities? probably a stupid question, its design software.

    Wanna also be able to work on logo stuff and board specs that will go on the boards.

    I will head back to snocad as well. Its funmaking funky shapes in there along with real shapes.

    Thanks folks

    of course the next question, anyone have a free copy of solid works

  3. I went back to fiddling with Snocad last night, just dont know what all of the buttons do. It seems like that will work for the basic shapes.

    Solid works looked cool, I just watched the on line demos, nothing interactive and it was much cheaper than expected. If you can hook a brother up, that would be cool. It seems like it would workwell.

    Even though they sold out, I check back with OCC every so often and that is what they use for wheel and frame design.

    I also see them using a freehand drawing pen on the computer screen, what is that?

    I will look up Rhino 3d. What is NURBS???

    I am PC based, if that makes a difference.

  4. Folks

    I know we have some CAD gurus out there. Looking for a reasonably priced CAD program to help me with designing boards for this summer's builds. I know skicad is out there and have demoed solid works, but what is out there? I saw some different ones at Staples from $89 to $800 plus for AutoCad.

    Looking to get my templates, etc spec'd out and CNC'd. Leaning towards something 3D just to tinker and fairly easy to learn.

    Any direction is appreciated.


  5. Couldnt make it this year due to work and funds have been redistributed to making boards. Plus my "beer" relationship with the groomers hasnt blossomed yet ;)

    MAybe next year and hopefully we can get more participants at BMES 2008. We were down to 3 this years

  6. :barf::barf::barf:

    Hate to belly ach, but I would silly with giddiness :biggthump to ride cord like that.

    At Blue Mountain in PA, its not uncommon to see 3-5" ridges the entire length of the run and that is a ridge at each width of the groomer. It is especially entertaining when you throw in what I have deemed "groomer pockets" (voids of snow) where the groomer just simply didnt fill in the slope. So you go from ridge to pocket. Since the mountain faces north, no sun until mid morning, so you are riding Grasshopper style. Can't see a thing.

    Been trying to get pics to show what I mean but the lack of light doesnt afford the opportunity. I think I am going to borrow some pics from this thread and start mailing them to mountain Manager and the groomer shack.

    Once in a while they get a good day of cord in, but they bat about .200

    Enjoy that stuff, because it makes me grin just looking at it.

  7. I can still do it, but may need some extra $$ to cover costs. THe reason I posted that is b/c the 2nd guy in line spoke Russian so I thought he was in Russia. He gave me an NYC address, but I havent heard back from him. I will check with him one last time and if no reply, I will get you in troule with the wife.

    PS love the avatar.

  8. Either way, I will be on the OSIN to start. Leave early and take your time getting there.

    Nevermind, I didnt read the thread right. The storm will be over by 8 thus everything will be tracked out before closing.

    Maybe get out the Riot .

    Should be interesting.


  9. I go 200. The guy I ride with, JBS rode it last season and he loved it. He is about your weight.

    Chubz comes from my fourth grade age when I was "blossoming", if you will and that is what my siblings called me. Went boys husky for a few years and then thinned out thru the middle school years and high school. Working to get back down to my HS football weight of 185.

    Let me know


  10. Guys

    I was out Wednesday night from 8-9:30 pm. Oddest conditions I have seen in 20+ years of riding. I figured get some runs in before the rain gets here in mashed taters. Get there, maybe 20 ppl on the whole mountain. Head to razor off the lift and solid ice from lift to top of razor. It was odd, almost as if the melting snow was bubbling to the top of the snow and then it would freeze.

    Top of razor was half frozen and half corn. And I am talking fast fast fast. Fast to the point of scaring me going down the hill and throw in the sketchiness of the half ice, small bumps and corn, I was literally scared with a lump in my throat. Quit riding razor and rode paradise, it was even fast to the point of being scary too.

    If that stays the same with a dusting of snow on Friday, it will be super odd conditions. Who knows it may turn to hero for some odd reason. If you wanna stick with weekend, I can head up Friday to litmus test it.

    Let me know

  11. I love when the market place is fully supported by the peanut gallery.

    "Hey timmy, I just a got a hooby jooby from Sally Mae yesterday for $10."

    "Oh yea, well I got one for $7.50 over on 9th two days ago from Hung Lee"

    I have never sold a jacket before and wouldnt even know where to start.

    If someone is interested in the jacket so be it, if not so it goes back in the closet.

    If jackets can be made in China at $100, then why is my local ski shop selling them for $400. Oh I forgot, I live in a country that coal miners may make a 6 figure income and maybe 100 miners die per year. In China, 5000 coal miners die each year at 37 cents per hour. But hey its cheap energy, just like the cheap jackets.

    What does coal mining have to do with snowboarding, I dont know, its the only Chinese statistic I knew of that could give me scales for costs on things.

  12. Burton Universe Jacket- XL

    Pit Zips

    Powder sash

    Internal wrist powder sash

    Internal Goggle pocket

    Additional internal pockets

    Jacket in great condition except for wear on right lower hip area from carving. Easy repair. See pic.

    Between medium and heavy thickness.

    Asking $100 Shipped




  13. I appreciate all of the input and have gotten Texalium samples. Cool material, but dont know the tru effects of it, if any.

    CF comes in a variety of different weaves and grades, not cheap, i will tell you that, simply due to a recent shortage. Military was gobbling up a good bit of it, but it is still available.

    Looked at Kevlar, but in speaking with my CF supplier, it seemed CF would fit the characteristics I was looking for in building boards.

    Looking for titanal because I have heard great things about it and two Pogos I own absolutely rip and they have titanal in them.

    I have a variety of different experiments I plan on once I get my board processed refined.

    Thanks Again, just hope Bruce will help a budding builder out.


  14. I hope it was, its a fun board to ride. I didnt make it out, simply toooooo stiff to ride. wasnt feeling so hot Sunday morning. slight 24 hour headcold. Stopped at EMS today 50% off marked price.

    Got a Salomon Jacket for $60 down from $250 and some wicking layers. sale wont drop aghain until last 3 days of sale and that will be at 75%.

    I may just head in and grab some stuff and ebay it.

  15. On my way out the door to see a customer. Be back later this afternoon. I will post then. Sunday is usually a safer day for me. Friday night is typically beers night for me, but I am up for either.

    Rode Monday, be thankful we went Friday. Loose death cookies that was tight in some areas then hit loose pockets of the cookies. Not so hot. After Friday O dont thinkit will get much better. Rain expected for Wed an dThursday and then freezing again so it should be some pure east coast boiler plate. You are welcome to try out that MADD 170 I have Joe.

    Remind me to tell you the story from monday A$$holes in every crowd.



  16. Willy,

    Palka is on with the vises. Be sure that when you use the epoxy, try to dam it if you can to keep from getting on the topsheet and other areas. Use wood blocks to get even distribution of pressure. I used West systems for the stuff I did this summer and its not going anywhere. Durable as all get up. I use the 105 resin and 207 hardener. I ahve a contact if you need it, he is in NH.

    Make sure you do it above 60 degrees F and its worth buying the pumps that go with it. I think he may even throw them in for free. The pumps measure the proper amounts for you. So no weighing involved.


  17. They have come back from the dead as far as shows go. Maynard is an unreal frontman and when he went into hiding sduring the last couple tours, I got pissed. this tour he is still a bit hidden , but combine the non-conformist gyrations he does during the show with the lighting and music........nothing better.

    If you watch him and how he combines his movements with the music, it shouldnt be presented any other way. That is what I love about them. Even though I would never wanna see it happen, I think it would be funny as b*lls to see them perform at Superbowl half time, just to see the dropping jaws in the audience. Thank fully most people wouldnt "get it".

    Most bands would have punked out by now (Hooker with a Penis- Track 5 aenima)and done some ballads, but I think 10,000 days has held them steady to the rhytmic heaviness they have carried over the years. All songs are different and that is what keeps me coming back to them. Even songs I dislike at first grow on me and I pick up on things that make it interesting for me.

    Just glad they havent gone "FM Radio" and Casey Casum (sp?)

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