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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Folks

    Had the best day of riding yet this year yesterday ay BMES 2007. Anyway, just after lunch, three of us were making some nice open turns on our biggest slope at Blue Mtn., about midway down, I popped from a heelside carve, prepping to dive into a toeside and BAMMMM!!! Fortunately I was leaning downhill heading into a toeside.

    I was driven face first into the slope by this 230 lb. meat rocket. He rode me like a sled for 20 or so feet and then rag dolled for about another 60 feet. I only saw the last tumble as I dug my head from the slope. Witnesses say he tumbled 2-3 full flips after riding me. they also say he was straightlining it when he hit me.

    A bit dazed and full face helmet stuffed with snow, I slowly came to my senses that it was this ding dong I saw further up the slope, who wasnt exactly Bode Miller. As I stayed down on all fours to collect my senses, he proceeds back up the slope to collect his yard sale without even an "Are you Ok?" or "Sorry". As I continue to shake off the blind side QB sack. This JackA$$ shakes his head at me as he skis by. As if it was my wrongful doing.

    (Joe thanks for checking to make sure I was ok)

    The head shake put me over the edge and I tried to catch up with him to express my feelings. Couldnt find him. It took me a few more runs to clear the cobwebs, but still a great day. Thanks to JBS and Joe for a great day on the slopes.

    But back to the title of the thread. I think my protective gear helped me out today. I ride with a Full face Salomon helmet and full upper body armor and hips and thighs armor. Some may think thats overkill, but I have been in the trees, previously hit and seen other carvers plowed by out of control skiers and boarders. Without those, things could have been a good bit worse than my sore neck today. My face would have taken full impact of hitting the slope and he hit me square in the middle of the upper back.

    If your thinking about gear, invest in it. It made my $100 $$$ well spent. the last item I want to note is that JBS and I take a very aggressive proactive awareness when he and I ride. We are consistently checking up the slope while we ride and especially before dropping into a run. Only higher level riders and skiers have an appreciation for the turns that we make on these boards and can adjust accordingly. some cant even do that, JBS got plowed by a ski instructor last year.

    Realize a majority of the folks on the hill are novice to intermediate and a good number of them get their kicks from speed, not actually knowing how to make solid turns.


    and have a safe remainder of the year.

  2. Thor,

    I will echo what you said. We had our annual BMES at Blue Mtn. Only three ppl show but it was a great day. We rode solid from 8:30 am to about 2:30 pm with one short break to rehydrate and JBS wanted to try out my Overdose.

    The 15 SCR scared me as well, but suprisingly, the board although fairly stiff will do tight turns. If there is something else there that rides like this board, I would be interested in trying it. Stable at speeds, good pop out of the turns and spits you into the next (I also go 200 lbs) and when that edge touches the snow again it sets and holds, even through icy patches.

    I dont wanna get ppl looking at the POGO's but I cant help but rave about them. Solid mean machines. They do seem beefy, but it is a lean beefy. I wont go to anything else until I demo something else that tells me different.

    Also, watching JBS ride my OD :biggthump , he picked up his Coiler this season and has been in love with it :1luvu: and wanted to try the OD. I just wish I had a picture of his face half way down his first run on it. It looked something like this :D and continued the rest of the afternoon. I thought his face was going to break.

    PS My Blitz is not for sale, but if you wanna make your way down to Blue Moutain, PA POW, I will let you take for a spin.

  3. It takes a couple runs to get use to the differences of the boards, but once you get it dialed in, its wants to be ridden and ridden hard. Best board I have ridden to date. Its not a flexy as the OD and needs a little more speed to get working. Absolutely wonderful on steeps. tilt it and it sticks. I gotta go run it again this morning but I will get back today hopefully with some pics on how it rides.


  4. :biggthump Razor was sick and should be Friday. HERO snow all the way :biggthump

    BLITZ is a disgusting ride. Took one run to get its habits figured out, but that thing is the best board I have ridden yet.

    Gotta run, but I hope some folks can make it out.

  5. The POGO will be available to you, as the Blitz showed up yesterday so the OD will be avaiable. Let me know what you wanna do. From what Scott described, this thing is a bigger gun than my Riot, so I wont be making any micro carves, it seems Razor will be the order for the morning.

    I hope they do atleast a half a$$ job on grooming.

    I should be out Thursday morning for a test run to get it dialed in. Let me know if you just want me to bring a blank OD or if you want to stop over Thrusday night. I gotta watch the boys.


  6. It presented itself and like I said I wasnt going to post it, but I was hoping that Dave would ask me to do one for him. It was fun doing this one.

    If I offended, I am sorry.

    #4 all the way dave. It would be cool if you could super impose the skulls with the #4 flames.

  7. Started fairly basic because wood veneer is not the easiest stuff to work with, depending on the type, but I have some tricks up my sleeve for the flame pattern.

    Good luck in whatever sheet you decide on Dave.

    Makes sense, but dont do the photo of your wood work for a topsheet. It wood be like sticking a sock in your spandex. That is, of course, if you were a heavy metal god of the 80's. go with the real stuff, if you decide to go wood.

    Love your work by the way, didnt know it was you. I too was starting some work on cutting boards this summer, but how you get the tightness in some of your patterns, I cannot figure out.

  8. #3 gets my vote but hold off on the wood flames top sheet.

    I am putting wood flame topsheet on my second board build this summer.

    I wasnt gonna post until completed, but couldnt resist. Been sitting on this for several weeks.

    This is the topsheet for my first build, which is on hold until temps climb for epoxy (unheated garage). Topsheet not completed and needs final finishes, but you get the idea. Also pardon the dust in the pics.

    In order for me to get the go ahead to build, I left my wife help with the design. It's name is "Mumma"




  9. If the 158 rides anything like my POGO Overdose, I am interested in hunting it down. Just picked up a POGO Blitz, arrived today and willhave it out Thursday. In many of the threads I have read on POGOS, I completely agree as far as ride performance. Especially in conditions that I would have seen others boards just chatter out from under you. THese babies stick. it will be hard for me to ride anything else.

    I was in the half pipe the other day, and my OD stuck to the heel side wall at near vertical. It was odd holding a straight line in a pipe and being able to look out over my left shoulder and seeing out of the pipe. Pipes arent too big here in PA but it was a cool sensation.

    Or I mean they are garbage like the kid said and I need to contact him to offer support.

  10. :nono::nono::nono: Gutter minded pervs.


    I have been several WC and Rocky locations riding and planning my first trip west from PA since getting married and having two boys.

    Bringing along two friends who have never been riding west of the Poconos (thus cherries). Looking for opinions on resorts that have the following: Minimal commute or mountainside accomodations, price, evening entertainment (walking distance), grooming, powder potential, possibly snow cat or heli, multi-resort locale (not a priority if suggested mtn is big enough for a week). I know, I know, just give me your best shot.

    Give me your top 3 and try not to be biased for carving or home mountains.

    My top two where I have been with the above criteria.

    Jackson Hole


    Considering Big Sky or going back to Jackson Hole.



  11. MADD 170 It has a softer flew pattern, at least for me and is very forgiving edge to edge.

    I also have a set of Raichle 223's. blue and purple and would consider unloading one of my sets of TD1's as a package price for boots, board and bindings. What size foot do you have?

  12. I could not locate anything that would indicate what stiffness it is. If your wife is a decent rider, I'm sure she would be able to flex it. It was one of the easier boards I have ridden and may have been a bit too flexy for me.

    Sorry I couldnt be of anymore help.


  13. Does he still keep in touch with him. Their music has been such a cornerstone for me since the early 90's. The only band I have ever really followed. Chomping at the bit til each album came out, seen every tour. I dont go nuts with concert shirts and stuff like that, but their ability to remain non mainstream for as good as they are. Yea they get some recognition, but its not the garbage that is shoved down our throuats on free FM.

    I hate that they are in arenas, but I take what I can get.

    I first saw them in a heavy metal bar in Baltimore, stood on the bar, spitting distance from Maynard and armslength from steady beers. What a night. Fast forward to this past tour, absolute multimedia frenzy, but I knew things changed when my seat was in the highest nose bleed seat in the arena between a set of two compluter geeks and some douche bag wannabe who brought his college date with him and I had to listen to them make out until the show started. :barf::barf::barf: All under the age of 20.

    sort of reminds me of looking at park punks on the slopes now. All dressed to the hilt because that is what the Flying Tomato is wearing in TWS, cant ride for dick, but it looks good. Where are you going with that back pack in Pennsylvania??? Oh I forgot our 1000' of vertical has the helipad and we are filming today. Shut up and learn to turn d#ck.

    Anyway, back to TOOL, always been a dream to be able to sit in the studio for a day and watch the genius rear its beautiful head. MAYNARD is god!!!!!

    To the point, I was going name my second boy after him,at least he got James as his middle name.

    Thanks Willy, I hope your season is going well, a couple injuries here and some schitty snow, but getting some turns in.


    PS Sweet f-ing website.

  14. Folks,

    It hit me today as I was riding that we (at least us here in PA) are on the downslope of the season. some of you may get to ride into may and june, but here in PA, usually late March is shutdown time.

    SOOOO with that in mind,

    Enjoy every turn you make from here in on out, until you wrap it up for the season. Those of you who may have gotten injured this season, rest up and heal during the summer and look forward to making trenches next year.

    It has been an odd weather season here in PA, but enjoying the time on the hill.



  15. Folks

    Looking to gather for an expression session again this year at Blue Mtn.

    Seeing what is best for those of you that think you can make it. We dont do any events or anything like that that, we just get together, to chat and ride.

    Previous years have been on Fridays and we hope to do it on a Friday again just to try and avoid weekend crowds.

    I'm throwing out dates of March 9 or 16. No holidays noted on calendar.

    Post here to let us know what you think.


  16. I am not sure what year these came out. I picked it up last season used and I have about 6 days on it. It is still in great condition, plenty of camber.

    I can try and find out what year these camos were made.

    And yes I would ship to Reno.

    I will see what else I can find out about the board.

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