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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Jim

    I plan to be back in the area from November 9-18, Route 22 West , just east of Blairsville, to run this again. My leathers came in so you can borrow my body armor if you want. It would be well worth your trip, one hour, if that. There are someothers along Route 22 both ways, that are like this so we could make a day of it if you want, atleast until the cops show up.

    Let me know, or anyone else.


  2. What makes it even better is that I understand it was the first time Kevin was ever at Teutonia. Dalua has plenty of experience on this hill and won the championship many times in the past. sI tis cool to see a noob to the hill come in and stomp the locals.

    I dont know this kid, but he gives the gumption to wanna go faster, even if I am 20 years older than him.

    Looks like lime BZ may be on order instead of the speed vents.

    What deck is he riding?

  3. Not sure if you guys follow this, but Kevin Rimes from BC beat a local Brazilian at Teutonia over the weekend. Good article on what went down and apparently it was a number of riders and lugers (sp?) falling or tumbling.


    You can also search youtube for Teutonia 2007 for the finish, the first few are trailers for the race, but it is towards the top. these boys are cookin' :biggthump

    113km/hr (70.2 MPH)was the fastest speed recorded prior to equipment malfunctioning.

    I just broke the 50 MPH barrier over the weekend, so adding 20 to that is partially insane. :freak3:

  4. I ride reds and these green adrenalines but I am looking for something that are fast mostly and generally tolerant to heat and wear. Working to attend Maryhill next year and want to get my set up ready for early next spring and summer when I will begin heavy training.

    Also looking to do some long 2 miler plus, 9-10% grades here in the Poconos prior to winter and seekign a solid bearing wheel set up.

  5. I am comfy on my Gumballs for current speed, but I am looking for something for when I head for extended 45+ MPH hills, shooting for 55 mph . slightly concerned about the potential for wheels heating up and deforming, or is that a wives tale?

    I have my king pin cranked down a bit (about 6 threads showing) and seems to be stable at about 45 mph

    The hills where I ride are basically straight aways with a few big open turns throw in here and there. I assume drifting is how a wheel moves across the pavement perpendicular while also rotating down the hill.

    I was sent some other wheels in an order I got a while back to try out, but I'm not too confident in them. Plus the guy sent me 150 mm trucks instead of a 180 like I requested. THey seem to be decent trucks just not wide enough. Ti-Lites. I have three sets if you know of anyone looking for sets.

    Lastly, what exactly are you looking for in a board. I got another board in the press today for someone my size that I will be making it a drop thru, just to tinker.

    Gotta run

  6. From what I understand they close the road at the bottom and there is limited houses along the route. You can see right before they drop into the steep part that a road to the right is blocked with people and or cars and toher ppl and cars at the run out. I tried to find the Road on Google Earth but there are many in that area that look the same.

    I think the road doesnt go anywhere at the top and ends at a church. Some last prayers before bombing it.

    Also search "GMR" and GMR tribute. :biggthump This seems to be a bad A$$ hill in CA.

    I tried the stork the dork and the drop knee tucks. Stork the dork is tough and drop knee is a bit wobbly but i guess you get used to it.

    As far as slap fights while DHing, I would love to but I cant get anyone else to DH in this area. Got my leathers last week and no one to chase car me. My wife wont go, makes here too nervous.

    GEck, what wheels are you running. I cant decide between Flywheels oor Speed Vents. ANy input would be cool

  7. I have been working on getting better at DH and building my speed confidence. Top speed so far is 46 MPH. Once I get my leathers, hoping to break the 50 then 60 until I saw these videos. 50-60 may be my top goal.

    If you have not seen these and are considering DH at max speed, this will give you a true taste of speed and reconsideration. Watch the trees.


    I suppose its like anything humans do, if you do it enough times, the muscle memory grows, nerves relax, things slow down and you just go.

    Also, the tuck postion on the first one is different from what I have seen most.

    My speed confidence has grown over the past few DH's I have done but nothing like this. I am going back to cross stitching.

  8. Jim

    Been on vacation and still cant get this run out of my head , chomping at the bit to get back to it and th others along the roadway I spoke of. I will be n coming back in a few weeks to hit this one again plus hopefully add some to the 1st descent list. This location is about 70 minutes, if that from you if you are interested. I will have a chase car or two to help cover my back. Let me know and I will pick you up in Ebensburg or meet you.

    Jim, you are also welcome to try any of the decks I have built. Bring your trucks and wheels, the boards are drilled for old school pattern, i ride randal II 180. I should have a few additional stiffer decks to try by that time.


    it was gravel but the road was so wide I didnt even notice. The guy in the car following me did say he was nervous about the gravel but I was so focus on the path of travel I didnt notice. As far as going outside the barrels, I could see a long distance behind for upcoming traffic so I had plenty of time to react. Best run I have ever taken. Next time I hope to add more speed.

    I hope to organize some form of charity event or ride along this length of highway. It is all brand new pavement for the most part with numerous descents. It is too much to let go for riders. I am fairly new to downhilling so I dont know the ins and outs of organizing an event but I would love for folks to have the chance to run this plus others along this 30 mile roadway.

    Cant wait to run ti again.

  9. POW

    Come on down to the Poconos, we have plenty of blacktop and hills here. The hill on the post is in western Pa.

    Paragon- I havent launched my website yet, still doing some trademark and legal stuff, but I intend to be able to offer different shapes, colors, customized engraving (at a fee), flex and completes (RII 180 and Gummies) or just the deck.

    I was hoping to launch this summer but just too much going on around the house and work.

    I build all decks by hand, one by one out of my garage. Pumped about it and hoping to get folks out there digging the rides.

    Thanks for the interest.


  10. JBS

    If I turned the whole way down doing tight turns, it would have been in the hundreds, if not thousands. Once you see the video, I did some sets of turns, which were fun, but most pointed it for the last 2.5 miles or so, standing up every so often to un cramp the legs. The turns were big open arcs at about 30 MPH. When traffic wasnt coming behind, I used the whole width just to check some speed, but even then it kept getting faster.

    Mind you, I only have 3 respectible downhills under my belt. so my confidence level is still a bit shy.

    The top part scared me a bit, because I was building some mean a$$ speed and thought that it would have kept building to a point of disaster if I didnt slide at the top. Next time, I will tuck top to bottom as much as possible. I should have my leathers by then.

    As far as turning the whole way, it would have been a hill that you would have loved.

    I will let you know once my brother posts it on you tube. It looks slow in the video, but I can tell you, it seemed a bit fast from my perspective.

    Wanna make the fall trip with me?

  11. Best weekend in a while.

    I drove home this past weekend for my 20th year highschool reunion, yea I'm getting old, but young at heart. Great time buried some hatchets, yucked it up. Got hungover

    Leading up to the reunion, kept telling one of my old football teammates, Mark Franklin, I was going to downhill, Penn View......on my skateboard. He said I was crazy and it couldnt done. This is coming from a decorated marine who has seen his share of action in the first gulf war.

    I had been eye-ing this hill since being a kid (30 years), but never did it due to lack of kahoneys (sp?)

    Driving in on Saturday afternoon (first time back in the area in years), to my suprise all of the old roadway was moved and a paving crew was kind enough to provide what you see below. Good thing they were a little behind schedule, because right lane was still closed with barrels.

    Proceeded to the top on Sunday with my friend in tow for a chase car, thanks again Mark. Geared up an went. Cant even described how great of a hill it was. Cant get it out of my head. Crazy thing is, is that there is another 6-7 hills eastbound similar to it in a 30 mile stretch.(double that if you go westbound).

    The cherry on top is I did it on a board I built.

    Top Speed 42 MPH- I stopped about 200 yards into it b/c I was building way too much speed and wasnt sure how the rest of the hill would play out. Cruised then tucked the bottom 2.75 miles until legs cramped

    Average Speed -~ 39 MPH

    Speed thru the Radar Sign- 39 MPH

    Road Hazards- One tiny acorn I could see from about 50 yards out and cars gawking as they slowly drove by me.

    Total Mileage- 3 miles with 2.5 at 6% grade.

    Smooth as a bowling alley.

    Did it the day before my 38th birthday

    Heading back in the Fall to claim as many first descents I can in this stretch.



  12. Speed is our friend, until you hit the roadway or a tree off the trail.

    This reminded me of when I use to cycle a great deal in college. One of the oddest things I ever saw while riding was doing a downhill with the guy I rode with. It was about a 55 MPH straight downhill in a rural farm area. At top speed, He was ahead of me about 25 feet and a rabbit darted in front of him with no time to react. His front tire hit the rabbit in the midsection and for the most part cut the rabbit in half. We went back and only a small section of skin still held the two pieces together. The poor fella was still alive. being a hunter at that time, I put it out of its misery :smashfrea

    Thank fully it wasnt a deer

    One of the odest things I have ever witnessed.

    On another note, I hit 46 MPH +/- on my downhill skateboard two days ago. My chase vehicle clocked me. Goal of 60 plus eventually. Got some speed wobbles at the bottom, but good shot of adrenalin for the day.

    Happy downhilling

  13. Willy

    I too LOL. I am originally from Pittsburgh and now live in Eastern Pa on the PA NJ border. I often trek into NJ to visit customers and short jaunts tot he beach. I see these cats all over the place and can only laugh. Dont get me wrong, we had our share of mullets in Western PA and still do if you go far enough rurally to a car repair garage or construction site.

    In fact I spotted a nice 8.5 on the Mulletude Scale on a job site I visited yesterday, but you could sense he enjoyed his mullet and how it flowed from beneath his hardhat, I may have even caught a glimpse of him flicking it from his shoulder.

    BUT the porcupine, chia pet with his finger in an outlet is the worst. And what makes it even tougher is the fact that they have smoking hot, big canned gilrs all over them. I dont get it.

    My $.02 but a good one Willy

  14. Now I see, roger that on different size gummies in that I dont see any. I wasnt noticing different wheel names.

    I have in mind what I want for sliding set up and looking for a true DH setup, like the fly wheels, wouldnt want them seizing up doing 50.

    All good input, just so hard to decide with the amount of different wheels out there.


  15. Call me stupid, but I can only theorize why wheels are different sizes, but why are they? I know the smaller wheel has more rpm over the same distance compared to a larger wheel, but can you please tell me what it really does?

    I am shopping for some other gumballs, but postering to by a different size , just to see how they ride different. I have only ever been on old school kryptonics from the early 80's, followed by 20 years away from skating, now into longboarding and on Gumball 76 mm 78a now.

    Looking to try some different stuff out and looking for some heads up from some opinions

    Thanks for any input.

    PLease refrain from any snide remarks. :D


  16. Seeking leathers for bigger hills I plan on doing here in the Poconos, no it isnt the alps, but have more than a handful of smooth pavement with 9-11% grades and they are usually 2-3.5 miles long.

    What are the brand names, if any and I cant afford custom leathers at this point. I see a good bit of motor cycle leathers, but is there something else?


  17. Found a video on youtube last night, couldnt stop watching it.

    Search in you tube

    300 this is sparta tool jambi

    its about 10 minutes long but well worth it. Favorite part is 2:26 on the timeline.

    Heading out to buy it this evening, havent seen it yet.

  18. They will slide but dont be expecting to do any pendulums (sp?) at least the level and grade of hill I have been going down. I am still having trouble trying upright slides on gummies, gonna order something a bit harder, but I love the gumballs other wise.

    EJECT!!!!! is what they will do to you if you are not payiong attention.

  19. Anyone know where some of these builders are getting their bamboo for building? Been searching high and low, but the pricing doesn't seem that viable inorder to make reasonably priced boards.

    Any input would be sweet.

  20. I know they have some javascript stuff, but I have no idea how to even work with it, I guess practice practice practice and calling their help line.

    As far as wizardry, just some of the funkky stuuf you see out there compared to the basic websites. I hate to reference it, but www.burton.com as an example. Background graphics, functioning selections, i.e. select gear page or team page. Things scrolling iin fromt he sides.

    Stuff like that.

    Maynard Keenan of Tool has a cool website for his winery.


    Let the first page load and then flip the pages


  21. Folks

    In process of building my first website and learning as I go. Just wondering if the tools offered thru godaddy are basic level or if some funky stuff can be done with it. I see a number of funky functions in some sites and wonder if those are custom built functions/visuals by a web wonder geek or if they are function available to the general public.



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