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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Felt better today, probably just bruised. but yeterday it was a sharp stabbing pain and laughing coughing etc was a chore. better this morning.

    I couldnt help myself, conditions were just optimal and goin off a bit, since it has been icy the past few weeks.

    I busted 10 ribs in a car wreck in HS so I know rib pain, I was down for several weeks on that one. punctured lung broken clavicle multiple teeth busted out.

    Go hard or go home

  2. They worked treemendously, literally.

    Well sorta, mix sticky snow (hero), moving back onto my GS form SL, elevated plates, better carving leverage and the board hookin up like beast, sent me out off my toeside, over an embankment and onto a pile a rocks and a pine tree.

    JBS had to unclip me because I couldnt reach my boot release. Hate but love the feeling of getting the wind knocked out of me. Couple bruised knees and maybe cracked rib, but all in all they worked great.

    Off to the design board to make some better sets.

  3. Eagles,

    My wife had jacket intervention with me. Like work boots and work around the yard boots, I love jackets for some reason and I am absoutely loving this thread. Especially when I had kicked around and idea for outwear last year.

    With jackets, I'm like a dog to a hydrant when I walk into a gear store. Excited, relieved, but then I have to walk away.

    I love carve dogs quote

    "Warmth is for sissies. Style is for sissies. Pit zips are for sissies."

    I am going thru helping my cousin get newer gear, he would wear a burlap sack (First Blood Style) to go skiing on his 215 staright skis if I let him. I gave him one of my wicking skull caps last winter and he wont shut up about it.

    Seething sarcasm is the best, one of my other interventions.

  4. After a bit of research following an inside hint (thanks Chris). Plus I think there may be a link somewhere on BOL. Here is my version of load distribution plates.

    Made from lexan 3/16" thick custom cut and drilled. I will let you know how they hold up. Not the prettiest things, but I only had an hour in the garage to make them.




  5. I am certainly no MADD expert, but I had the same thign happen to a MADD camo 170 I owned once. I hapened to have some West system epoxy in the garage and used it readhere the CF x-wing, it was acutally a bubble about the size of two half dollars. I used a syringe to inject the epoxy inside the bubble. Super glue can even work, but I would go epoxy if you can get a small thing of it at the local store.

    I used two flat pieces of smooth wood and clamped it. over night. No problems for as long as I had it.

    As far as use in performance, it may not seem like much, but IMO I think the x-wing does offer a level of stiffness, not a huge amount , but it does.

    Having worked with CF and epoxy on my skateboards and molding other various shapes and gadgets with it, I can say its pretty amazing how strong CF gets once it is cured with an epoxy.

    I hope this helps

    do you have any pics?

  6. I'd get the PS3 not only for what it lists above , but for one game and one game only


    Involves hucking yourself from human slingshot at targets throughtout city scene for points based on what damage you cause. Best game on it is ime Tossing where you launch yourself to snag a mime hangingin mid air and then you have to fling the mime at window pane, racing against time to open new levels. The other funny part is listening to the french mime wail various sayings.

    Hours of too funny fun.

  7. I am continuing to ride TD1 Stepins. I am going to however consider adding some lexan plates on the deck surface as suggested by one of my cohorts to further distribute the load.

    I am not sure how you ride, but I weigh 210 and push limits of board within my weight range, especially on hero days. I honestly think as I look closer at the raised area, the wood seems dry rotted and fragile, which I think would be the root cause not the bindings.

    I have been riding TD1s for 4 years now with several days and negligible incidents. they are a great product and I dig them. I dont want to creat paranioas about them. they have been great bindings for many people over the years and people continue to use them with great success.

  8. I appreciate the compliment and ride how I think the boards should be ridden, pushing the limits, but dont take it as being abusive (like some kids in the park on freestyle),but a lot of that came from riding with JBS. He help me push my limits and continues to do so. I only know I had a good run if my quads are burning like hell, I am heavily panting and I am grinning at the same time.

    There is no sense in dilly dallying on alpine board becuase that is not what they are made for. Thats why I get so pissed for icy days, while you can still ride, its just not fun to me. I love the sensation of dropping from one turn to the next without concern of the board releasing and feeling that board kick back at you is the best.

    I have taken the steps in letting POGO know of the incident, how much I love their boards and that also own a Blitz, which is my favorite board. I can only hope they step up and follow thru. From what I learned in reading about them, I think it would be in line with their vision, top notch board that rock.

    keep the fingers crossed.

    In summary, I dont want to paint a picture that POGO arent worth looking at, my experieince on them has been nothing but posititve and they rock. To the point that I sold a few other boards to pick up the Blitz after riding the OD. I will continue to keep them in the Quiver.

  9. I thought the same thing, but the width of the binding on that side would not have mattered. The leverage and force would have been coming from the opposite side (my toeside, regular foot) on the left side inserts. the wood seems super dry (brittle) and I think the edge of the insert plates put too much stress on that section to the point of failure.

    I will check with them today to see what they think.

    Who knows.

  10. Mike

    I have one 0 degree around here, I will see if I ca find the other.

    So as it stands

    Boardman has dibs on one set (0/3), unless I can find another 0 disc.

    Bunky has the other (3/3)

    If either of these fall thru, I will let you know Gleb

    Boots still available

    Please send me an email on whether you plan to pay check or Paypal and if Paypal, I DO accept Fee donations to help the cause.:) FEES:barf:

    If I can locate a set of TD2, I may be having two sets of TD1 Step-ins on the market as well, so if you see a set post for TD2 or know someone looking to sell, let me know.

  11. I did take a knee at the bottom of the hill with my head in my hands, almost in a hazy state of disbelief. Almost trying to tell myself it didnt happen.

    Then I cooled a bit, said a few words of thanks slide it back and forth on the snow, as if to say goodbye to the snow.

    Limping and maimed, I had to take out back of the house and put a bullet to finish it off.

    Hell, even if POGO doesnt help me out, I may be able to salvage.

    My skateboard building skills I developed this summer, just might help.

    Back in the 80's my dad and I fixed my buddies Burton Performer 150 when his binding tore out. He rode it for several years following or repair without incident.

  12. In person, it looks like the tips of the insert brackets aligned with the joint between hardwood stringer and the first softwood stringer and just sheared it. The pics dont show the darker hardwood behind the light softerwood. I have seen this with other wood working projects where the softer wood fails before the epoxied joint fails.

    If I ever get back to building my own snow decks, I will consider widening my interior hardwood stringers with this in mind.





  13. Duh, my bad.

    Boot size 28 mondo, liners 27.5. I wear 27.5, they fit me fairly well.

    Boardman, do you mean the whole set with 3/3 or are you just seeking the discs? I'd prefer to sell bindings with discs.

    Bunky, I may be able to scare up another set of 3/3 discs, gotta check the garage Thursday.

    I should be able to make to Post Office Thursday or Friday.

    I will email you with Paypal Account , unless you want to send check, then there would be a delay in delivery.

    Thanks for the inquiries.

  14. Based on my wife's product out before product in rule.

    Two sets of TD1 Standard $105 per set, Shipped


    Set of 3 degree (2)and 6 degree (2) discs, I wil sell as 3/3 or 3/6 sets

    Extra toe bails for $10 each. the other bails I am hanging onto for extras.

    Mounting screws included and in original box.

    In decent condition. Straps and buckles good. Boots have Deeluxe liners, because my Deeluxes have thermo liners and lines of 223's were just a bit flimsy so I got rid of them. These boots have a softer flex. One screw missing in heel pad of one of the boots. $80 plus shipping, they are heavier to ship

    I am stepping away from computer for evening but will check back.




  15. I have DL'd the Microsoft resizer onto my new work laptop, but when I follow the steps I have used for the last 4 years, nothing happens. Ichange the size of the pic, a new one is not generated and the selected one is not resized. does sanyone know why this may be? I am just trying to get my pics below 91kb in order to post.


  16. Yea I spoke to Shaggy about the TD1s and indicated their stance but said he would check with Mike and I think Mike realized how jazzed I had been about his boards, especially the 158. I have always promised myself I would get another one, this may be the chance. I was alos checking out the 180.

    I cant find the bulge you are speaking of Jesse, but you have the keen eye. Either way, I still would have ridden it.

    Once I post the pics you will see.

    I am in process of gathering things to sell in order to get a set of TD2's. They are scarce on BOL, so I may need to get a new pair or maybe wait til ECES to see if anyone has an extra set.

    The Blitz is my regular machine, but conditions where I ride have called for a tighter turning board. The Blitz, made my head grow and the testy's enlarge. You cant lollygag on it and have to be on point with it. It is super narrow, which I guess some folks dont like, but I love it, I ride 70,67 angles so its just a peach.

    Trying to post pics but my resizer is not functioning.

    Gotta run

  17. Just got it last season, not new but barely ridden.

    Yea I was super suprised on the failure based on what I have heard on POGO's and how well they ride.

    I will drop them a line to see what they say and keep the fingers crossed.

    I have not had much luck the past few seasons. I had a MADD 158 snap on me a couple years ago. Pit of stomach wretch.

    I was told I could get one a cost, followed up with Mike but never head back from him, so I let it go. Maybe I will drop him a line to see if he would still honor it , but dont want to a pain in the a$$. I will also try POGO.

    It seems the boards I fall in love with:1luvu: end up breaking my heart. love sucks:(

    The hardest thing is milking my wife for $$$. I'm a toy guy and she is a vacation freak to warm places.

  18. - Just venting

    Our conditions here in eastern PA finally settled into above average acceptability this morning. ice finally disappeared, firm flat groomed. Little stiff in the morning but began to hero up by 11:30.

    Cranking tight turns on my favorite run, come out of a toeside turn and something didnt feel right. I stop and look down to see a crack in front and behind my rear boot. NO No No NO NO NO. :mad: Make my way to bottom of hill.

    Inserts sheared the wood parallel with the board and lifted between two wood stringers just left of the rear inserts.

    POGO Overdose 162, one of my favorites. I will post pics when I get my head back to normal.

    If I were single I wouldnt give two hoots, but I am on board detention and the wife wont see a reason to get another SL board.

    Like I said just venting becuase I know there are other folks that have lost favorite boards. It's just.......:barf:

  19. What does Corel usually go for? I have been looking for an affordable (free) drawing program or existing drawing manipulation tool to do some graphics from my downhill skate decks. I have the Gimp, but it seems to have some limits.

    I have inquired before but most of the suggestions are $1000+.

    If I am going to spend a grand, its going to a Kessler or Virus.

    I may contact you for some side work on my speed decks, if that is ok.

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