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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. I have been planning college funds for the kids, but one of my coworkers indicated he has set up trust funds ofr each of his kids becasue they offer greater flexibility in how the money can be spent, i.e. off campus housing.

    If anyone is intin=mate with this or even does this for a living, your input would be of great help to me and my boys (future carvers).

    I see 529 everywhere, but is it really that effective.

    Also considering Roth IRA's

    Mind you I dont have a ton of cash to throw around so ocnsider that as well.

    Thanks Greg

  2. Genre's may include:

    battle scenes

    detailed viking drawings likw in mid battle

    stuff from HR geiger


    end of man stuff

    I saw a thing on discovery on and artiest who does these paintings of a decayed world with buildings and stuff, but cavemen in the scenes.

    Not digusting wicked just some cool dark pics or scenes. Dont want t osem glumn but I have geiger on one of my orignal freestyle boards (Pyramid)

    something along these lines




  3. I have had this model, dont know if this is the one I had but it rips just as much as the graphics rock.

    I got rid of mine because it wasnt getting much play time with the other boards I had in the quiver, but it is a great board. It loves to be ridden.

  4. a dark side.

    Looking for anyone that would be able to do some wicked graphics for me for my skate decks. I have some ideas, just not the computer programs or artistic skill to get it into electronic art to be transferred to my boards.

    Looking for pro bono work and then if the decks start to sell, boards at cost or fee per drawing schedule.

    Let me know.

    I have tried contactiong some local tatoo guys but they want way too much for me to pay while trying to get started.

    HAve other feelers out there, but nothing yet.

  5. it looks like the clown from IT, but still cool.

    I sent your graphic guy an email but havent heard back from him. He ay be busy or I mistyped his address.

    Trying to ge some mean a$$ graphics for some or my skate decks I have due to people by spring, but have been riding too much.

    I wanna throw som ideas at him if the rate is decent.

  6. Who are you using for your epoxy and composite supply?

    I found a great guy out of NH, Jon Soller


    He has most everything in composites you could imagine, plus Jon is very infomrative on helping out with different materials.

    I am looking to get some material in the near future, if you are interested, maybe we could go in on a larger sum of material to get his discounts.

    I am looking to get some triax CF and some other stuff, but prices of CF have gone thru the roof since I last bought from him.

  7. Penn View??

    Yea, it was me. I plan to go back in the summer and bomb it from the top. That was the first big hill I did. Its a great run but you need a chase car to cover you back.

    I wanted to do that hill since being a kid, but never had a board that aws right to do it. So why not build one.

    Its my avatar

  8. Not yet, nor do I think I will post, at least not until I actually carve on it. If it explodes the first run down, it back to the drawing board.

    I held up on snowboard buildng until I get a large , more efficient are to do the builds. Every step I take I have to rearrange stuff in the garage, royal PITA. there is not flow to the process.

    I have not been into any way, my main focus has been building skateboards, thats where my guts are at right now.

    I couple I have done.



  9. I will see if I can get some core pics taken. I had some somewhee but cannot locate them, nice turn out, good work, very clean.

    All I can say is that building a board takes much more work than could be expected, so be proud of what you have done. Unless one has one thru the process, it is hard to appreciate what goes into making a board especially if you are doing it solo from your house or garage.

    I use skibuilders as my main guide.

  10. Bobby

    Echoing what some others have said, go with one version or the other. Cartoony or artsy. I prefer the reaper style. In seeing this work I will be contacting him for some of my skatedeck builds.

    Just an idea, I would put a magnified head/hood shot on the nose. Make the hood open just a bit that minimal amount of light creates a faint image of the reapers face (skull) with a little smirk on it.

    The smirk can be interpretted as many things, but I would interpret as the reaper loving what he does for a living. What better gig than being the Angel of Death.

    Or put the reaper on the nose and place a scrolled document on the tail that has the words "Contract of Soul" with some scribblings and your faint signature at the bottom.

    I would also move your logo between the feet, but not where it would be obstructed by a stomp pad.

    Just an idea.

  11. BB

    Do you have any samples of his work? Does he have a certain genre of art that he specializes in? I am trying to find some artists to do some of my graphics for the custom longboard skatedecks that i am building.

    I will drop him a line when I get a chance.



  12. I will agree. I was use to placing my bindings forward on boards, I dropped my bindings back a bit on the Blitz and it just sets the edge and rips. Even when I can finally afford a Virus and a Kessler, i will still keep a POGO or two in the arsenal. Solid machines.

    Cool that you found one.

    If they cant fix my OD, I may take a look at an Impact.

  13. Good luck with it.

    I went press and now have a bag to do some of my downhill skateboards. My first alpine board attempt is about 95% done just havent had the nuts to put it all in the press.

    What did you use to make the oversized bag?

  14. HONEY!!!!!!!!!

    I want a divorce!!!!!!!

    What does 4 year old go for on ebay nowadays?????? Just kidding, no really how much do they?


    If I were single, I would have been getting my jacket and shoes on and driving the 1500 miles to come get it tonight. That is one bas a$$ board. By the way , how much do you weigh?

  15. OD is boxed and ready to go. Gotta stop at DHL Tuesday. Dont expect it back for the remainder of season, but if nsow holds up like it was today, I wont need it.

    The plates are actually a touch thinner than the Catek plates, but I loved that I made them and wish I did earlier. They give me a much more leverage. and riding has been on. I have actually had to back off on my aggressiveness diving into turns (chomp chomp)and go with a more of a natural flow edge to edge (chew chew). It feel almost effortless.

    I will be looking to make some additional sets if any one is interested. I can throw in a few extra sets when I come to ECES. I can also get my local laser guy to burn your name into the plates, if interested.

    I will post new pics once I make the new sets. those are rough and the sorbathane doesnt make them lookk too hot.

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