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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Thanks for the input. I will be in a light brown jacket, full face salomon helmet and dark aqua green or brown pants. I will be the one hooting an hollering because I am not riding in PA.

    I am staying at the Wort Hotel where the silver dollar bar is. First night, just yucking my way around town, may go catch a flick. I never get to see movies at theatre. Wanna see I am Legend.

  2. Leaving Monday but I am contemplating whether to even bring a carving board and if so so I take a Slalom 162 of my 177 for big open stuff. I may just take my free style b oard and go exploring.

    I wont be able to go to GT.

    I am only riding two full days and a one morning. Is it worth packing extra gear?

    Need some quick feed back as I am as I type.

  3. JBS

    I dont think I will be taking it, but I could use your tuning skills, if you are available. Will you be out this weekend? If so, my freestyle board needs some TLC and the Pea Green Pogo. Let me know if you can help me out. If you will be at Blue Sat and Sun, maybe let you take them and get them back Sunday. I trust your tuning skills much more than mine.

    If not, I will run some stones over them along with a fresh coat. Been too busy with work and will be working until late tonight and maybe sat sun. I will be up both days hopefully. It was good this morning for about an hour.

    Back to work :barf:


  4. :( My wife based her decision on a short list I gave her of places I would consider and on snowfall histories.

    Once again, coming from PA, your worst year is probably better than our best.

    Anyway, whether conditions are good, great or ok, the important thing for me is that my wife did what she did to suprise me with the trip. :ices_ange

    She gave me three wrapped boxes, each with an xmas tree ornament, one with a log cabin, the next a ski gondola and the last a little billboard with "Fresh Powder" painted on it. I didnt know what the heck it was until she handed me a card with a printed sheet of the intinerary in it. She knew I have been chomping at the bit to get back west, so her effort and thoughtfulness is more than enough to keep me grinning for a long while, good snow or bad, but I am hoping for at least some good. :biggthump

    Keep the fingers crossed for snow. I will check into the tix.


  5. /Thanks for all of the input and will get to it when all this office work is done. I'm pretty stoked as this is my first west coast trip in several years. Getting married, kids, etc. has kept me eastbound.

    I am staying at the Wort Hotel in town.

    As far as other day time stuff, I get in on Monday afternoon, so I will be chilling out then, but riding the others days.

    The last time I was there, I stuck mostly to the stuff on the left looking at map) and finally dropped Corbets after years of seeing it in vids and mags. The landing wasnt so pretty, but it had my inards up in my throat. Wont be doing that this trip. Gonna explore and take my time, if I find a good run, I will trench it up and move on.

    Gotta run but thanks again for the input. Willy your long board is still awaiting.

  6. Thanks

    But I am limited on my travel with no rental car. The package my wife got does all of my transportation and lift tix are already paid for.

    Considering my local mountain has limited runs to chose from, I am sure I can keep myself occupied with the handful of runs they have groomed. I am dusting off my Burton Custom and taking it as well.

    I dont have an all mountain board so I will be taking one of my Pogo's too.

  7. Folks

    Need some input on Jackson Hole from runs to town activities. My wonderful wife, Deb (sneaky devil) just suprised with a 3 ride day trip to The Hole. I have not been there in 10 years and forget most of the resort. I remember dropping Corbet's, and some town stuff, but still need some help.

    Taking one carving deck and dusting off my old burton custom for some freestyle runs. Looking for good carving runs, I can find the hidden stashes on my custom, but local knowledge would help and any local watering holes would be sweet as well.


  8. I was up on Friday for about 7 good solid runs. Thank god JBS suggested taking up longbaording for the summer, it kept heavy muscle rust off, half way through first run, it was like being back to mid MArch of 2007, excet for a little stamina, but hooking turns were right there. Hopefully it doesnt rain most of December thisyear.

    four people asked me what it was I was riding dur the 1.5 hours I rode.

    Wanted to get out on SAt and Sun but something came up.

    Look forward to a great season.

    I am on vacation Dec 17 thru rest of year so I will be up on most of those mornings if it isnt raining.

  9. Just wanted to say that I finally got to try out my new Lime Big Zigs yesterday that I have had for nearly two weeks, but its been raining and snowing here in PA.

    I did a few straight .75 mile downwhills with them and could feel how they differ from Gumballs. They didnt seem any faster with and felt more rigid, but I found a section of parking lot next to a football stadium that had some nice tight corners to practice hugging turns.

    To my suprise, I started off mid hill and they gripped thru both toe and heelside turns. 3/4 up the hill, hugged the turns again. Top of the hill, they once again hugged with no sign of letting loose. I knew if I was on my gumballs, they would have lost grip. Last few runs, I did some heavy pushing at the top with tuck into the turns and sure enough, they held.

    Just got back into skating this summer after 20 year hiatus and mainly focusing on staight downhilling because thats all we have here, but it was a thrill to hit into some tight turns doing about 25 and have the wheels stick. Very cool sensation. Reminded me of when I first started hooking up turns alpining.

    I cant wait to try some other wheels in the spring to see how others behve in cornering.


  10. They are Randal II's

    I press my boards in piece forms, tublar steel and square tubular steel and use screw clamps atop the steel and requires separate pressings because the wood will not form to those angles when all plys are in there. If someone would be able to vac that shape, I would be interested in seeing it, even though I will always stick with mech presses.

    Also, what creates concern on the angles? Just interested. I set the back at 18 degrees and a slightly tilt at the front.

  11. WW

    by the way your deck is still awaiting burn and delivery.. I think you are going to dig it, if you are still interested.

    This board is super turny when you loosen the king pin a couple turns. I had it out this afternoon at a local state park. The road was a bit more fast and turny than I expected and drifted into grassy burm and out over the handlebars for a 15 foot belly slide. Had fun though.

    Gotta run

  12. Stoked about the first drop deck I built during the past week. :biggthump Some lessons learned to optimize for next build, but an overall successful build, rides very at speed, solid under foot and is still quite turny. Actually felt like cheating compared to riding a topmount. Hoping this gets me over the 60 MPH mark.

    I thought I would share one of my builds of what is keeping me sane and from kicking the cats over the summer not being able to carve on snow.

    JBS come on out and try it.





  13. Along with WW, Geck and Wave, longboarding this summer has definitely kept the monkey off my back. I havent thought about carving at all this summer. I started out skatecarving and got into a bit of sliding with JBS, but am trying to go full bore speedboarding.

    The charge I get from a 45 MPH + run is close to, if not higher than the charge of a perfect cord run.

    Gecko, I would be interested to see how lesson turns out for you. I have mostly been a self taught kind of guy, but I cant seem to find the right kind of hill here in the Poconos to teach myself drifting and such. I have found some good ones, but not the right one for drifting.

    Some hills are either too flat, too rough, or too steep (13%) and straight. The ones that are turny are two lane roads that end at stop signs or red lights with many driveways.

    The traffic along these roads reminds me of why I sold my Harley, too many looneys not paying attention. Almost got hit this morning on the burm, walking back up a hill against traffic on a long straight away and the kid didnt notice me until the last second because he was rubber necking out the window. Cant imagine If I was drifting a corner with no traffic control.

    Thinking about making a roadtrip north to hook up with some folks to a day session or two. Have fun.

    PS. My first drop deck will be coming out of the press Friday afternoon and I intend on skating it saturday. I will let you know how it goes. I will try and get some pics on if time allows.

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