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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Is anyone aware of where I can locate a 4x2 insert template? I am about 2-3 weeks from pressing my first board and tying up some loose ends on the process.

    I have seen the ski binding templates on the ski building websites, but havent been able to find the snowboard templates. I realize I can use another board for the pattern, but I am leary of being off, even by a smidge.

    All in all, getting prepped for my first pressing has been a great learning experience over the summer and some lessons learned during that time have taught me to take my time and do it as accurately as possible. That's why I am looking for the template because it would suck to get the board pressed and bindings not be able to mount.

    Please keep in mind, I am doing all of this archaically, without the use of CAD, CNC machines or mechanized production presses, so providing dimensions could work if I take it to a local service, but just seeing if I can do it like the settlers use to by getting the template. Everything has been done by hand except for resawing of core wood and planing of core and wood products. It has been great therapy for summer time blues.



  2. Folks,

    This may seem like a simple question, but the last board I bought came with a cutout from the tail that was attached to a keychain. While sitting in a company meeting (boring), I began to study the piece and in doing so, notice the machined aluminum in the tailpiece.

    Checking some of my other boards, they have it as well through the tail.

    I only found this intriguing because I have spent the summer prepping for building boards this fall. Press built, core resawed, expoxied, resawed again and epoxied again, forms made, bladder finished and material ordered. I thought I had all of my material ordered until I saw this aluminum.

    Is the aluminum being used instead of the tail filler, instead of plastic? I hvae already order the tip and tail fillers, but if the AL function better, that what I wanna go with. Plus it looks good.

    I will post some pics on Thursday.




  3. D-Sub,

    Chose to ignore the remainder of your post considering how loaded it was with seething sarcasm. :1luvu:

    Plus I havent ever used the search mechanism on BOL and being into several sunday afternoon beers, I just posted rather thatn figuring it out. I'll be sure to work on my BOL skills thru some summer classes and earn some credits towards my PhD in BOL. :p

    I'll be sure to contact you if I need any info for my thesis.

    I stand corrected, thank you to D-Sub for his help in locating this thread.


  4. My former "chiseled chest" has turned into man boob central, all I need for my ego is lactate dripping out the ends of my man titties and needing to wear the absorbent pads under my shirt to prevetn embarrassing wet spots. Even if I did lactate I would still need to get up in the middle of the night.

    I'll stick to formula.

    PA Praise, thanks but my kid needs the formula for gassy babies, just like his dad.

    Anywho its about stolen boards not my sleep patterns.

  5. We're spoiled at Blue Mtn. PA. They have ski check for free on all days at each lodge. One guy takes skis/board and hands you a numbered tag from inside the guardrailed area, plus they have cameras mounted at the ski rack areas.

    Prior to riding there I always wore my lock on my waist in the belt loops and lockm it in plan site of where I can see most of the time I am in the lodge, whcih is practically never.

    And as far as paying little for used boards, I have yet to buy a new board and have dropped some heavy coin in the past two seasons I have been hardbooting. For freestyle, I never bought a used board, but with Alpine, being new to the sport it only makes sense to. Someday I will get a new hopefully custom board, but I am stillsearching for a magic ride. I am getting closer to finding it, but it has taken riding several used boards I bought to find it. CAnt get to demo days.

    With repsect to the theft thread, great idea and we should be able (maybe we can) post pics of each board in our User CP section, but that would consume some heavy memory, I think.

    And Pow , I would also be more than happy to chuck some $$$ your way for those Pogos. The one I am buying this summer is on a payment plan, because I couldnt afford, one bigole cash dump at this time. Wife quit breastfeeding and now Cooper chokin down formula like it's a large roni pizza. Formula stings.

  6. I didnt get to ride it, so I dont know. It looks thick as hell and I'm sure it doenst need if I'm 210 and its made for 235. I cant wait to take the bronc for a ride here in PA and try to keeo it out of the trees.

    In process of making my own boards. Garage has been gutted, benches built, wood bought for cores, tools acquired and now finding local steel supplier to build press and then forms. Will be ordering materials in the near future, just getting ready.

    As Timmy Yolonger once said "He who makes own board that works, grins just a little bigger!" Ok.... I made that up , but I think it may strike true with me, If I can make a board that works.

  7. "Carbonfibre is a higher performance reinforcement, and is three to five times more expensive than glass. It is significantly stiffer and springier, much stronger tensile strength but is not particularly tough. When it breaks it does so with a sudden violent snap, whereas glass will slowly give before it lets go completely. A given weight of carbon will be stronger in the board than that of glass, so weight can be saved by using less material for a given strength. But glass should be retained too for resillience. Typical carbon weight would be a 2x2 twill weave at 200gsm. This is the diagonal stripy carbon that looks very high tech. 4x4 twill is where the warp 'picks' or bundles of fibres go under 4 then over 4 weft picks, and vice-versa - the 'stripes' look fatter - 2x2 has a 2 pick offset of 2. Plain weave is the chequered carbon you often find on custom auto parts and has a pick offset of 1 - each warp pick goes over then under 1 weft pick at a time, and vice versa. The differences in weave style alter the drape characteristics of the fabric and this will not make much difference on a snowboard which is a relatively flat application. We can choose what to use based on aesthetic considerations." Grafsnowboards

    At this point its a little chinese to me, but trying to learn.

  8. CJF

    Sounds like you are in my situation. Addicted to boards. Monkey on the back........keeps scratchin'. And dont tell my wife either. House and garage had hidden goodies everywhere, bad .......yes :nono: . Maintains my sanity, even better. :freak3:


  9. How could it not be The Hedgehog. That cheesy ugly mug is discernable anywere. I was just looking in the flames to see if there was anything hidden in amongst them.

    The best part would have been if the whole board had a Hedgehog Head to toe Graphic with his big ole hairy belly and 70's mustache, instead of the flames. And somehow make "what he is known for" the stomp pad. Gross yes but funny if you think about it.

    I just laugh everytime I see his picture.

    OK, its friday and I'm a bit worked from a long week.

    Nice ride Bob!!!

    Bob I have to ask, is that you in your avatar and if so, what were you doing when you took it and you should make stickers of it. I want a Hedgehog and a BobDEA sticker for my board.

  10. Bill

    We both know the board is a horrible ride and everyone who has one should unload them. And I am being sacrificial enough to take them off their hands.

    Why should other humans be subject to such an atrocity of a board ;)


  11. Tex,

    If it will make you feel better, I will voluteer to go and stand in your place. Just send me some headshots and what style of clothing you wear and I will see if I can pulll it off. Customers do suck, but they pay the bills.

    With repsect to your doorman, it reminds me of when I talk to ppl on the lift about alpine and I reference BOL. Most of the time I get a 2nd and 3 rd look and then try to explain it has nothing to with incendiary devices.

    I'm just completely impressed that you are efficcient enough to plan your schedule that far in advance. I have trouble setting appointment for the next week.

    Gotta run, my most important customer (my boss) is awaiting my arrival at the office. It's annual reveiw day and makes or breaks budget for next years equipment buying.


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