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Everything posted by bumpyride

  1. Hardboot Bumping is a sport unto itself with very few practitioners.
  2. http://www.sierratradingpost.com/p/4275,2301P_Bogner-Quebec-Oxford-Ski-Suit-Waterproof-For-Men.html
  3. Haven't used one since I started carrying more than one board in a bag. Just tuck my back foot into the front and slowly carve off the lift. You forgot to add the 4th category, Never use one.
  4. Was out in the heavier cascade pow today. Had my choice between an O'Sin 168, Fish 160?, and my Burton 156 coil. Today the coil won, and was the perfect tool for the job. 12" of higher density powder. Lower elevations were heavier yet and getting to be those ugly bumps that start to compress and then just stop. Wider boards would have sucked. Up to a foot I use a Coil. Over a foot, I use the O'sin. Not sure where the Fish fits in, but I'll try it when it gets a little deeper. I like the old Coils because they are stiff enough to lay out an OK carve on Hero snow and turn on a dime in the trees. The O'sin doesn't want to perform when the trees get tracked out, and I've only used the Fish for about 1/2 a day total, so I can't really give you a heads up except that the thing doesn't like heavy tracked up snow. Tried the shorter Fish 155 (I think), and it wouldn't hold me up all that well when the slope lessens. I weigh 150. My son uses a Burton Asym M and loves it in the deep. Floats and carves. Dream board someday will be a medium stiff, powder nose, 20 waist with 2cm of taper, reverse camber "Parver". No need for Titanal.
  5. I've ridden my Raichle 123 for 12 years in ride mode--no damage. Having said that, it would seem prudent to get yourself some BTS and adjust your forward flex, as that seems to be a good compromise. I will continue to ride in walk mode because it works for me and my son who is 5'8" and 170.
  6. I don't know how any snowboarder could be considered a safe rider. He only has one board and no skewers to poke out of control skiers before they get too close to prevent them from running into him. I have a tendency to play Devil's Advocate, but sadly there is no play in this video. Sic em Tiger.
  7. Answer to your question, YES. Started in '95 coming from a hack skiing background. Decided to take the plunge to snowboarding. Read a lot and sought info from the local ski shop. Took their advice and set up the board just like they said. Didn't like it. So being a non believer in so many ways, figured I'd do it myself, so here's what I did. I would take 2 runs down the slope, pull out my screwdrive and change the bindings a couple of notches (6 degrees), and ride another 2 runs. Repeat until it didn't work and then go back to what did. Huge difference. Not small but huge. I'm on angles that I don't think anyone else rides, but I still change once in awhile to see if it's still right. It is unless I go to a wider board. Highly recommended to change till you find what's right for you. You'd be amazed at what another 3 degrees/half inch wider-narrower/3 degree cant can make on your riding. But then agaiin you might have picked the perfect stance for you, but you'll neve know till you try.
  8. Give the Raichles a 2 and the Fires a 6 and the Winds a 4 1/2.
  9. I wasn't looking just at your boots, but there were 3 other replies just on this thread with broken heels. All had stiff bindings. Just an observation.
  10. Maybe should be thinking of a binding with a little more forgiveness. Would think that that would take some of the initial shock off the heel.
  11. I've had 4 different experiences with Chiropractors. None of which have been anything less than Chalatanesque. Wouldn't see one on a bet, but thanks anyway. I'll check to TGR and see what that brings. In the meantime any referrals to a good sports knee doc would still be appreciated.
  12. I'm riding Raichle 123's. Just a little harder than the old Burton 3 strap Torques. They give me just enough support to keep my ankles from hyper-extending, and enough freedom to do anything I want, and (of course) in the walk mode. Very surfy. Tried softboots 1 day about 5 years ago. Didn't last long. Felt like I was riding a 12' windsurfer.
  13. I think I can make it through this season, but I'm not all that sure. Haven't had a MRI yet, though Xray showed no impingements. Just getting ready for late spring visit to a knee doc cause walking isn't getting any easier. Anyone have a good recommendation for Seattle/Tacoma sports knee doc?
  14. Silly rabbit. It's the Swiss Alps and everything clockwise goes into watches. Boards look like they have behavior down pat.
  15. I leave for Duluth tomorrow and will be in town till the 5th of Jan, if anyone is riding Spirit, Lutsen, or my personal favorite for carving Mont Du Lac just outside of Duluth, $24 day pass and a wwwwwwide slope for carving and excellent grooming. It's just $12 for over 55, I think.
  16. Personal experience. First time I had my boots molded at REI, I was told to rock back and forth. That did not work. The foam under my arch ended up being too high and I immediately cramped up in the arch. Subsequent moldings (which I now do myself), I wiggle my toes and lean slightly forward, but DO NOT rock my feet. I tried footbeds and they were worse, at least on my feet. I now use just the thermoflex liners with no footbeds, and have been doing so for 13 years. Now this may not be right for your foot, but check out and see if the arch is pushing up. Worth a try anyway.
  17. No I haven't. When I found it I bought 5 more. I've only folded 1 and I think that my knees will go before the 5 I have left. Still haven't found my favorite Powderboard yet. I have an O'Sin Swallow and a Burton Fish that has seen 2 runs, which will probably never see another with me on it. O'Sin better.
  18. I've been riding the old F2 Intec Challenger Comp. Wonderful ride, sucks up loads of chatter. Flexy yes. Too flexy, not for me or anyone else I know that rides them. The current F2 Intecs are the RS and the Flex (I think). Highly recommended.
  19. I went to the Seattle Snowboard show and bought a brand new Nidecker Extreme 167. I walked past the Burton booth and 2 of the people working the booth chased after me and asked me what it was. I then tried to explain and they were lost when I said Hardboots and Plate bindings. So much for the exposure we get amongst the masses.
  20. I guess I am rethinking the fun aspect of it. For me the day is only as fun as the people you're riding with. I generally don't have all that much fun riding alone as I'm usually working on technique. That gets boring after about 2 hours or so, and if I was to have fun by myself on the slope, I'd probably get arrested for indecent exposure. When I have the most fun is when there is 3 fun people all willing to go willy-nilly down the hill wherever it takes us. Give me a day where I'm buried up to my neck after a soft crash and enjoying the moment with my mates over 2 hours of working on technique any day. I really have the most fun when there's 3 of us ripping it up, or maybe not so ripping it up, but laughing about it. Crashing alone is not fun. In these cases fun is not related to what I ride.
  21. Practice, practice, practice. I have no doubt that you will be dazzling more than a few.
  22. I think it means the earth is 6000 years old.
  23. Excellent condition. Looks almost new. Lightly used. Just have too many boards at this length. 160 Total Length 1400 Running length 50 Tail 251 Nose 200 Waist 251 Tail 25.5 Sidecut 9.62 Radius $230 Shpped with a Fresh Coat of Wax.
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