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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Check out he guy's welding mask. I even wonder if the glasses are true UV blocking type.
  2. Phunny thing is I will go out of my way to ride up the lift with skiers -- hate riding up with snowboarders that have no helmet, baggy pants, hyperactive a**holes and have no care for the personal space of the person next to them. So does that make me Elmer Fudd on an alpine board??
  3. Ever try this from the Bomber store? All temperature Zoom wax-- this is all I use and very few people pass or catch me when on a cat track if that is any measurement. http://www.bomberonline.com/store/accessories/wax_zoom.cfm
  4. Reminds me of last Thursday while going thru Canadian Customs on the way back to Seattle. The customs guy looks in the back of my X5 SUV and asks "all that equipment yours?" I say "yes, It is only three snowboards" He looks kinda funny at me and asks "WHY?" I say "short story is I am equipment junkie, one is for powder and the 2 are for groomers" He lets me go with a smile on his face.
  5. Art -- you may want to send him this one too.. this is a hard hat area requirement -- I wonder if it passes the test. I have another somewhere -- I will post tomorrow. gotta go to dinner.
  6. Dr D I'd probably drive-- Amtrak is great I think I told you earlier that years ago I took that and almost got kicked off near Spokane due to too much noise in the "bedroom" - we had a sleeper. :lol: :lol: I will talk to you more about it in middle of January - Gotta get my legs in shape. Just returned from Whistler yesterday and right leg is a bit sore. dunno if it is due to my old age or too much powder riding. Damn I smiled those days up there - rode the 179 4WD Prior.
  7. Dr D I drive back from Whistler/Blackcomb on Sunday the 27th, assuming I can drive to Big Mountian by Monday -- how many days will most of the group still be there? Wondering If I can fit this mega trip in.
  8. Just a thought -- try them before you mold them - you just might like the way they are. I have never molded mine - fit is perfect.. I just replace them every 4 years. Hope this does not start a
  9. Check out the photo-- you want to be on good terms with your fellow workers if you work here. And you do not want any practical jokers around either.
  10. Hmmmm -- I thought painting a helmet was a BIG no no - paint degrades the crashworthiness. Boeri web site - read the last part. http://www.majordan.net/portfolio/boeriusa/body_protection.html
  11. If I offend anyone please send me an email so that I may apologize appropriately.. Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than neither any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith, softbooter, hardbooter, skier or sexual preference of the wishee. And oh BTW - Merry Christmas
  12. How about "Binness" instead of "Business" - get it right next time ok! It is "Children" not "Chidren" And it is just not words=-- How about slow walkers 3 or 4 abreast so one cannot pass and they are oblivious to you being behind them. Or slow skiers/snowboarders that are sashaying back and forth in an unpredictable manner on a cat track so no one can pass.
  13. C5 Golfer

    Winter biking

    I still ride - just wear more clothes - the Serotta stays home if it is wet and I ride the Sekai instead. hill climbs are nice cuz they keep me warm.
  14. Hi Newbie - can I buy you a beer? I second Volvo guy-- It is a great community HERE - Please fill out your profile so that we may see from where you come. ( same idea - I rearranged the words - no offense meant Volvo Guy but I am sure you know that being its C5 hear [sic].! ) BTW - I am one of the few old fart retired Grandads that ride an alpine board - all day long.
  15. Mel Brooks-- where would movies be without him. Blazing Saddles one of my all time favourite movies. ( don't you love it when people spell some words like that - I am half English so I spell that way 1/2 the time.!!!
  16. I just watched this foreign film made in 2005 called "Merry Christmas" USA title, Joyeux Noel foreign title. This was so good I watched it 2X. Anyway it is about WW1 in 1914 on Christmas Eve and fighting between the Scots, French, and Germans. A truce impromptu as it was, was called and friends were made who were enemies. It is a feel good story - and even you manly men may need a tissue box nearby. It is also a good one to watch with your SO. This is roughly based on a true story - to find out more on the true story go here. http://www.worldwar1.com/heritage/xmast.htm Movie listing here http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0424205/
  17. Ahh comeon WaveChaser -- you wannna be called WaveChaser or Wavechasa -- Wavechasa sounds sooooooo fnn wrong! :lol: :lol:
  18. Don't race - I just like red Corvettes. sometime it is tough to decide which to drive so I sold the older one. Which I hadn't sometimes
  19. Here is one for y'all back east If there is no "R" in the word do not pronounce it with one. It is Cuba not Cuber And if there is a "R" at the end use it -- it is Car not Cah.
  20. I ride with Kristy -- my hot skier girlfriend. She makes most guys stop and wonder "Now why can't I ski like that!"
  21. My issue or problem was in hotmail. I could type a message but when I sent it no message to the receiver-- just empty blank email page. The MS tech guy told me IE 7 was not fully compatible with XP.
  22. If you still use Windows XP do not upgrade your Iinternet Exploder 6 to version 7. It almost works but no cigar!. I spent about 6 hours fixing my XP machine so hot mail would work again. Dam% Microsoft-- don't they test anything anymore or is it up to us to find their problems?
  23. Any of you fine riders going to be there.. We will be on Whistler on Monday -- after that maybe Blackcomb but it depends on Peak to Creek run - our favorite. Seventh Heaven opens this weekend and lots of new snow coming.
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