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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. As I am flabergasted by your response- You did not answer my question which did not surprise me. I will ask again.."Tell me why did Canada join us in Iraq?"' Or am I wrong in assuming -- did you not know you guys were there too????
  2. Skategoat - I see you are also in Canada -- thanks for your country's support in Iraq BTW. I mean that sincerely. I do not like the war and wish we were not there but here is a fact to answer you silly and ludicrous statement. For each military man serving in Iraq it costs the world 9 gallons of fuel each day that he is there so YES it does take gas to be free. But wait – I hear your comment back already but before you voice it to the world tell me why Canada is there in Iraq.
  3. Discussion is wonderful - we see things different which is also wonderful. You are in Canada which is a great country and thanks for being our neighbor. If I remember correctly Canadians have a population 1/10th of the USA, if you were to take the amount of gas used in your country and multiply it by 10 I think you find you guys not too far behind us in Gasoline consumption. Find any country with a diverse ethnic population and huge spread of haves and have-nots you will find a large percentage of jail population.. I wish it were higher after talking with many policemen that keep arresting the same guys weekend after weekend. Thank god we have three strikes and you are out!!!!! I'd have to say if crime did not pay we would not have any. Example here in WA state we used to have on the books a teenager would have to be caught stealing an automobile 7 times before he was punished, recently changed to 3 offenses -- WTF is it not one offense? RE: death penalty - I wish it would change too but the opposite direction - get it done Pilgrim!!! Then we would not have very many on death row. Yea Yea you want to forgive them and keep them in prison @ $100K a year or let them out after 10 years, Not me. Murderers deserve only one thing. Regarding most industrialized: We have the highest number of ski resorts, highest number of national parks, highest number recreational fishery, highest number of auto racing venues, highest number sport spectators, highest number of citizens that elect to sleep in a tent for vacation, highest number of hobbies, WTF do you expect - the above for free - no fuel spent???
  4. +1 - also they do not get the wonderful mileage what Toyota says they get, a friend just bought a Highlander SUV hybrid, he gets 22 mpg which is worse than my Corvette.
  5. I guess that is the price the world pays for us to be a #1 superpower, a world police force, most industrialized country, the highest mix of free religion, the largest mix of nationalities and race, highest and first rate opportunities for all rich or poor, and the most freedom of all other counties.. So maybe being #1 has a price we are willing to pay and keep paying. :AR15firin You don't get all the above you mentioned for "nutin honey" Sign me a proud veteran of a foreign war fighting for other peoples freedom & paid for by American work force!
  6. Gecko -- is this a one time tax when purchased ? or is it like what they tried here in WA State where they would tax you every year? It is that annual fee/tax with which I have a problem. Penalize me once ok, penalize me every year shame on them for even thinking about it.:smashfrea
  7. Gotta disagree with ya on two accounts. First - we should have a tax incentive for people to move closer to where they work. The further away you live the more you pay in commuting taxes. Second - I wish not to have an accident in a small car - I'd like to live or use all four limbs if by chance I get into an accident. Give me more steel around me.
  8. if it had passed which would have meant a bunch of dummies in the Senate- you have a 5.7 + 2.85 = 8.55 L = $600
  9. I'll probably get flame and hate response but I am glad this died. SB6900 in Wash State was to implement a tax on the size of your motor in your car. Here is the schedule: The bill is SB 6900 and it adds an "engine displacement" fee to the vehicle license tabs upon renewal. The fee has a varied amount depending on the size of the vehicle's engine: Engine Size (liters) Rate Schedule Up to 1.9 $0 2.0 - 2.9 $70 3.0 - 3.9 $225 4.0 - 4.9 $275 5.0 - 5.9 $325 6.0 - 7.9 $400 8.0 or over $600 I am glad we have a few smart legislators in our government to kill this monster!. The thing this bill lacks is taxing the people that use the highway and the precious gas. Just because one has a 5.0 liter motor in his pickup truck that maybe is driven 4000 miles a year should not be taxed more than the guy who has a 2.8 liter motor and drives 75,000 miles a year. Dodged a bullet on this one. Can open - worms everywhere - flame thrower switch "on" :flamethro
  10. Justin.. will you marry me? -- I am looking for someone just like you and what you bring to the table. Specially the steady job part.
  11. If the right feels good I believe you are not too far off on getting the left to fit. Is the pain an area pain or a spot pain? If a spot area can you feel a hard spot inside the boot or possibly if you are using Intec system is the cable laying towards the back or possibly on top of a pressure point? tough to say what is wrong but have you gone into a bootfitter and have them fix it ??-- seems that is the way I'd go before spending more $$$
  12. Jon, I will be there but I have s season pass so my going does not really help you out much meeting your 10 person tally.
  13. Not sure I understand.. Are you saying you want to quarantine or guarantee millions of dollars?
  14. Do you think he is guilty? I was hoping not but it is not looking good for him.
  15. I forgot -- also buy a bike. AND ride it too! great for the legs and lungs.;)
  16. I am 61 and to keep the sore joints away I recommend 3-4 rounds of golf each week. (glucosamine helps too)
  17. I Just finished this book by G Gordon Liddy. enjoyable read -- if you get a chance read it -- :biggthump I have also read his "Will" which is one of my top 10 books of all time. :biggthump Many topics and wide range of discussion -one of them was about when he arrived in one of the prisons in which he was incarcerated. There were a few too many new inmates - around 90 of them - so the bunks were triple stacked to help with the overcrowding. He explained that the sleeping areas were not the problem/issue but the sink and toilets were not enough to go around and since everyone ate and slept at the same time - most of the new inmates needed a toilet about the same time. At this time he was needed in the office area for his typing and linguistic skills of which most other inmates did not possess. He figured a away to ensure toilet time for him personally by typing a fake memo from the warden and posting it for all to read. It stated that there is a widespread outbreak of venereal disease among new inmates and this must stop immediately. From this day forward a special dedicated toilet will be posted with a sign on it that says “VD Only” – he posted the sign and from that day forward he had his very own private toilet. Liddy is quite a man’s man!!!!
  18. Unbelievable huh?.. check out the link from 1943. We've come a long way baby!!!! http://womenshistory.org.au/Publications/guideto%20hiringwomen.htm
  19. Dunno if it counts but I did buy a Timeshare in Whistler 10 years ago. Have not regretted it. It allows me to go there quite often and is one of my favorite places.
  20. Saturday night the 9th of Feb,, all three highways to the east are still closed. Only way to east is to drop down to Oregon ,go east for a while then head back north, adds about 4 hours to the drive. This suxcks... But the good part is Crystal Mt is open and they have had 10 feet of snow in 2 weeks.
  21. Please come to the PNW and haul it away-- that is what the Washington Department of Transportation would like. They are having to truck it off the mountain cuz they are out of places to move or store it, plus it is so high in some areas the snow blowers cannot blow it high enough. We have 3 main ski/snowboard areas around Seattle area and we have had highways used to get there closed due to tooooooo much snow 50% of the time, 2 of the main highways are closed again today due to avalanches so the ski areas can not open. At the Snoqualmie pass area which is only 3000 feet elevation I think they are at 32 feet so far. Mount Baker I heard is possibly on track to break a 1997? Record of 96 feet - yes 96 feet of snow! This morning they got 10” from 6 am to noon and it is still coming down with no stopping in sight for the next week. This is unbelievable quality snow too – it is like Utah soft stuff and bottomless leastwise at Crystal Mt area. Enough already! :D 95" of new in 7 days at Stevens Pass Ski area
  22. I'd be very cautious on buying a Prior's 4WD specially the 179 length. I have one, It causes great pleasure, much more cost each year in lift tickets cuz you will find more reasons to go, more gas will be spent, more time off will be needed, you will find other areas in your life will come to a complete stop or pause due to you are on the mountain too much... So be afraid, be very afraid!
  23. Not really sure -- KOMO was not very clear on it this morning TV news. I will try to find the link and add it if I do. It had sellers in an uproar per the news article.
  24. I heard today on ABC TV that eBay is no longer going to use the feedback system.. I think that sucks how about you? :AR15firin:AR15firin
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