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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Right you are -- that is why I store my cars on their side. Gotta remember to tell Jay Leno and the also the Lemay auto museum of this idea.. Cuz I am sure those guys go thru a lot of springs storing their cars right side up.
  2. I was the guy who did the experiment.. I think this camber thing is way blown out of proportion. I believe the board response and ride qualities are more a function of the spring rate of that particular board. That is to say a 190 alpine board with 3 “ of camber could still be a wet noodle when ridden and a different 190 board with no camber could ride like the stiffest board one has ever ridden. I would speculate, if a given board measured when it was new had a 2” camber and now has no camber, that this snowboard may have exceeded its elastic limit at sometime in its riding life, but it was not due to storing it flat. Storage method does not affect camber life. You can hang them upside down with a pile of rocks in the center it will still be the same camber come next winter. - Let the games begin! I forgot -- the answer to your question on stopping Camber Fatigue-- do not exceed the elastic limit of the board you are riding.
  3. Do Geckos like snakes or do snakes like Geckos?
  4. Hmmm Sex on the ceiling -- that is a new one, I may have to put my engineering mind to work here and add it to our play!
  5. WooHoo Don't expect much outa this old fart--- I am riding Crystal Mtn Feb 27th -29th and then Whistler/Blackcomb for 4 days March 1 -4th - then OES March 6-9 th.. damn I wish I had those 30ish legs again. Life is Good !
  6. You too Mike and others too! I just made reservations at Days Inn -- $59
  7. Dan, Looks like I may attend this wonderful event so I'd like your two tickets if you still have them.
  8. Good family stories -- Being a Psuedo Grandfather at 61 I am lookng forward to the grandkids on a little bitty snowboard while fighting the remaining skiers in the family about skis. :lol: I started the opposite way - my kids took me snowboarding at 50 or so and after many tries and feeling lke I was in a severe car crash each day I was up and running. 20 some snowboards later the quiver has settled a little bit. Hope to ride with my great grand children --that is my goal. :biggthump
  9. I'd say in my ever so worthless opinion that if you are already riding a 178 square tail then having a 179 Prior 4WD in your quiver is a must. I say this from experience and when the conditions are right I ride my Volkl 178 or my Hot Blast 178 but when the conditions are not just right my 179 is perfect. Carves tight if needed and floats when needed and misses those unpredicable learners with ease. Plus it is so friendly on the legs - you can ride this all day with out getting the crap beat out of you. Buy one and tell Chris I sent you. :biggthump I forgot it loves high speed too!
  10. Matt RE: the Whistler Demo day -- I am not sure but I think Prior only demos the boards - not the bindings. You might email them -- very good people BTW - and ask if you need to bring bindings with you.
  11. Couple of incidents I have had.. Once I sat next to an English lady while flying to London, I wanted to sleep since it was an evening flight she would talk and talk and then had the nerve to elbow me gently and ask if I was listening as I nodded off. My best was in an isle seat sitting across from a similar aged business woman , she striked up a conversation with me about 20 min into the flight and by the time we landed she had asked if I was single and had a vasectomey. :eplus2:
  12. Art and others-- if interested Sunday the 24th I believe is the Chilly Hilly so boarding on Monday will be quite a treat doing both. Only in the NW !:lol:
  13. Big fan of Prior 4WD -- I ride a 179 and 174. Good choice. I might suggest the 169 for your size and what you described Check out Prior's site http://www.priorsnowboards.com/controller.php?op=viewSpecsBOARD_STYLE&BSTY_ID=1
  14. I am so tired of listening to that stupid Gecko Commercial, plus the IKEA guy and the Sleep Country lady. I don’t watch that much TV, usually just the news and news type programs but those guys are always on. There outa be law.
  15. I ride most of my boards with a -5 deg on rear. Also, I find as I get older I tend to not tweak with bindings or set up so much, I find the sweet spot and leave it alone. Maybe I am in a rut - no pun intended - I have not bought a new board in 2-3 seasons either.. Maybe I need an intervention.
  16. Count me in for Crystal during the week. Monday the 25th sounds good to me.. FYI - I will be going to Crystal 2-3X a week during the week - let me know if any of you are going and I'll keep my good eye out for ya!
  17. FYI - Email from the bomber site sometimes is automatically goes into your Junk Box -- check that and see if it is there.
  18. I could do Thurs or Friday.. Let me know what day you are going..Thursday is probably less people.
  19. Awe man you don't know what it is like out here... on the lift you look down the only tracks you see are your own, the cashier at the exit of the grille was asleep, I even went in to the men's room today and tapped my boot on the floor while in the stall and no one answered back! :lol: :lol:
  20. Well come on up some weekday and I'll buy you a beer.. look like Jeff Renner is forecasting a bunch more snow tonight and Tuesday so I better ckeck it out Wednesday. Should be an awesome powder day with 18 " of snow coming. Most people told me I'd hate retirement -- I am starting to see what they mean.
  21. Sorry guys.. I no longer work but if it is any consolation I only ride weekdays... it really sucks there is no one here, lifts are empty, the powder does not get packed down until 1:00 o'clock.. it is terrible so stay away. Be afraid of weekdays,., be very afraid..
  22. WOW what a nice day at Crystal today -Monday the 7th. Blue Sky , nice soft powder on fresh groomed runs. Finally got to ride my Hot Blast 178 all day - I was smiling all the way down cuz there was hardly anyone there today, never a wait for a chair with some runs totally empty so I put the pedal to the metal and just cruised these wide open groomers. Thanks Hot Blast for the best day yet this year.!!! http://www.crystalmt.com/1583.html
  23. And I did not mean to stir up a hornets nest... But I'd have to agree we need a fix here in the future. I just made 4 more of the blocks for my other boards.
  24. I am still trying to figue out the trip from Whistler Blackcomb and getting there safe and sound without falling asleep on the road. I'll keep you posted -- most of it depends on when I leave Whistler - morning or afternoon.
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