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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. The post on "Getting this off my chest " and mentioning misspelled words reminds me of this web site that can help you find an Ebay bargain. For example click on Motorola sample and look at the terrible misspelled way people list the items. Or enter "snowboard" and find that some snowboarders can't spell it -- Happy hunting. http://www.esellerstreet.com/mzplt.php
  2. And last but not least -- ITS Washington not Warshington!
  3. How about? "These ones" or "Those ones" Drvies me Fnnn crazy when I hear that.
  4. Take the lead and get the lead out. until the snow flies flys phlys fly's flys' try this web site to fill in the time or thyme. http://www.quia.com/quiz/285436.html
  5. this is probably why most of us have 10+ boards in the quiver.
  6. I am your weight of 210 lbs or so and have ridden a few freeride boards... a while back Soloman made a 450-171 that is and was the best riding soft set up board I have mounted and then in second place I'd go with a beautiful hang on the wall Arbor Munoz 170 -- rides like a - insert you favorite car- Like the so much I still have them -- but they are gathering dust due to hardboot set up gets the nod most of the time. Good day!
  7. We are pickin the fly crap out of the pepper .. we must need more snow. anyway here ya go Canuck flamma·bili·ty n. flamma·ble n. Usage Note: Historically, flammable and inflammable mean the same thing. However, the presence of the prefix in- has misled many people into assuming that inflammable means "not flammable" or "noncombustible." The prefix -in in inflammable is not, however, the Latin negative prefix -in, which is related to the English -un and appears in such words as indecent and inglorious. Rather, this -in is an intensive prefix derived from the Latin preposition in. This prefix also appears in the word enflame. But many people are not aware of this derivation, and for clarity's sake it is advisable to use only flammable to give warnings. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/flammable
  8. Nope! Is it not kinda like saying " I don't know nothing" which equates to multiplying a negative number by a negative number and getting a positive which in the quote says you know something. Or should l I just ask you "do you know of any substance that is inflammable that is not flammable?" I know you could prolly really care less.
  9. Several years ago I went to Aspen with my girlfriend at the time and unknown to us it was Gay Week. I could not believe all these guys dressed in drag and skiing all around me/us. I'd get on the chair and be asked out or constantly hit on. We went into the lodge at lunch and I was hit on again in the bathroom. I am sure some of those short guys want a peice of this 6'3" frame. We sat across from a couple of guys having a fight about one of them skiing with "Bob" :lol: :lol: Not that there's anything wrong with that!
  10. kinda like inflammable - its Flammable. Also, never use a preposition to end a sentence with! [sic] stupidest is not a word unless of course it used in sentence about skiing or a baseball cap worn bassakwards!
  11. Yea, I guess you guys are right... There is nothing that can be done. Damn, I wonder where and how many next time.
  12. I think if you read his suicide note you might change your mind -- here is one of the lines from that note ""Just think tho I'm gonna be (expletive) famous," Seems like a pretty conclusive thought just before he made the big decision, I do not think he would have done what he did if he was not going to be famous and who are the people that make someone like this famous?
  13. I think we are talking apples and oranges – and you might disagree with that which is ok. A discussion on any topic can easily diverge or have different meaning and direction depending on the “intent” of the listener and the speeker. Like Gleb mentioned – streakers are not shown but add to that list; one cannot advertise smoking or liquor on television anymore. We do not hear “F*ck” on TV is that not violating free speech? We go to sporting event or a large meeting like a State Fair or an airport and we are searched and bags prodded and purses are inspected, is the pendulum not moving away from your ideal world ???? You mention a fair trial – how about fair justice for the victims – like the guy who raped a stroke paralyzed lady and only got 8 ½ years or John Spencer who just received a penalty of just 14 years for slitting a guys throat because he asked him to stop pissing on his couch. This 14 yr sentence included assault on a bystander and burglary. I want fair trials for everyone but I want fair justice Too! I hope you do.
  14. Bob, I recognize the implications of once you open the door of individual rights where do you stop, But honestly I do not understand the correlation of a fair trial right and not publishing a crazy man’s name and sensationalizing it so he is famous. Have not come partially there by not allowing a criminal to profit by his actions, i.e. writing a book about his crime and banking the $$$$.
  15. Disclaimer- This post is not meant to offend, insult or otherwise harm any individual or his/her beliefs or intelligence. This post is thought I had last night. I have a theory on this Shooting and stopping them in the future.. or at least reducing the occurrence this sad very sad event that effects us all. If you look at previous shootings – this Omaha Mall or Virginia tech and many others, the shooter wanted recognition, to be famous, to be in the news, to be heard, etc. What if we made a law that the news agencies could report all they want just like they do now, sensationalize it as much as they do now but with a small change, this change would be they cannot show a photo or name the shooter or include this guy in any list of casualties. For all intents and purpose he is a non-person, per the news he does not exist. We - as the American public would have the news sad as it usually is but the bad guy gets no fame from it. Yes, free press/speech is a wonderful right and privilege but we may be at a point in our life that we need to give up a few rights to be a little safer than we are now. Think About it! And please do not mention gun control would stop innocent shooting issues, - start your own thread if you wish to talk gun control. A gun control topic is not my intention. Thanks for reading
  16. Thanks -- I do that on any email no matter what the account.. Always go to the native account. I report phishing emails to my msn hotmail link. Yes, i do you email junk blocker but they change so often that it is not much help. smart bastards!! still want to shoot em.
  17. Anything is possible -- but I am using a brand new Dell M90 2-3 weeks old new, with Vista Business, I have loaded only a few programs so far. It is pretty good so far that it won't let anything happen or install without asking my permission first , I have security set pretty high. How does spyware get on a machine?
  18. Maybe some of you more skilled in the art can explain why this is. A while back I cancelled my PayPal account because Hackers tried to get in on a weekly basis. Almost a year now. During this time period not one junk email from ebay or payapl scammers. Just 4 days ago I signed up again because of an item I needed off of Ebay and it was PayPal only. Now within 1 day of that sign up I am getting constant emails that are Phishing for my Paypal account update, ebay paypal item not paid for, cancelled ebay buyer - all junk non valid emails- list goes on. How is that possible? How do the scammers know I signed up for PayPal so quickly. I wish there was someway to shoot someone over the internet line.
  19. I probably have not ridden as many boards as some of you board whores but I have ridden a few -- my "one" built board would be very similar to the Prior 4WD in 179 length. That has been one of the most versatile boards I have plus it has the topo map of Whistler Blackcomb for a top sheet so I can always find home. But have just "one" board is kinda like having only one car or girlfriend - just not possible! HERE is what Prior says on its web site. The 4WD is designed for the hard-boot snowboarder who wants to put the fun back into technical carving and ride the entire mountain. Its stable, versatile ride has made it the most popular board in its class for several years running. The 2008 4WD has new triaxial fiberglass with dual carbon stringers, a new aspen/maple core configuration for improved performance and control in all winter conditions. Riders Recreational and advanced alpine snowboarders who want all-mountain performance; hard-boot BX competitors seeking gold at intermediate and World Cup races. Ride An alpine ride that is smooth, stable, responsive and versatile. Conditions Performs in all terrain: ice, groom, fall line, powder, moguls, steeps, crud, etc. Design Shape: The 4WD is a wider version of our Alpine WCR model with additional sidecut. The rounded out tail reduces hangup off the finish of each turn. Radius: Moderate for easy turning edge-to-edge control. Flex: Moderately stiff. The new aspen/maple core configuration creates a more even overall flex pattern from tip to tail. Strength: Bombproof. All Prior boards are built to last.
  20. Hmmm.. I am damn glad I do not have DingBat for a Neighobr -- it would get ugly around here!
  21. Jim - I have a season pass at Crystal so I can go anytime before the 16th Dec - ( Gone to Whistler for 5 days ) Let me know or lets see how the snow is between now and the 14th or so. Al
  22. Lets count the reasons.. 1.an exposed blade is very sharp and I like my fingers too much plus it hurts my golf game if my hands are cut. 2. an exposed blade makes ugly marks on the bottom of the snowboard 3. if by chance the switch is accidently turned on by any outside agency that would be - well i don't wanna think about it. 4. I like my Freud carbide blades very much
  23. I just talked with my neighbor who had his house catch on fire awhile back. What had happed was the gramma was cooking in a wok and the oil boiled over and caught on fire and took the kitchen and dining room and most of the front of the house in seconds. Anyway the contruction crew who he has changed due to non-performance 3 times is just about finished redoing most of the house. I have watch this botched job over the past many months and have always wondered how sound the roof was after the fire since it burned up thru the areas over the kitchen , dining and living room. They patched it up here and there - not taking all the roof cover off and redoing it from scratch-- well you guessed it -- the roof leaked in many places -- all over the new wood work inside.
  24. I have a wood shop downstairs so I use my table saw - left side with a large thick piece of plywood attached for a waxing/tuning bench. Lately I been using that more than my saw,. I need a new project - maybe a table for the dining room if this rain continues. (yes, I lowered the blade ! )
  25. I don't know where it was taken -- a email friend sent it and said lets go fishin
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