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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. I have no Opinion but would like to have a subsription here.. But just so you know -- I am waiting for TD-10 then I buy.
  2. Merry Xmas -- Like I said above - may have to buy one of these FLCs... so I just did in the Maple Leaf top. Should be here later this month. :biggthump
  3. Great board choice -- keep at it . I ride the same board and also Priors 179 4WD and agree with Jack -- a little more parallel on the bindings. This 174 4WD is one of the easiest to ride boards there is and it is so forgiving. Rides well on anything.
  4. anyone going to be there...??? http://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/weather/cams/blackcomb/index.htm
  5. Lets take this a step further. Lets create a "banned " website -- then everyone world wide can list people they want banned from stuff. Most of the people I want banned do not read this forum.
  6. I have a Hot Blast 178 in new shape -- I will let it go for $2895.00 US or Canadian or best offer.--- eh!
  7. My 2 cents... BMW with 4 wheel drive -- the 3 series with the "x" option in a coupe to the stationwagon to the X3 SUV or the best-- a 4.4 V8 X5 ---
  8. Thanks to all Vets.. how many BOLers are Vets?.. speak up - I can't HEAR YOU! US Army 67-70 Spec5 - Phu Lam and Nha Trang RVN. It was a very good time - well some of it was.- thanks for the memories Uncle Sam. Anyone else.. ?
  9. I prefer a larger vehicle - I am sure given the choice again this small car owner would too. See the Motorcycle inside the car?
  10. I am currently 2009 SW -- which is not supported in Win 7, 2010 is not out yet. So what would I ask my Rep? I should expand on "2010 not out yet" -- you see Solidworks does a wonderful job of making money from the installed base out there as does its competitor Pro-E. If I were to upgrade to the 2010 ( I think SP0 is available ) version, I cause a big F'n headache for my clients. What this means is if I use 2010 then everyone I work with or around needs to also be 2010. A file made in 2010 cannot be opened in an earlier version of Solidworks. Sucks I know. so currently I have 4 clients with which I do consulting work, and 4 sheetmetal shops, several injection molding shops, and lawyer firms that receive my 3D native files have Solidworks 2009. So I cannot upgrade until all my clients and the shops who fab parts designed by me upgrade also. Get the picture? If this situation were to exist in the Excel or Word world that would mean a bunch of upset users due to this: if you generated a file in 2007 Excel or Word - only those with 2007 Excel or later could open it - there would be a lot of pissed off people out there. Solidworks and Pro-E do not allow backward compatibility ... it keeps the $$ maintence machine flowing and there is not a damn thing I or we can do about it. So bottom line Kent -- when SW 2010 is out it is really not out until SP1 or SP2 and most of the SW world upgrades too... because they can not go backwards once it is used and files are generated in SW 2010.
  11. This has been a damn good post! Thanks to all who have participated. I got to run a scientific experiment sans white paper and learn a bunch from all of the posts so far. My day would be complete if someone could tell me why I hit "Start" to shutdown each day, but then again I may have the "Stop" button icon hidden and not know it is there.
  12. Nope.. and I won't be able to until Solidworks certifies it for use with their software package. That is 90% of what I use a computer for, bells and whistles in an OS mean very little to me. I do not know Solidworks Schedule for this certification. One comment about that - I hear it works ok but the issue is I have maintence which I pay $1400 a year for and if I run it on an uncertified platform they will not offer any help if and when I need it. The other 10% is email, Bomber web site and of course Ebay. Other than that it is a golf club that my fingers like, and thank god my golf clubs work without an annual upgrade. :)
  13. I just tested the two USB drives in a WIN 7 computer... they work great... Hmmm..I am a nuts and bolts guy so please bear with me .. these two devices are quite old in computer life terms and Win 7 was not around when they were bought. So what I am hearing from you is the code inside my devices is faulty for Vista but is ok for Win7. The Question of the day is How did my USB drive code in 2 separate devices know about Win 7 before Win 7 was around.. Weird huh? I think the manufacturer will actually laugh at me if I call them and say " your USB drive won't work in Vista but they do in XP and Win 7 - can you help me? -- Seriously - I really think they would laugh and then say " so why ya callin us?" ..- so I won't bother them. BTW - One of them is a WD passport and the other is a 128MB Lexar Thumb drive. Enough on this problem which is not really a problem in my house. I have a sign on the front door -- it says "Vista Free Zone" Have a great day Kent.. I appreciate your help... and like I say -- your Loyalty is to be commended..
  14. Has Kent left the building??? I found a win 7 computer to try my two "Vista failed -Works in XP " USB drives to test again.. Just wanted his thoughts about them when or if I say "If" they work just fine.
  15. I was not trying to be a dick.. sorry - I said I appreciate your help but I found loading a new driver and writing a macro to fix a small item to be a little out of line.. Logitech required none of that.. works out of the box, MS mouse did not. Found it strange the MS makes a mouse that worked in Xp and removed a wonderful feature when used in Vista for no apparent reason. RE: USB drive -- I could not undersstand why all the sudden a USB drive of mine and others that wrote in several forums would not work on Vista and you wanted my USB drive to show my why it was at fault. If it works in XP it should work in Vista - my opinion. Soon I will find a computer with Win 7 and I bet it works now. We just have to maybe agree to disagree here. I think it is a Vista fault - you think itis a USB drive fault. If it works in Win7 will you still say it is a USB drive fault?
  16. I cured the Mouse thing.. I use Logitech mice now which allows the use of easy ESC programming..way to go MS. and my USB device -hmm seems also I remember I sent you links to various discussion forms that several people were complaining of the same thing.. when they went to Vista... Hard to believe that so many USB drives all the sudden would quit working across the big ole US of A. and they still work ok in XP.. I think my USB drive is ok..I bet it works in Win7. care to take that bet????? I do have to say I appreciate your offer and your fine commitment to MS. Loyalty under so many harsh conditions is tough to do sometimes.. you do very well.
  17. Naw - I am not upset with 3rd party .. they certified Vista.. it was the fact the Vista did not support many drivers including USB thumb drives.. and that the $$MS Vista would not use a previous version of the their mouse drivers and the one they use took out the ESC key custom programing.. It was MS I was upset with. - Have a nice day. :)
  18. If Microsoft wants people to upgrade to the new Win7 platform why would they make it so that you need to install Vista first? ( if you are a XP user). I love XP - hate Vista as most people do -- that is going to be a tough sell in my ever so humble opinion. Would it not be a better name to call it Loser7 -- not Win 7?
  19. I might look at this Prior FLC when in Whistler this Dec...hmmm. Xmas present to myself maybe..:)
  20. you might be a BOL'er 1. if you know the missing character in "D-Su?" 2. if you have an opinion on Burton Products 3. if you try to take your shoes off by pulling on an invisible INTEC release handle. 4. if you display your snowboards. 5. if you try to carve a turn in your car 6. if you wear socks and slide when you enter a room that has linoleum
  21. My other summer rides --- The Mercedes I have had for 24 years..and still going strong and fun to drive.. The bike ride is with GF up Mt St. Helens. The weird Mercedes is not my summer ride but thought I'd throw it in for a good laugh...I think it would cause an accident if you drove it on the highway.
  22. The Browning Medalist shoots as good as it looks.. The Muzzle stuffers were made by me... not a kit. Bought a few parts here and there... made a few of them, modified a few of them. Did the stock work myself- top one is a Rigby style English target rifle 45 cal. in English walnut. The wrap around checkering took most of the time. The bottom -- with a nice peice of curly maple is a typ Hawkin 54 cal. The Ruger #1 is a .375 H&H Mag. I did the stock work in a nice peice of fancy Amercian Black walnut.
  23. would go well with my Corvette out front and this on the backyard deck. :biggthump:biggthump http://www.megabbq.com/?p=49
  24. Remember it only has to be 50 miles long -- that probably already exists in spades in Montana.
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