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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. this is taken from top of Crystal Mt yesterday... at about 7000 ft -- looking across the valley to Mt Rainier... which is about 14,400 feet. It was a great day on the snow..
  2. Good looking Klein.. same color as Susun's Happy riding -- both snow and 2 wheels here is my latest toy..
  3. C5 Golfer


    Avatar great movie-- but I saw it as a remake of Dances with Wolves and Rambo III merged together.
  4. Nope -- I think my Grandmother melted it all down during the Great Depression for wheels she needed for her skateboard. But then the wheels did not last very long... she sold the set up and bought a carbon bike frame.
  5. I havea nice Volkl 178 19.5 wide and also a 178 Hot Blast 19.5 wide... little smaller than what you asked but they are a nice ride.
  6. try listing it in the "For Sale" -- and a picture or two of it and a price... it may sell
  7. It all started back in the 16th or 17th century when my GreatX8Grandfather was carving around the family Castle in the Alsace area in what is now known as France. He was the first to mount his boots to a long metal bread pan with bindings made out of worn out Lederhosen and broken cow bells. Please make note of “metal bread pan” -- I believe he was the first to use “metal” on a very early version of what is now known as a snowboard. He was pretty much a snowbum until 1689 when Louis XIV came along and destroyed his ski Castle and sent him riding into Prussia. See link to the family Castle. http://www.ot-lembach.com/site_Fleckenstein/index_angls.htm Not much is known after this expulsion from the slopes until my Great Grandfather left Prussia in 1860 with 3 metal snowboards and immigrated to the USA into the fine State of Iowa. He found flat land everywhere, no place to ride so he removed the archaic bindings and used these pans to display watches and jewelry in his newly formed watch repair business. He had a son who followed in his footsteps of watch repair and inherited none of the family athletic genes of Alsace – he did not even ice skate. As he grew older he married a fine young woman named Eda and fathered a son – my father - who shed the watch repair desire and became a photographer, married a fine woman named Marjorie from close by farming community. In 1947 they had a 2nd son and named him C5 Golfer. I grew up in western Iowa where I ice skated 5X a week and rode my heavy steel Schwinn bike in the deep snow. In 1967 driving a beautiful red 63 Pontiac to the finer State of Washington found this Great Pacific Northwest was the place to live for the rest of my life. For the next 30 years I bought and raced several Autos and 4X4 Jeeps – ate many suppers on the greasy decks of Chevy small block motors. During this time I fathered two children who during the education process enrolled in several ski and snowboard schools. I could not understand the desire to put a couple of sticks on your feet and freeze to death. At the ripe old age of 50 my son, bless his heart, kept after me about taking him to the slopes with this thing called a snowboard. Being the good dad that I was – I gladly took him up to the Pass where he boarded with friends while I watched. He and his sister kept after me to try snowboarding with them so that Christmas day 13 years ago I took them up on it. After more falls on my A$$ than I can remember – pretty much beat up - I cooked them dog food for dinner that night. Being a Stubborn European I said to myself “Self, get back on that board” and so I did. Hope you enjoyed my heritage story.
  8. Susun thinks I am a sick man with 11 snowboards, 100 golf clubs, 3 cars, 3 road bikes... I tell her -- be glad I only have 1 girlfriend. :lol: I think I will be selling one of my 178 Volkl RT and one of my 178 Hot Blast. My 4WD are older non metal types.. the FLC is my first metal.
  9. I had 4 up there this last time.. a 179 4WD, 174 4WD, 178 Volkl RT, 173 Vokl RT.. all good rides. sometimes it is a tough choice to go out the door in the morning with 4 boards starring at you saying " pick me , pick me"
  10. dunt think so..buddy yes.. but but after tweeking the bindings a bit Tuesday -- the board is now one of my 3 favorites..
  11. wierd -- that is the one I sent it to.. it came back saying it is "delayed..you do not have to resend the message".. you can email me at niblick5@msn.com and I can reply to that in case there is a problem with the original email.. Al
  12. Roy -- did the High res photo come thru your email ok?
  13. 1 of 4 great days on the snow at Blackcomb. It was nice hooking up with the Vancouver crowd.. Thanks guys for the great time and GF Susun - our photographer - enjoyed the hell out of all of you.. thought I'd share some of the photos..
  14. GF says hi to all and had a wonderful time with you guys... we will be posting pics upon our return to the States.. We had an epic day with new snow today ... no one on ridge Runner and fresh stuff everywhere but high winds in the glacier. Going to whistler tomorrow.. then headinhome.. Bye:biggthump for now and thanks so much for the great day on sunday.. Al
  15. Tenorman, Lookinig forward to meeting you - just picked the new Prior board (FLC) and will be riding it tomorrow. Look for the big guy with the white board and fashy red maple leaves (173 length) and a grin on his face. That will be C5 Golfer. As for the discussion about women - well, since I am 63 yrs young and well experienced with the Femme fatale, I can only say one thing. Be afraid, very very afraid. How about if we discuss this 1:1. See ya tomorrow, P.S. this is C5 Golfer's gurlfriend writing this while he is cooking me dinner as I sit here drinking a lucious cabernet talking to you, while we are in our Whistler condo.
  16. At least 4 years.. last time when a bunch of us met on Whistler.. see you Sunday..hope fully we meet up.. looking forward to great snow..
  17. It be a 173 19cm White the Red maple leaves - I figured with a handful of 178-179 boards in the quiver and one 173 Volkl and a 174 4WD - I should have one more short board.. I pick it Saturday.. hopefully mount bindings Sat night in the Condo and off to Blackcomb with Girlfriend on Sunday morning.
  18. +3 on good Boots... Then go straight to Ebay
  19. I am there -- 23 -26 Jan, -- mostly Blackcomb Sat and Sun -- Whistler on Monday Tuesday -
  20. there are not a lot of events at Whistler-- most are in Vancouver area -- Cypress mt has a lot of events.. which I heard on the news is closed to public due to poor snow conditions. I have noticed a lack of skiers and snowboarders at Whistler/Blackcomb for quite awhile now.. I go up 4 -5 times a year and have had very few days lately where there were lift lines -- nothing like we had 4 years ago.
  21. You'd be hard pressed to find any better than Prior's 4WD.. I have a 174 and a 179 and of all my 11 snowboards --- I think they have the highest mileage on the odometer. I am around 215 lbs BTW The 174 is so friendly I think you could ride it blindfolded and just let it tell you what is going on under your feet as it smoothly glides you down the wonderful powder thru the hard crap into the ice and onto the slush. It does not care what snow you are on. My 3 cents from rainy Seattle.
  22. Anyone know of a Good organization to which send a bit on money to help Haiti?-- So many scams and inefficient organizations out there.. Do you know of one that uses its dotated $$ well and efficently -- please let me know.
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