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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. 3:22 and the place goes wild...!!!!!!:biggthump
  2. Who are those guys in the Seattle uniforms...?? Who'dathunkit? ahead at halftime? wowowowowowowowowow!!!!
  3. Good decision-- hope your other ideas work out... But this is what I call dangerous...
  4. A family lesson.. great idea... my daughter who has not boarded in a few years will have a reason to get back on the slopes.. She has a hardboot setup and great form --- least she did 10 years ago. how many times have you had the grandpa, daughter, and the child in a hardboot lesson Eh?
  5. Goods news in Seattle -- my daughter is pregnant and I will be a proud Grandfather. Can't wait to buy a little snowboard for him/her. I wonder how small a board Bruce makes at Coiler????? There maybe more than 1 in the oven-- my daughter is 42 yr old and she went with a IVF which is an amazing process-- I was in the room with her when she was implanted with the emryos... not to many fathers get to see their daughter get pregnant but I did.
  6. Others may have a different opinion here.. or Your Results may vary...but this is my opinion. What is your boot size?... do you really need a wide? What you describe is one of the reasons I went to hard boots and a narrow board for most of my riding..when I say narrow my boards are 19 -21.5 wide and my boot size is 12 US or Mondo 30. Others on this site ride even narrower boards - 16 to 18 wide. I liken it to cutting hard cheese... a wide board is like using a Butchers cleaver to cut it and a narrow board is like using a cheese cutter to cut thru...which is easier and takes less power/energy. If you can find a friend that has a hardboot set up -- give it a try and I think you will be impressed by how they ride the chop. Just flex the legs a little - pretend you are the suspension of a nice car and ride it Cowboy - under full control and comfort. I know this does not address your Original Post... but I have ridden wide boards... could not wait to get down the hill and back to the car and change boards.
  7. Is that a wide board at 26.2 wide? and you are in soft boots correct?
  8. I am curious as to what board you are riding? some of my boards are not so pleasent in the stuff of which you speak and a couple I have make it ok to ride.
  9. Sorry -- did not know the whole story...wish I could help -- maybe I'll see you at Big Mt - Have a great snow year!
  10. The above example -- is why I see a lot of "wide" boards in used or second hand stores.. like Play it again Sports... a friend of mine was going to do the same thing above.. I said rent/demo a wide board first -- you'll see they are not so great unless of course you have 24" of Utah powder under you.
  11. I try to put the Front Toe bail in the exact same place for each board.. no matter what the width-- that is to say not the same angle.. but the same toe position over the board edge.. and then I use a -7° ±1° for the rear binding.. Keeping it simple in my simple mind.. so to speak.
  12. Not trying to be a smart a#$ here but one thing you could do if you are really trying to save some $$... Sell the TD2s you have -- buy used set of TD1s that already have 4 and 3 hole in the mounting discs, pocket the difference for a lift ticket. Plus you can use the TD1s on a 4 hole board when you pick one up in the future. Happy Riding..
  13. We were at Crystal Mt on New Years Eve.. lot of people. anyway at one of the Lifts which is a fast moving 6 person chair, they usually have Lift Marshals that direct and help keep the lift lines moving on busy days. About 10 oclock we are in the Singles line since it goes quicker, the Lift Marshal is calling out to the lift line for how many in your group type questions, the next group of 4 skiers just stands there like a deer in the headlights, and is talking amoungst themselves, not moving. The lift Marshal yells out " Come on, Move it!, this is a Lift Line, Not a Waiting Line!"
  14. Duct tape --- Hmmm... I think I have some adhesive backed Teflon tape -- I could try that.... dont ask me how they get the adhesive to stick to the teflon.. Love to come to Oregon and meet ... what dates are you guys thinkin ?
  15. Hey Sultan Guy... check ride board for Crystal Mt.. I think you liked it last year ... Lets ride it again
  16. I have the same problem Keenan-- I could be wrong but with the old Intecs of plastic and more rubber -- there was less freezing to the surface than the colder to feel Aluminum.. I just pound the heckl out of the heel on the Step in Steel Guide when riding .. and when walking I am in walk mode in my 325s and walk very cautiously... BTW - how you doing down there? it was good to ride with you last year at Crystal
  17. Who ever did -- if he/she designed airplanes too I think it would look like this.
  18. First off Jack - Glad you and family are ok. Your above Quote -- I could not agree more... it is not only the current news item of the lift but in so many other news stories. They not only often fabricate but sensationalize for either selfish or ignorant reasons. I'd give a few recent examples but it would cause a thread drift which we do not need. Thanks for the great first hand real info.
  19. Anyone up for a meet at Cyrstal Mt. in Jan... mid week -- monday or a Tuesday?
  20. Sounds like what you might look for is a Prior FLC 19 wide. I have one in 173 lenght..no it is not for sale.. rides the stuff you describe quite well with my 325s.
  21. I think there is one on Ebay right now..
  22. Board is sold to a Bomberite -- Ebay ad was cancelled early -- Enjoy the Ride Freddy..
  23. Becuze of that little hole they put at the top of the boot for the cable. That was either smart thinking or a well done accidental feature.
  24. Here is the problem.. Several days ago I listed my 173 Volkl for sale in the Bomber classified for $220 No takers or emails.. so yesterday I listed it on Ebay and now have 7 bids. I come back from snowboarding today and now have 4 emails from Bomberites wanting to buy it at my listed price and one even offered higher $$ so I would end the Ebay Auction and sell to him. I prefer to help out my fellow Bomber riders and making more than $220 is not part of the issue.. I am happy with $220. So since Ebay bidders were first timewise -- should I continue the Ebay Auction and let the high bidder take it - possibly for less than $220 -- or support my fellow Bomber guys and sell the the first person to contact me and end the auction early? What would you do ?
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