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Everything posted by carvedog

  1. I dont let anybody get away with that. Usually I am so effing jacked up by the time I get to the bottom that I explode on the lift with a non-stop stream of adrenaline fueled chatter. I get lots of comments on the Burners. Everything from the skiers "Why did you stop there?", to the one guy who blatantly asked "What the hell do you call that thing?". My response: A low altitude flight simulator with the ultimate traction control device. That gets some funny looks.
  2. What an awesome movie I am with you Ben. Watching those guys is kind of how I feel about riding my board. Different but the same you know. Tim, Thanks for the link to a cool site with some great shots. It has snowed about 20+ inches in the last three days here in Sun Valley. Too busy to get up ain't that a bummer. Jerry
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/Used-Rossignal-165-cm-Carving-Snowboard-Like-New-NR_W0QQitemZ7200050609QQcategoryZ21250QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting Here is an ultraprime for $75 right now. 3 days left http://cgi.ebay.com/Burton-168-Alpine-Race-Carve-Carving-Snowboard_W0QQitemZ7200911734QQcategoryZ21250QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Good luck, Jerry
  4. I ride nothing but plate bindings and hard boots (Burton Fire's that are all cracked to squat but still holding) in all conditions and all boards from Burners to Primes to a Frontier 185, Canyon 173, Burton Air 172 etc ad naseum infitum. In bumps, crud, pow, everything. Well I don't do parks and rails. I never let my edges touch anything but snow actually, no wood or other skiers or lift line loadies. Too much gear for sure. The point is you don't need to have two sets of boots. Good luck with the boot fit.
  5. and Ike stop using such big letters. It hurts my eyes.
  6. Nothing on discount tix yet. I have on more resource for the discount. And it is snowing big time right now. Jerry
  7. Thanks for the kind words Johnny. As long as it works I guess that is the important thing. Nice to hear she is ripping. Anything to stop the over rotating that is so problematic sometimes. Best, Jerry
  8. I do a lot of photography, been published in Snowboarder and Snowboard Life as well as NY Times Sunday Magazine and several other publications. Was full time five years (only photography), river guide in the summer for 14 years (now only very part time) and I have a custom framing shop and gallery in downtown Ketchum and two daughters under five. I'll guess I will sleep when I am dead 'cause I sure don't get much now. Best, Jerry
  9. 11 in Sun Valley 1 in Whitefish Riding plates exclusively the last five years. Took my level 3 on plates including riding switch in the bumps and carving switch. I don't claim to be good but I get down the hill ok. You sound surprised. Jerry
  10. it is my all time favorite ripping powder stick and it still carves really nice on the groom good luck, Jerry
  11. but I would always deal with a Bomber first (Mike T). I didn't save the search but I am pretty sure they were Winds? in 24.5 Jerry
  12. Not trying to be a *ick here so I must have missed it in your first post. It is a Burton Speed. My bad. I don't think I would put the model in " ". Just say it is a Burton Speed. cool. So it is sold?? Bindings still available?? Just for a little background: I have seen several people join bomber just to try to get rid of some stuff and then they disappear, some leaving a trail of debris behind so sometimes I get a little skeptical. There are some great guys and gals on these forums and I would rather give something to a fellow bomber than try to make $20 on eBay with it. So no totem pole we just don't know you yet. Welcome. Looks like D lined you out on posting pics. Very powerful sales tool. Good luck. Also fill out your profile as this helps people decide too. It's not like you are giving out your street address - just where in the world you are helps decide things like shipping etc. Again Welcome, Jerry
  13. Been looking halfheartedly for another pair of plates and a little board. Buttttttt..... Raceboarder no offense but you just joined this forum, putting the pressure on for me to buy a board that I have not seen a pic of and dont know what model it is. Ultra prime, factory prime ???????? And what year plates? What color? I hate the gold and red anodized bails because you can't see the micro cracks that indicate imminent failure. So best of luck. Jerry
  14. Seeing the Mistral Ecstasy 167 in the lineup made me want one again. Looking for a ridable one regular foot. Philfell thx for the update on Persons. Is Nick still coaching too? Jerry
  15. Like model number, type o bindings etc. Without info it is hard to close the deal.
  16. Now that cracks me up. My mind is open and I know what works for me and that is the purity of boarding that skiing will never touch no matter how far it progresses. IMHO Jerry
  17. Another good import, besides snow, from our friends to the north. Hey Fin, I used to ride with Persons in MT and then he coached here in SV for a couple of seasons. Do you know what he's doing? Just a great guy and wondering what he is up to. Also Michelle you look great as white trash. Sorry I missed the party - looks like a hoot. Jerry
  18. Glad you found your way to the fold. I don't know about the custom boards but the Burton Frontier is a ripping carver (for freeride type) and a 170 is good size. I have one of the 185s which I absolutely love. It is a little big for the Olympic trees but in the bowls it is just smashing. Haven't talked in a while. So be in touch my man. Jerry
  19. a little flippant with my earlier post. I know that a lot of carvers on the forum ride Coiler, Donek etc. But in regards to T Sims I think my Burner 197 is the finest board I have ever ridden. I have two and a 188. So back to finding the mother of the carve. You are probably doing it on your surf board. Now you have the frozen wave. I don't see how two skis can relate to the snow in the same way that one long plank-edge etc can. I have surfing visions all the time when carving. I think of the long high speed cat roads here as tubes or breaks. I-80 is a popular one and for me it is toeside bottom turn as I surf the wall all the way to Olympic. Boarding is so much more about body movement relating to one plane of interaction with the frozen goodness. Skiing with all that knee angulation, feet going different directions, releasable whatever. And I used to ski. Complicate your life with all that stuff- again for me the answer is no thank you. Boarding is about simplifying your life. One surface, one edge, one ride. Best, Jerry No offense to all who slide both ways. I have found the path for me.
  20. would be the correct answer to your question. But that's just me. Jerry
  21. Not cool to hassle for powder. If she doesn't like your current addiction maybe you could try H or coke or meth? Now those are destructive addictions. I reccommend powder counseling ASAP.
  22. I was clocked with radar on a downhill course at 68 mph. That was with a check turn thrown in at the top of the face. The next run I went faster ( no check turn) but the gun wasnt there then. I still nearly pissed myself both times. This was on a Factory Prime 173. It felt about like a 135 as I passed the halfway mark on the face. At the bottom it felt like I didn't have a snowboard on at all. There was a pretty good roll in the runout that I never even felt at the half speed course inspection run. I straight lined one of the bowls on a powder day with lots of light freshie and I know I came close to the 50 to 55 range. I usually turn lots in powder but the Frontier was flowing and so was I, so i kind of didn't turn. For those speed demons out there, Sun Valley has several areas where there is no speed enforcement at all. If you ski in control and don't endanger anyone you can go as fast as you want. These are not the green runs. Jerry
  23. and did some work but left the browser open. Mounted two pictures and wired a mirror. That is my story and I am sticking to it.
  24. Sitting on top of the woodstove, scope mounted, pad there. Is that some kind of subliminal message there? Granted I didn't see it until the sixth or seventh look. Almost 800 views and 45 posts in a day - we may have a rival to the OT: Waaaay OT thread Jerry
  25. when I scrolled past that, I ran my mouse into the stapler and knocked over my coffee, nearly sliced my hand open on a utility knife setting on the counter. If I can't snowboard opening day I am holding you resp. D. and I am still looking for those little wingnut binding things for you. Skipup, speaking of world domination, you definitely have one of the best online pix in the profile section. Even prompted me to put up a pic with my daughter in the hot tub. So lets hear the rest of the story D. I will try to find the pix I have of a gal who posed with for me with the Nitro Retro when I thought I wanted to be a studio photographer. Jerry
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