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Everything posted by carvedog

  1. I think hes really funny. Took him rafting once and he's not funny in person but I love his writing. Missed the snowboard column so thanks Neil. LMAO on that one. I love when skiers ask me "Have you been out shredding it up dude?" Sounding like a used car salesman trying to butter you up for that Pontiac with 300K on it in the corner of the lot. NOT my lingo. My answer. "I don't shred, I'm not rad and I ain't your dude."
  2. ' Cause you are sounding a tad defensive. They don't make you take your truck out of service over a marker light. Non functioning brake lights, cracked rims, tread on tires etc. - yes they do and should. And the numbers do mean something without being compared to anything else. It means that 30% of the trucks pulled over in random are not safe to operate on the highway cause the cops made them stop operations. . With the strength of the truck lobby in most states they are not going to take these trucks out of service over a marker light, they have to document these things.
  3. Bad deal. But I personally don't like the bars at all. Feel trapped. PUt my foot on foot rest and it cramps. Dont like them. When my kid is on of course I will put it on. I saw one kid go down at Big Mtn.on chair 6 (learner chair at the bottom). They had the bar down, kids were leaning on it. Kid sits back, dad raises bar 40 feet from unload. Kid leans for bar, not there and splat on his face from 15 feet. This is the kicker - while I am doing a primary assessment, dad skis down and yells at the kid. "Get up!!! I told you to quit screwing around." When I tell him I would like ski patrol to come and check him out. He snarls at me. " I am a doctor and he's fine." Yikes
  4. Was proven by the government to be hazardous and I am still going to do that too. By the way you started the disrespectful part of this by throwing names. When my four year old does that she gets a timeout until she comes and tells me why that is not ok. Jan - do you need a timeout? Until you learn to respectfully disagree. Oh it doesn't matter how wronged or justified you feel calling people names is still wrong. It is an attack. It can hurt people. I never claimed to be an expert - only that I had experienced personal contact with someone who was very damaged by immunization. YOu cant' win because there was no opponent. Other than a different view. Oh you can't lose for the same reason.
  5. ( Sorry Serious we got sidelined here) Can't comment about autism. Can comment about immunization induced stroke and subsequent disability. I worked several times with a young man who wanted to snowboard very badly. He only had about 10-15 percent use of the entire left side of his body. After working with them several times the cause of the disability came out and it was from immunization. Can't tell you which one or how, but his family was very up front about it. There are many sides to every view. Some of us have sources and resources that vary with experience. To just sit and swallow the government line about risk/benefit/cause/effect et al is the real crap. Depending on who you believe (remember knowledge/intelligence can be subjective) there are still some serious risks from immunization/vaccination that have not been rectified by the medical establishment. Granted they are in the sub 1 percent or 1/2 percent but if it is your kid that can't snowboard it might make you look at the numbers a little differently. Serious got a tet shot and he is happy with his decision. What needles you stick into your body is your own decision. So lets go ride.
  6. What is with the flame. Another 3 post winer who doesn't know how to play with others. NO info on the homepage and you think you should be able to call someone who posts here regularly and IS a part of this community a quack??? Grow up and learn how to respectfully disagree. Get all the shots you want that is your right. Calling someone names is not.
  7. Just so you know I always put everything on the hood. Have a pad handy (towel for me) and everything goes on the hood. Granted I have an explorer with 300K but if you have a nice car just through a towel up there and lay your stuff down. Cant drive off and forget it. Cant put in the rack and forget to latch. Does not decapitate. Cannot get run over. Do you think I should market something with a very light magnetic base and some neoprene to protect the finish. ? I have tried to teach my wife this without success. She made it 40 miles with a diaper bag on top of the car. Sorry about the eye. I almost did the same thing at my locker at the mountain. Had everything just fit and opened the door too fast and it sucked my board out and nearly got me.
  8. Living in denial. Snowboard racing is much more fun to watch than a wanna be bank robber flipping 7/9/10 whatever. If you like that kind of thing great ., but the real goods are one person, one edge at a time, rail to rail.............. arghhh what the heck is the world coming to.
  9. Not quite as eloquently put as you did but I feel your pain I missed it too. While we are talking about the damm Tv. When they were running halfpipe did those guys look solarized to anyone? Kind of frosty white glowing around the edges. Or is my set ready to blow. Looked like a clipping or high gain issue only on their broadcast.
  10. The first board I owned was a 162Gnu Vertigo. I traded it in the next yrar as the darn thing did make me dizzy with that swirl thing on the nose. First Alpine board Mistral Ecstasy 167. Rode this one and two more into the ground. Could carve like a demon on that with flat Ride plates. and do powder.
  11. The carving is epic right now. It seems a shame to complain about soft snow but when we did our carving here (just got the video back and will try to put up some clips once I figure out Final Cut a little more) it was a little soft for me. Perfect right now. Purrrfect. So your timing is good. Of course next week with President's hoo haw going on will be busier. Oh well. Glad you are healing. I am already booked for several days next week but I look forward to destroying some runs with you.
  12. I have never had a failure with Burton plates except for the occasional bail. What boots are you guys riding in? and Scott you are welcome to disagree. But I am kind of with Phil. If they are still using them on the world cup - what up?? I like the flex I get out of them, but probably should get something different eventually. I figure the way I ride everything will metal fatigue eventually. I can judge it pretty good on my Burton plates so here I am. Just so you know I had horrible prerelease problems with one of the mentioned reccomended bindings from another company above. Usually on high speed fallaway jumps, and always the front foot. Spent hours working on them before I said duck it and went back to the race plates. About the bails I bought a dozen of front and rear, when I saw the writing on the wall about Burton. I also have 6 pair of plates so I spread it around a bit. I probably have enought bails to last until 2010 or 2011.
  13. same problem I had with Raichles and Burton plates. I couldn't stay in them at all. Would usually release when I needed them most (cranking a heel carve on steeps). I am 245 lbs and still ride Burton plates so can't address a step up but you should be able to stay in your bindings. The only issue I have with Burton plates is that I crack the bails regularly - one or two a year. I have learned to inspect carefully, not use the anodized coated bail (it covers up the micro crack that is the first sign of metal fatigue). Good luck
  14. I actually rode that same setup almost. Koflach Superpipes with Nitro bindings then add the critical Elfgen tongue piece. Had to breast stroke out of a snowboarder black hole at Big Mountain. 100 yards of swimming, while laying on your board and then I go to click in and no tongue on one foot. ARRRRGGGHHHH.. Also at Big Mountain several years later I see an elderly couple (at the time I was 32) 50 to 55 plus years old come off the lift with ski boots in softies. Thinking this ought to be good, I follow and watch. When they clip in not only are they wearing white rear entry boots in softs, but they are riding duck. Something like 25, -25. Both of them and the icing - both in one piece nylon ski suits. Still chuckling and thinking they got sold a bill of goods, these two purists strap in and proceed to have a blast doing flat spins, riding switch (uh lets see in 93' we called it uhhh fakie), popping off of little hits, landing 180s all the way down the hill without stopping. In many ways these guys were in the zone than the best jib jockeys and almost up there with the trenchers. IMO. Pretty funny.
  15. My Italian brother by another mother. Either people understand passion or they don't. Just because they lack the energy to get up at 5 am for anything does not mean they are worthless. Someone needs to be at the store when we are done carving and doing the banking and keeping the buses running. There are many worthy things to do in life. Some will never know the generous grip of fresh corduroy wrapped around the finely honed edges of your precious. Rejoice in your bounty
  16. I thought I saw this on Bomber but cant find it in the video links. This guy does a cliff, pretty steep and then straight lines it, you think the vid is over and then he comes flying over the roller at the bottom and flies about 200 feet. Anyone, anyone, Bueller? Thanks, Jerry
  17. I just called today to find out when it is, as it is usually late Feb or March. and he says "oh it's next week". There is a big Super G (about 2300 vertical) that runs late March or early April. It is actually a combined event, bumps on Saturday and Super G on Sunday you can do either or. I've won that a couple times cause there are only about three of us in the bumps and then I usually do pretty fair in the Super G. Thanks for the interest. Jerry
  18. Yes that's right a 2000 v feet downhill course at Soldier Mtn in central Idaho. North of Twin Falls, south of Ketchum. The open class is next Tuesday with a training run in the morning and a timed run in the afternoon. Think your fast, ever done downhill on a board and you will reevaluate. I was timed on Monument face a few years ago at this race at 65 mph and I nearly crapped shiny new speed suit. the cost is $30 for the race and $30 for the ticket. This is a small ski area that is normally closed on Tuesday so it is all for the racers. Good party after too. There is a USSA downhill on Wednesday too. Two runs must have a license etc. Contact me if you need more details. Jerry
  19. I knock on everything I can get my hands on. But I am still not going to accept that crashes just happen. I don't believe that. It comes to arrogance or recklessness meets unawareness. Now I am probably going to have my as$ handed to me. But we create our world to some extent. And I am going to believe that I can snowboard until I can't without having a major crash, and I can do it while going off like a big dog. You are what you believe.
  20. Just looking at a picture does not give you the whole picture. For me it depends on what comes first. If you wind up your upper body towards nose ( I am assuming you mean nose when you say front) and then the board follows - that is not the most efficient way IMO. If you are doing crossunder carves the upper bod stays generally facing the fall line and the board crosses under your body to the next carve. Normally I like to teach alignment with the angles of the feet as a base and then work back and forth from there with the movement and turning forces, starting in the feet, ankles and knees with the hip and upper body following the movement that starts from the ground up. If you find yourself skidding out a lot on heelside, having trouble initiating toe turns, having to fling your arms around to turn and unable to ride powder at all on toeside you are rotating too much to the nose and and or counter rotating. But without seeing someone ride it is hard to tell. In reference to the photos of WTC I see a lot of the riders riding over their feet with the basic alignment. The more race style carvers are definitely facing forward (towards the nose) but that is typically a different type of turn. If it works for you that is the important thing.
  21. Not stressed, just doing crash avoidance. With the type of carving I/we do I cannot afford another crash. I was totally taken out my a skier about 10 years ago- very bad. Finished my day and I was so sore could not ride for a week. Nothing broken. Now I seem to have a sixth sense when someone is coming up on me, fast erratic skiers - whatever. My kung fu is not strong but my sense on the slope is excellent. Point is don't accept crashes as part of the game. In 15 years of riding that is the only significant crash I was involved except for those two bozos in Crested Butte who actually begged me to run into them, but that is another story. No one hurt there.
  22. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  23. Just so you know I been kicking around bomber for a while now. Trying to help out when possible, and delaying accomplishing any real work the rest of the time. AAANDDDD I often look at the profiles when some one has technical questions. There are very many of you with no info at all in your profiles. I know we all want to protect our identities online and all the carp, but this is a great resource and sometimes you have to give to get. And I am definitely down with no For Sale without an email online. So step up and be part of your community. No phone numbers or street addresses please. And thanks to Fin and Co. for sponsoring a great forum.
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