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Everything posted by carvedog

  1. Maybe I did misinterpret, and the last time I threw blows was in 8th grade and that guy deserved it too, but I also don't really believe in accidents either. As far as the guy cutting you off hard to say. That is why I look around before jamming an extra hard turn or pulling off. I have just seen that "Oh well they are a beginner they can't be held responsible for their actions" attitude and it really chaps my split tail. There are lapses in thinking, fatigue, inexperience and terrain variations that are not perceived - but accidents??? Here I go again. I know the standard definition of an accident, but "stuff happens" means???? As far as the question about kids, yes I do have them and I do have a reaction/protection response that comes up around my kids that I never experienced before I had them. A golden bulldozed my 18 month old and was stepping on her - I threw him about 10 yards ( ninety pound dog??) and not as anger but just to get to her and clear the area. More like what RDY did - except I didnt feel bad about it. Bongo bob beating on a 16 year old is not right - dont get me wrong. Not even sure what the heck I am saying here but we do need to be the best riders out there to make sure that no one can say squat - ever. End of rant 2.
  2. We always need to be careful out there. Absolutely no excuse for running into anyone. Little kid or other. I personally have wanted to kick someones a$s on the hill because they hurt someone else. Why cant people take responsibility for their actions and for being in control? Kind of like saying well just go out on the interstate and play bumper cars until you figure it out. Too many kids don't know about control either through not being taught or not caring. How bout if you run into someone you lose your privileges for the day and lost a $50 bond that you put as an instant penalty for losing control. Hit and run snowboarder took out one of my clients (blind jump - imagine that?) at Christmas time so bad that she has four pins in her leg and may take a year to rehab for normal walking. OOPS sorry dude no one kicked my butt so I don't have any sense of consequences. Just sick of people saying ah well stuff happens. End of rant.
  3. I think I will try to plan a couple more days here on Baldy for late February. Havn't got the video yet, but it should be fun once we get it. Snowing like mad here this morning. a couple inches already since 5. 4-5 on Saturday night with bluebird yesterday morning. Not the best for hard carve conditions but it is so nice to see the snow. Anyone trying to make any of the WTC days. I am shooting to make Snowbasin if I can. If it keeps snowing then it is the Frontier instead of the Burner. Jerry
  4. Never did clear enough to see Glacier Park until January the year I was there. I didn't care as I was riding pow in the trees until the cows came home. But it was full surface navigation conditions.
  5. the best I could find was about 320 on Southwest into Spokane which is maybe 3.5 - 4 hours away, maybe someone knows better than me the mileage and or time. which means that you would have to rent a car and then you are $500 plus 4 hours driving.
  6. Big Mountain is an incredible mountain for someone just learning carving. As much as I love Sun Valley for the steeper stuff, there is a huge variety of lower angle terrain that is perfect for dialing it in. There is also steeper and with the snow they have now it should be good for a while. Just do it.
  7. Looks like you guys are having one up there. Looked at the pics - I spent the winter there in 94-95. Had over 500 inches if I remember right. They opened in late October on the weekends. A good year. Seeing these pics I looked up the mountain map after recognizing some of the familiars: Toni Matt, Inspiration, The Big Ravine. I saw on the map that it looks like they have a quad into hellroaring basin????? We used to hit this pretty hard at the top and then have the hella traverse out. I know this is not carver country in there but with the pow it should be awesome. Whats the beta?? Jerry
  8. who showed up on Thursday. It was awesome to see a group of carvers out rippin it up. Now I just have to figure out WTC and the SES. Today was really good too. Steve is trying to get the video to me so I can edit it while i am trapped in a hotel in Sin City. 14 minutes of footage. I think I want to have another two day deal later in February or early march. Snowing pretty good now all afternoon and early evening. Jerry
  9. The carve is on. Cold and clear out this morning with weather supposed to be closing in a little in the afternoon. 9 degree at River Run 14 on top. Warm Springs and Greyhawk groomed top to bottom. Broadway top to bottom. and the cherry on the cake Olympic Ridge and Lower Olympic. I am trying to get the video guy for today since the weather is so nice at present. email me for cell number. I will leave the house before 8. Looking to be on the chair at 9 at River Run. Back at the top at 9:30, or at the least that is the plan. Jerry
  10. Captain's Log: One thousand stars out right now. Temp is cool to cold. And it looks like it snowed about 6 inches in Hailey since 6 oclock last night. After snowing steadily all day Tuesday. Thought it would still be dumping but a little blue bird powder day is all right too. I will still be in the lift line at 9 at River Run. Glad to hear you coming Jonny. Good to hear from you too Chris and Laurie. The video guy is on standby for Thursday am and confirmed on Friday am for one hour 9-10. For those of you in the valley it is Steve Ferguson who has been filming on the mountain for years. He is fast, has a new Canon G2 digital camera and is a buddy of mine. Hopefully we can use the video as teaching tool and I need to document what I am doing before I get too broke up to do it anymore. Then I can show video to my now one year old, when I am in a walker and say look daddy did now how to do this stuff. All for now. Look for you on the mountain. Anyone travelling be safe - there are a lot of people out there who know nothing about moving quickly over a reduced friction surface. Jerry
  11. Five or six inches already today. Supposed to snow another 8-10 tonight. Not that I am sniveling about the snow, but the likelihood of carving anything on the groomed or euro style is nil. On the other hand I will be on the River Run chair ready to roll at 9 am and would be happy to share a few lines that i know of with whomever would like to show. Purple and grey Solstice jacket. I will have a Burton Frontier 185. Ugly yellow and taupe colors. I also have a locker upstairs above the rental shop at Pete Lanes- I will be there getting ready around 8:30. Anyone there can guide you. There will be enough people coming out that you won't need the access code. Just yell Jerry - I am at the far corner. email for cell number or if you are coming. Jerry
  12. Had some epic, spectacular days already this month. Supposed to be snowshowers off and on all week. NOt that I believe one word of it. Ken are you still planning on coming? It is starting to look like you and me and RFT from Hailey. Which is ok but I may not have the video guy come out. He only charges $50 an hour plus some post production and he is good. I just don't want to pay it all myself. I thought if 4 or 5 of us each threw down a $10 spot we would be good to go and I would take care of the editing etc. I am starting to feel like that guy surfing Mavericks with no one around. This is a final call for anyone thinking about coming.
  13. but I do. Been teaching for 12 years in hard boots. Exclusively hard boots for 6. Loaned my Burton stepins to someone and they never brought them back. I ride in walk mode with beginners, barely buckle the cuff and I can show all the movement in the ankle that a soft booter can. On my Canyon I am riding at 30 and 15 and even though it is not duck I can ride totally open to my toes. Just another view.
  14. $4 an hour increase for level 2. That is an awesome pay increase. 60 hours of teaching and your covered. If you are only doing the education for the money that is ok. I have found the folks who get the most out of it are going in with the idea to take the exam to learn as much as possible. Depending on how the exam is structured you will get to see/hear several other people teach a lot of different scenarios, using different tools, tactics and approach. This is where some of the real benefit of the exam is. Besides your examiner feedback on your riding, teaching etc. As a former examiner, clinician etc.. I think if you do it for the process of learning with no other expected (different than hoping for) outcome you will have a great time, maybe pass and get your $$$. There is also the the fact that chicks dig a certified instructor. Shows your not just a dirtbag snowboarder any more. Plus if you promote your business with business cards etc you can put it on your card. Shows your parents your serious.
  15. Dan - I know you are just trying to impress the ladies with the pictures of your swollen appendages, but after the toe removal bits came up there are no ladies here. So better luck next time.
  16. I dropped out of AASI with the more freestyle orientation and two kids. Also it seemed they wanted to get more inbred in the division and I wanted to bring in a little more outside influence. Time to move on. I still got a lot out of it. but I am trying to do a little trip somewhere with my wife for a couple of days and I have always liked Brundage so we might think about that. If the cabin is available you might have a non-kid zone to bunk in - maybe with another bomber. If not we have three sleeping areas in the house and only need two. But with two kids under five, if one is having a tough time pretty much everyone in the house is having not so much sleep. So you are more than welcome. Still havn't heard from too many folks, might be three of us cruising around enjoying the finest carving in the west with no one around. Jerry
  17. The speeds and forces seem to demand it. And the skiers that can take you out. For some reason when I go in the trees I can't stand to have my helmet on. Dont know why. My wife thinks I am nuts - probably right. I don't wear one when teaching (except carving either). But I am probably the most aware person on the run at any given time too. Constantly doing threat assessment on my student from dingbat, tail skidder, speed wedgers. My two centavos.
  18. too. Or maybe I did. Having two kids under five just sucks my brain out sometimes. I did do a big water Selway trip with Irv about four years ago. He is a fun boater to watch. I nabbed a permit on the Middle Fork this spring we launched May 21st ( it peaked on the 20th) so that was nice. One of the first trips out of Boundary. There was immense carnage the day before on Marsh Creek as some totally unprepared folks did the creek instead of getting stuck in the mudbog ( I did) on the drive in. 10 boats went under a log. Two destroyed frames, three shredded rafts, 1 likely broken ankle and many bruises and tattered egos. Guess I shouldn't thread jack my own thread. Ken ( or others) we have some bunk space at my house in Hailey and may have the cabin out back available to save on hotel expense - more for beer. Let me know. Jerry
  19. are sick. We are talking about someone with some serious issues here.
  20. Hey nice carve pic in your profile. Irv is a good buddy of mine and can fake being a passable snowboarder for hardly ever doing it. He must have been giving a clinic. YOu going to make it up here for some carving? Jerry
  21. I have many seasons of 100 plus days and found with custom footbeds and injected liners all of my foot problems went away. Even after a 6 or 7 hour day I am happy in my boots. It would seem to me that the only way you would have toenail problems is with movement and subsequent friction in the toe box area. With appropriate padding and tightness you should have no or very little movement in that area. I tighten my boots down enough that I usually have to pop my buckles on the lift for the little extra circulation when I am carving hard. When teaching I loosen them one or two twists depending on temp and don't have problems or need to pop buckles then either. My two cents - good luck
  22. 95 in 35 mph zone. Love to see him ski but he does not exercise the best judgement (some, most, all) of the time.
  23. meant the bindgins "suck" but rather describing the depressions (suck holes in the base of the board where the inserts pull up. This has also happened to me on virtually every board I have except my Burners. I think this is a compression of the malleable or soft parts of the core and it has not seemed to effect the ride of any of my equipment. Does make it harder to make the base look pretty.
  24. It is happening. The snow could not be better. Damn I love January up here. No people and cold chalky, carvable snow everywhere. Less than two weeks. Hope all who were interested can make it, 'cause I think it is going to be worth it. Love to get an informal head count on who's in. Jerry
  25. Thrashed myself today. Damn it was good. Upper Grey was not groomed but the rest of the mountain was. Broadway Face impeccable. Canyon was on fire. . Olympic Ridge is buffed and of course no one - as in zero people were on it. Greyhawk mid and lower was buff as well. I am not worthy but I tried to put in the biggest, baddest curbs I could. That is what my wife calls my trench. Going to try again tomorrow am. By afternoon the skidders had pushed up piles of fluff that you had to be on your toes for. But still darn good. Tis the season. I never know when I can get up until the night before. Jon if you can make it up I can usually bust out for a couple of hours in the morning. So come on up. Jerry
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