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Posts posted by jp1

  1. Jesse, I hope it's better than today (actually I don't, because the only way it's going to get any better is with complaints from more than me) their grooming 'vacuums' (nice way of saying it sucks).

    Never seen a trail (Challenge) turn to marbles instantly, it usually takes an hour or two. They were grooming it from opening until mid morning & instantly turned to junk. Obviously they are doing something WRONG :confused:

    I just wish someone besides me would speak up to management when there is an issue. Plenty of grumbling on the lifts and in the lodge, but the Mountain Manager can't hear it there.

    :biggthump Nice riding with Marty & Family, NICE turns !! :biggthump

  2. Fin, it's hard to 'admit to guilt' when their is NONE.

    Some of us can NOT do it, and I am glad you are one of us!

    It' seems pretty obvious Craig knew exactly what he wanted to hear from you. I'd bet he (Craig) made Chris aware of the 'desired outcome' before the meeting, that's why he stood in the doorway & said what he did. Something I'd guess (from his body language he didn't agree with) but unfortunately, keeping his his job probably dictated.

    I feel sorry for people that let themselves get in that position.

    Luckily, you have other alternatives as to where to invest your snow time & dollars.

    Thanks for sharing this with us, Keystone has seen their last penny from me (not that it bothers them).

    On a better note: How's the 'Subi' comming? :biggthump

  3. Greg, yea I seen you :biggthump:eek: yesterday, waited at the top of Razors (should have known better) that was probably when you left!

    Yea, I went in to the office :angryfire last week with a LIST. Now I'm probably on 'the LIST', but :mad: don't really care.

    A 'Holiday :angryfireWEEK' for Presidents day IS ridiculous. More $$ for the WEEKDAY season pass and less days to use it, place is a shame, could easily be the best around, but I guess they don't care as long as they Cram'em In on the weekends.......

  4. Wun, I'll make a serious attempt to answer your questions to the best of my ability.

    I honestly do NOT know what 'Relative Stiffness or Static Lean' are. 'Relative Stiffness', relative to what (I can only 'assume' to other boots).To my knowledge there is no stiffness chart for Alpine Boots, experienced riders know from their experience what brands and models ride stiffer than others. Fit characteristics such as volume & last of different brands & models I believe are achieved the same way, hence speculative, not scientific.

    Question: * what is the range of adjustable stiffness enveloped by all color combinations of BTS springs relative to the range in the stock HSPs?

    Answer (jmo): the range of adjustable stiffness by all color combinations of BTS I would guess is infinite. You have (6) different, (3) top and (3) bottom and or any combination thereof of spring rates. In addition to the spring rates, you have the ability to adjust the preload of each spring. On top of this, the location of the Top Pin will affect how the springs 'feel'. While I'm sure it is possible to mathematically figure out the answer, I doubt anyone has done it. To me, for all intent and purpose (for this application) I believe it to be infinite.

    Question: * what is the range of adjustable static lean enveloped by the BTS system relative to the range in the stock HSPs?

    Answer (jmo): First off, the BTS was NOT designed for Head boots. Therefore any installations to Head boots are a modification to the system's original design. The location of the Top Pin is critical, and with a Head boot the person 'modifying' (installing) the BTS has to choose that location. Obviously one of the things the Top Pin location affects is the 'static lean' of the boot, so in reality the installer can determine the static lean by where the Top Pin is located. Keeping in mind, as this Top Pin location changes, so does the amount of available Adjustment for Spring Preload.

    I can only 'guess' that the measurement between the Top Pin and the Bottom Pin for which boot the BTS was designed for (I forget the Brand off-hand) should be used to keep the BTS geometry as close to what it was designed for.

    I have done 3 pair of Head boots, and I located the Top Pin for my desired forward lean. Along with the BTS, I did the Modifications (to the Max) :biggthump and would not recommend any other way. I did not measure the the amount of forward lean available with the stock HSP's, but believe the Modifications at least DOUBLED it! The amount of friction between the plastic parts of the boot is unbelievable (until you do the Modifications, and see & feel it for yourself, you would not believe it).

    I hope this has helped to answer your questions. In reality the boots have to fit properly :) or any addition or modification will only be a waste of time and money.

    Good Luck - jp1

  5. Razors: STILL CLOSED :( Nightmare & Dreamweaver :CLOSED (grooming ) :angryfireSwitchback STILL CLOSED (grooming / going on 2 weeks since they stopped blowing snow on it) :freak3:

    WTF over, I guess they don't groom at night anymore :mad::angryfire

    ICE RAMPS at the Six-Pack Cattle Chute / lift line make it 'more interesting' :confused: Can anyone (the front office :sleep: couldn't) explain??

    Time to Seriously consider a season pass somewhere else next season......

    :biggthump Good to see a new Alpine Rider (Greg) today, he'll be ripping in no time.:biggthump

  6. Razor was closed (blowing snow) yesterday and the Piles sat there today untouched :(. I hope it don't sit there 'untouched' for over a week :mad: like Sidewinder did (They were actually working on Sidewinder the past 2 days)! 1/2 bumps on top of Challenge. As usual everything starts to marble up after the first 1-2 hrs, but was sweet early :biggthump.

  7. OK fin, it's Tuesday, where's "Part 2" :lol:.. Although (from reading Mark & Michelle's posts) I'm pretty sure, "I don't really :mad: want to know", as it'll just get me more wound up :eek:

    I sent an email to VR, which I'm sure promptly went to 'File 13', and I will NEVER get a response. But they got the message and will NEVER get a penny out of me (not that it bothers them).

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