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Posts posted by jp1

  1. Randy T., if you are serious about making them up, I'd be interested in a few of them.

    I've been going to take a Milwaukee Sawzall blade (6TPI Wood) cut it down and lay it on board at about a 25* angle with a bead of clear Silicone, but something like your model would be sweet :biggthump.

  2. While a 'plate' system may not be for everyone, I think everyone owes it to themself to at least try them and make their own decision.

    We all have preconceived notions, positive or negative, sometimes so strong that we wont even try something. Some list reasons why they will never work, while others will list reasons how they work. I've heard all of the excuses, do yourself a favor and try every system you can and make your own decision.

    All I care about is what works for me, and puts the biggest :) on my face :biggthump.

  3. Ink, Aren't ya posta ride over them suckers?

    Then again some of the tree's out there are :eek: a little bigger than what you'd find around here! You guys have way too much fun out there even in the summer, just ain't fair :biggthump

  4. I just wanted to Thank ALL (LCI) of you again for jump-starting a good season for me! All of the places I could go this upcoming season, and I'm already thinking of Loveland in early December.

    " What a Great Group of people to ride with :biggthump !!! "

  5. KingCrimson,"Regardless of the plate compliance, aren't we already accomplishing this enough with TD3 elastomers?" Exactly, IF everyone were using TD3's!

    'Metal' board construction with the inclusion of different materials (like rubber) has accomplished the same 'isolation' / 'dampening' affects, to a degree.

    So possibly better yet, what if we carried it to the next level, and incorporated these Isolators (elastomers) into the Plate System.

  6. KingCrimson, "Oh hell yeah it's isolated!"

    I've read all that's available. I see it has slider (front) and what appears to be a pivot point (rear) I'm guessing what you are calling hinged?

    How do these provide any isolation?

    I understand how the plate 'floats', independently above the board, allowing the board to flex under it, but don't see where any means of isolating the plate from the board.

    If the attaching points are metal, any vibrations, chatter, negative feedback from terrain etc., will be transmitted through them into the plate.

    Example: if you drilled a hole and installed a bolt & nut through the 'motor mount' in an automobile, the vibration from the 'engine' would be transmitted through the hardware into the chassis.

    Just asking (anyone) what am I missing?

    Thanks -- jp1

  7. Bruce, Thanks for the weight information! I know you wrote: I'll give a full report once I get a bit more time, so I can wait on that.

    The other question I had (if you can answer it then) was, Does it incorporate any type of Isolation, to isolate the board from rider? Or is it attached directly, through metal hardware?

    Your statement,"For freecarve it is also a nice ride but the extra weight seems to cancel out any energy savings you get through a smoother ride," leads me to believe it does, unless the separation alone between the two surfaces (board & plate) helps to create a smoother ride?

  8. sxybst90," if you remember which one was the stiffest? cuz i wan't something stiff and do i have to cut some shell to make it more flexible with the BTS?"

    Honestly, I do not remember, and it's all subjective to personal preference. At the top of page, click on Search, type in 'HSP', 'BTS', 'HEAD BTS' or similar, there was a ton of good information posted.

    It will be more than worth your while :biggthump

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