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Posts posted by jp1

  1. bjvircks; " I've given some thought to a device kind of like the snorkle mouthpiece on an avalanche vest to route exhaled breath away from the face area."

    Not a 'snorkle', but it worked :biggthump A lady in our club use to make a deflector out of fleece. It was shaped & looked like a mustache. It had a small piece of velcro glued to it so it attached to the bottom of 'most' goggles, just stick it on.

    It deflected your breath away & kept goggles from fogging up :D Awesome, unless you were sporting a Fu-manchu, then you had a solid block of ice on your upper lip :eek:

  2. " By getting out in front of that little faux-pas, you have now disarmed us and we now we cannot use it on you, very nicely played.'

    Yep, the Best Defense is a good Offense (as proven by the Eagles) :lol:

  3. "And so my question... How cold does it have to be before you say 'nuts to this, I'm not going up today'?"

    Just like age is only a number, so is temperature :D.When you are dressed 'right' and riding with 'good friends', who pays any attention to the temperature :confused:

    I've skiied in -54*F (w/wc factor) @ Mt.Tremblant, boarded @ -43*F (w/wc) a couple of weeks ago with LCI, with no issues.

    Then last week riding locally & alone, had to put my glove liners in for the first time ever @ -14*F (I don't know what the w/c factor was, but it certainly wasn't -43*F) go figure :confused:

    To me, too many factors go into the equation to make a decision based on temperature alone. It would be like NOT trying a trail because it is a "Black".

    Take the numbers and the colors as information to be processed, throw them out the window and have FUN :biggthump

  4. If you are 'anywhere near' an Alpine Shop, I feel the BEST way to find the right boot is to try on as many boots as possible and pick the best ones. Their are so many different characteristics of feet and boots, only way for me was to try them. The shop will more than likely have a knowledgeable boot fitter also.

    I know it may not be feasible depending on where you are located.

    I drove 5 hours one way, 600 miles round trip, and don't regret a minute of it. I hear too many horror stories about boots and wanted them right the first time!

  5. Sorry, for some reason this really bothers me :mad:.

    I guess it's a combination of meeting Fin & the Bomber Crew (all great :biggthump people) and seeing the video, of which I see absolutely nothing wrong :confused::confused:.

    The thought crossed my mind after watching the video several times that 'maybe' it was a 'Planned Attack' on the Alpine Snowboard family?

    All of the things these people do (Bomber) for the Alpine Community, what better person (Representative of the Alpine Industry) could you single out to get the 'Resorts Message Across'?

    'Alpine Snowboarders are NOT welcome @ Keystone!' Is that the message they want to convey ?

    While others, like Alta & Mad River take the heat from the 'snowboard family' for being off limits, all Keystone has to do is pick the right person, get the whole family up in arms, and maybe they will go away. Thus leaving the 'snow-plowers', 'sitters' & 'sliders' to have the trails to themselves and not have to deal with those 'pesky people constantly turning'.

    I thought the Ski Industry (specially out West) was starting to understand the concept of snowsports is making controlled turns, but I guess not.

    I'm so glad I spent my time (and $$) at Loveland with the LCI when I was there :biggthump..

  6. Going on 5 years with my $65.00 'Leftover form 2003' Sims Jacket :biggthumpthat has more bells & whistles than I know what to do with!

    When (and IF) it ever craps out, I got a Brandy New, $35.00 Fleabay 686 with even more :eek: goodies in reserve.

    I can't imagine needing anything more than either of these jackets provide :confused:

  7. kinpa, Thanks for the link :biggthump. I passed it along to some friends, hopefully one of them will get a deal.

    I have a weekday pass (no good for holidays, like this WEEK & weekends) does anyone know how bad the 'wet stuff' affected coverage?

    Are you sure Ma Nature isn't a guy :confused: she's 'such a -rick' :mad:

  8. fishrising, now you're pushing the limits of my computer :freak3: illiteracy (trying to post a picture) but I'll 'try'.

    Meanwhile go to Snowfer.com (if you are not familiar with the Snowfer) and check it out :biggthump. Waay too much FUN :eek: :eek:, specially if you already have the rigs.

    This thing is SWEET, P-Tex base for snow & bolt on Blades for Ice. Load up on Safety Gear & Scare the crap out of yourself :biggthump

  9. balboajeff, work scheduling conflict :mad: for Jan 1-7 (for me) will see if anything can be rectumfied :confused:. Forgot (of coarse) your email addy, mine is jp08865 at yahoo dot com.

    Thanks Again, hope all is well with the Lci gang & a Happy New Year to ALL :biggthump

  10. SWEET :biggthump...Nightmare/ Dream Weaver is going to be another sweet trail. The new Cable Cat does a reeeal nice job with the steeps !!

    JBS 'forced' me to try Nightmare (dang I should have hit it first thing in morning!) and it was sweet at the top, then Death Cookies all the way down Dream Weaver.

    Jesse was :) :) ear to ear and 'layin some :eek: down', just having FUN, always fun to ride with and admire :biggthump :biggthump.

    Please Mother Nature, we've been good :D keep the rain and let us have some snow (Santa needs it for his sleigh :D)

    Happy Holidays to ALL ........

  11. Had planned on 'first tracks', that turned to 'hit the snooze button' :confused: Thought about baggin it, then thought I'd check the BM Web Cam for being crowded. No Web Cam's on their site :mad: but seen they opened Paradise, effectively doubling the terrain :biggthump open (Lazy Mile & Paradise) as far as I'm concerned. Paradise was as expected for just opening, better than expected :cool: at the top and Death Cookies that got progressively worse to the bottom, with only about 3/4 the trail width covered (no coverage on right side). Lazy Mile was the 'best snow' I found (didn't bother with Main Street) but was crowded :freak3:(I'm spoiled after having my own trail for 2 days @ Lovey) :D

    Overall, it was BETTER than I anticipated :biggthump. They had the 'Guns Blaring' all morning (probably trying for maximum coverage for the Holiday Crowds).

    I packed it in when some Yahoo, who probably couldn't make a turn, came within 6" of the nose of my board at Mach 10, pumping his hands in the air & screaming like the idiot he obviously IS.

    First Tracks tomorrow from Base Lodge :D gotta get there early and be back to work (after having 2 1/2 weeks off) in the afternoon :(.

    Jesse, "I have a feeling Tuesday will be even better. Any takers????!!!!!" I WILL be there, for First Tracks ! jp1

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