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Posts posted by jp1

  1. I always spray silicone on my boots to keep friction between the overlapping plastic parts to a minimum. I lubricate the buckles and threads, step-in heels and cables, it helps keep snow from sticking & helps waterproofing. I also spray the bindings to help keep snow from sticking and building up. I tried (Pam, Pledge, Rain-X) Alcohol and just about anything I could think of, and went back to 'Food Grade' Silicone Spray when possible (but the airlines :( on traveling with it :nono: as I found out).

  2. Just got home from the airport. The only riding I did today wasn’t on a board :( it was on the ‘big bird’. I did beep on the way past Loveland though heading east on 70 to DIA :)

    You know how you always get that ‘just good to be home feeling’ whenever you go away and come back? I didn’t get it this time, and feel empty.

    I guess this brings us back to, “How bad do you want it”? I miss 'The Mountains' already.

    Tuesday I thought, was probably the best snow :) conditions of the past week. I seen Don (monodude) and another hardbooter riding mid morning, at the top of 2. I wasted :nono: 3 runs trying to catch up to them and then they disappeared, so I decided to just ride and ‘let er eat’, and enjoy :biggthump my last day.

    I’m guessing they may have gone to the Valley, because when I finally chose to ‘take shelter’ from the wind and headed over there, Switchback had some :eek: nice trenches on it. Amazingly I was still finding untracked cord on it (on the sides) in the afternoon, and was riding like a giddy kid (with pretty much the whole trail to myself) until I knew it was waaay past time to pack it in.

    Stopped @ Bomber for some goodies, and was lucky enough to have the opportunity to meet and talk to Fin and Snowman to make the trip complete.

    Thanks Again to EVERYONE for an AWESOME time :biggthump (I won't tell anyone) :biggthump :biggthump

  3. I had an AWESOME :biggthump time yesterday (again) and it was great meeting everyone. Spent most of the day today in the Valley on Sidewinder, what a hoot, the most people I seen on it at one time was 4, so it held up SWEET all day.

    Tomorrow (Tueday) will be my last day on the hill :( and I'm really going to miss the LCI gang and the whole area.

    I want to "Thank You ALL" for the hospitality, tips, pointers and the AWESOME TIME -- jp1

  4. Ink, Thanks for an Awesome Time :biggthump What can I say , it just keeps getting better :) I already more than know I made the right choice comming here (but I swear I won't tell anyone) ;) Looking forward to meeting everyone :D :D Sunday -------- jp1

  5. Jesse, Perfect (12-17) timing :eplus2:("I just can not justify paying $50 to ride a handful of runs") I'm with you there bud, that's why I went for the Lovey 4 pak for $119. Of coarse when you add in the Airfare, Rental car & Motel 'it works out about the same':)...........

    If Blue is open on the 17th, I'll be there & every other weekday possible until the Holiday Rule goes into effect.

    Man they got some 'Big Hills' out here :biggthump:eek:, pretty much east coast conditions so far (and a -43*:eek: with the wind chill yesterday)


  6. Jeff, AWESOME time :biggthump Thanks so much, now I'm really stoked about meeting the rest of the LCI. For some 'strange reason' I chose to not go back on Rt 70 (east coast thing, always in a hurry) and took Rt.6. "OH-MY-GOD", Captivating is one word that comes to mind. I got the chills :eek: more looking at the scenery than at any time dealing with the temperatures the past 3 days! This is one beautiful place.

    I think I'll try out the Donek tomorrow.............Thanks Again Don & Jeff :)

  7. too late on the All Mtn. Rig (no way I'm tearing the Sportube apart now) will check out ABS in Boulder. Should be at Lovey WEDNESDAY :D morning. I'll be da weeble :eek::freak3: on the 'JP1'.

  8. ink, big mario, DT & Lci gang, getting on the big bird in the morning, should be heading towards Silverthorne by noon. Going to try stopping @ Bomber on the way in to check it out. I plan on riding :) Lovey Wednesday morning, & looking forward to riding with you guys this weekend.

    Thanks Again :biggthump , jp1

  9. Wolf Creek. I'm curious as to what the deal on Wolf Creek? It seems to be the only area in Colorado Open 100%, Is it 'Carver Friendly' or not? Certain areas are just not laid as Boarder Friendly and are a pain to negotiate thru the trail systems, is this the case with WC, don't seem to hear anything about it ?

    Just wondering, jp1

  10. Seriously,this time :1luvu:. The stores are probably already out of bread and milk :confused:. Ground is almost covered, so they should be calling in the National Guard :eek: soon.

    Could get up to an inch, maybe I should cancel my western trip:lol:. What do people make out of bread & milk anyway? (french toast??)

  11. kinpa, I personally was on 'sticks' in 02, and don't ever remember seeing a Carving Board on the hill until around 04, but I'm pretty sure their are a couple of 'local guys' that were riding before that. First Carving Board I remember seeing was at Killington, and that guy was 'KILLIN' it :eek: I knew then and there, I had to try it (and I'm still 'tryin') :freak3:

    Blue's a nice local hill, most trails have a lot of character, rollers and off camber turns (unlike Camel) and we have a nice group when we can all get together.


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