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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Jack M

    Home Birth

    Well, assuming she has some redeeming qualities that would cause you to want her to successfully reproduce, you can certainly have her read that. And this... My mom weighed in on my friend's decision to me... she knows more than a few stories of foolish birthing practices gone wrong. Like a friend who tried to have a home birth, and the kid got stuck part way out and died while they were rushing to the hospital. Or the idiots who had an underwater birth in a "birthing tub" and the kid started to try to breath under water. Result = permanent brain damage. That kid is now an adult and lives with his parents, unable to work, unmarried, unloved, a constant reminder of their failed attempt at a stupid feel-good hippie birth - a multi-life-ruining lapse of judgement. She had a couple others, but you get the pattern. These people are only thinking of themselves and not the safety of their babies when considering these cockamamie ideas.
  2. Jack M

    Home Birth

    Ok, as long as we're blowing off steam around here.... I was going to post this a couple days ago but then thought better of it. But I still can't stop thinking about this. A friend of mine and his wife had a home childbirth with a midwife. I think this is completely self-serving, irresponsible, dangerous, and indicates a serious lack of maturity. But of course I kept my trap shut like a good polite person. Also I could sort of understand why they wanted to do it, because my friend has been in and out of hospitals his whole life and he absolutely hates them and doctors. Not that that really matters, ultimately. So the baby boy was born the other day and lo and behold, he came down with an infection - Meningitis. I have to assume the cause was either un-sterile conditions during delivery, or the fact that labor was allowed to drag on for forty, yes, 40 hours. I don't know how many hours passed after the water broke, but infection is a major risk if the baby isn't delivered within a few hours of water break. My wife couldn't deliver naturally, so an emergency C-section was ordered 4 hours after water break. Even if I'm wrong about that, the only reason they caught it was dumb luck. The mother noticed the child's breathing was labored, and asked the midwife about that. Midwife said nothing was wrong. But then the mother's placenta wouldn't deliver, so they ended up in the hospital anyway. While in the hospital, they were seeing a lactation consultant and the consultant said "this really isn't my business, but something is wrong here" and advised them to see a doctor. Turns out, had they caught it 6 to 8 hours later, the baby would have been in serious trouble. "Fortunately" the baby "only" needs a 14 day course of IV antibiotics, and had to go under general anesthesia to have a main-line IV surgically installed for this. How ironic - their boycott of hospitals and doctors resulted in a minimum 2 week stay in a hospital and dependence on doctors - 2 weeks of hell for the baby, and who knows what other lasting effects. So there. Just had to get this off my chest. If you are about to become a parent, don't do anything stupid like this.
  3. I only drink Miller High Life when I'm light in the wallet. Or did I offend your love affair with PBR?
  4. :) Well, PBR has just become so damn trendy around here. People seem to drink it to pose as a local/barfly and a reverse snob, and for the novelty of getting drunk off four dollars. I'm calling the emperor out for having no clothes. (Yeah, I'm talkin' to YOU, Schurman.) Yes, and agreed. They're fun, but whenever I make the trip to the specialty liquor store, I always seem to have other priorities. Ah! Yes. The Nut Brown is the brown by which all others are judged. (come on WW, you're late with the Barfly youtube clip, what gives?)
  5. Agreed on all counts, except for PBR. If you want to slum, go for the champagne - Miller High Life. Tastes better, drinks easier, and you don't look like all the other posers drinking PBR. Ayinger Ur-Weiss is one of my fav's. Optimator is up there too. You left off: Ayinger Celebrator - the benchmark dark German. <b>Leffe</b> Blonde - my #1. The best Belgian. Leffe Brun is a tie, but I don't think you can get it in the US. Gulden Draake - amazing. Aventinus by Schneider is great, and if you like that, try Aventinus Eisbock - they start with regular Aventinus, freeze it part way, and remove the ice. It will knock your socks off. Skullsplitter. Buy it once for the name, buy it again because it's delicious. Anything by Dogfish Head - the best American micro. Samichlaus - so good, I can drink ONE of 'em! Hoegaarden - what Chambly would taste like if it were made by Belgians. Grimbergen - another good Belgian. Bud Light Lime - don't laugh. Spectacular. You can drink these all day. Mow the lawn at 10am and crack one when you're done. I like Tecate over Corona and Pacifico. Carlsberg - what Heineken would taste like if it was actually good.
  6. I'd been getting endless grief from TT for buying a used 2003 BMW 330xi (which by the way, is spectacular) so for our recent PFP gathering at Redbones I decided to dress the part. Not pictured are the gold aviators, boat shoes and lack of socks. Yeah, it was a joke. Thought about donning the sweater tied around my shoulders, but thought it might become a medical mistake.
  7. Oh yeah. Heh. I dunno, that one was pretty hilarious, and the birds were kind of obscure and tiny. But his latest one was just mean. Couldn't really let you have that one right after his. I suppose we'll have to be consistent on this going forward. You can't type swear words in the forum, so a picture of one shouldn't be allowed either, imo. Not that they bother me, but you know, family site and all.
  8. ya know, I had no idea you could have such a big avatar. But apparently you can, if you link to a picture instead of uploading a file. But whatever, you can't have a picture of someone flipping the bird, so I changed it. You can change it to something else if you want.
  9. train wreck of the year. bobdea.... TMI man, TMI.
  10. No, he wasn't banned at that point. Who's the gossip now? fixed. Like I said, there was no single event that led to this. Yeah, that latest round of drama was the last straw, but that by itself is not really ban-worthy. Ban was not permanent until he lashed back in email. We donate our time to this site for free, and you'll notice a conspicuous absence of paid ads in this forum. So, we really don't need to take crap from anyone. they are. :lol:
  11. We take bans very seriously. Fin can ban someone by himself (it's his site). If any of the 3 other moderators propose a ban, we all discuss it and we try to get a unanimous decision - which is usually easy. Fin can overrule either way. Michelle is usually too busy with Bomber business stuff to get involved. People can be banned by repeatedly or flagrantly violating the posted rules of the forum. If that sounds vague, please re-read them, they're quite specific. People can also be banned for things said in emails to us. I suppose someone could be banned for threatening another member over email, but that hasn't happened, or come to our attention, afaik. You know what's especially funny to me, is when we politely ask someone to stop breaking the rules, and they email back "no", or worse. haha... gone. I won't go into details, but this time the D-Sub show ends on our terms. There was no one whopper incident, just a bunch of stuff over time. I actually like the guy on a 1-on-1 basis over email, and wish he could have kept it together here. I would like to say one thing post mortem, and that is that I always thought it was really lame when people hated on him just for his post count.
  12. http://www.bull****job.com/titles.html substitute the s-word for the stars. (forum software won't let me post it)
  13. Ha! He DOES have a white pick up, and I think it's safe to assume some overalls! ps - love the new sig, btw.
  14. I agree with philw's pointers, except I think a chest bag would get in the way for carving. The courier-style bags like the Tamrac Velocity ride on your back but sling around to the front very quickly, without taking it off. With a tele lens, you can increase your chances of getting some background in the shot if you shoot on your knees, or sitting. Bryan is right, a decent point-n-shoot can get nice results if you learn how to really use it properly and master the shutter half-press. That drastically reduces lag time. I took this with a 4mp Canon S45: And yeah... what is with you people in your all-black outfits?? What do you think you are, a Ninja?? ;) :p
  15. I have the 30D. I shot the ECES this year with it and a 70-200 f/4L IS: http://jmphotocraft.smugmug.com/gallery/4484815_z4Kur (file names beginning with jm_) I have the Tamrac Velocity 7, it works very well while snowboarding. With the waist belt, it's very secure and you can still sling it around to the front to whip out the camera without taking the bag off. I bought it before I had the 70-200. With that mounted to the camera, it *just* fits in the bag. I'd go with the Velocity 8 if I were to replace it. But the 7 works well enough that I don't feel I have to. Bottom line though, you still don't want to crash, regardless of what kind of bag you have. A typical slide on your side won't be an issue, but going over the bars would be very bad.
  16. careful... John will think you're coming on to him.
  17. Actually the nose doesn't come off the snow... it comes up off a hard floor if you press the board down flat. But that doesn't mean you've got any less effective edge while carving on snow. Specifically, the <i>camber</i> stops further down the board than before. While you're carving, the edge is pretty deep in the snow - so much that the point where the nose edge is meeting the snow is waaay up the nose - like in this picture, it's up around 10 o'clock (imagine a clock face on the nose): So, the nose is actually carving! Nose shape and the nose <i>kick</i> affect the carve shape, and especially the initiation. So it seems that what Coiler, SG, Kessler and probably others are doing is designing nose shape and kick as an active participant in carve shape, rather than as an afterthought. They're thinking in 3 dimensions. Pretty cool, really. What it does, as far as I can tell, is it makes the board smoother, less hooky on initiation, and the nose doesn't plow as much. I also think it's better on rutty or bumpier conditions.
  18. Well, my schtubby 170/14 carves a bit shorter than my old 2001 Donek 186/15, significantly shorter than my Madd 180/16, and significantly longer than my old Prior 177/11.9. This is what I wanted when I ordered 14 instead of 13.2. Carve size is exactly as I expected from a 14m board.
  19. carving at 70 - an inspiration to us all! my condolences to his family.
  20. you mean 2.23mm more. And yes, it it noticeable. I like to have at least a 2m difference between boards in my quiver, because I think less than that and you've got nearly redundant boards, but I went with 14m and not 13m for a reason. I'm pleased with the results, and glad it's not 13.
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