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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Book the Warren Miller film crew for ECES 2010.
  2. donations sent. ante up, BOLers!
  3. It's pretty sad that now we have to watch Basketball with a 7-second delay so the network can mute all the MF-bombs the players drop now without a care. This is progress? Hmm, Pierce didn't even show up for game 3, and it looked in Q1 like he was going to be a non-factor last night as well. But he seems like a class act otherwise. Nice moment when he thanked the Boston fans for sticking with him.
  4. wow!! I think it's so cool to have Ainge at the helm... bringing some mojo back from the 80's!
  5. Ah, I rarely ever buy silver tequila. I much prefer the aged versions. El Tesoro Anejo then. Very complex and interesting. Unique. A hair less smooth than Patron or Cabo, but well worth it for a change of pace. Or if you have the means... Porfidio Anejo or El Tesoro Paradiso. Nope.
  6. Heh. You don't know the $30 range then. Populated by the likes of 1800, Cuervo Tradicional, Herradura, Sauza Hornitos, Cazadores, etc. All make a fine marg, but are a far, far cry from Patron. You might call the delicate flavor bland, but you can't deny the smoothness.
  7. Zapopan... hmm... not 100% agave, sounds suspicious. But I guess if the price is right and is good in a marg, it could work. Best deal I've found for 100% agave margarita-grade tequila is Cuervo Tradicional - 1.75 liters for $40. It can be sipped too, if you're all out of your good stuff. Better on the rocks than neat.
  8. Apparently the only way for the Lakers to win a game is if the Celtics' big three don't show up to play. Celts will take at least one in LA.
  9. Yo Ken.... so... no disrespect, but is wall-e <i>supposed</i> to be an homage to Short Circuit...? Ahh, Ally Sheedy in her prime...
  10. Why would you want 100 proof tequila anyway? Certainly wouldn't be any better for sipping. Pretty much any 100% agave tequila tastes good in a margarita. Sipping is a different story. But yeah, sipping tequila probably isn't (or shouldn't be) on the radar map for a college student. I was totally ignorant of tequila in college. And $12 was a lot to spend on wine, and only for a hot date! But if you have to have 100% agave tequila, you have to have it. So on a budget, look for Cuervo Tradicional (reposado, $22 for a fifth in some places), or Milagro Anejo, at $40, the best value in Anejo. Impressive. I've never seen Chamucos on a menu. Now THAT is the gold standard.
  11. Indeed. There is a fifth in my cabinet right now. Truly top shelf. Plus I consider each purchase as a personal thank-you to Sammy for 5150 which I wore out when I was 12. NH liquor stores usually have the Reposado for $50, and recently it was on sale for $45. (I actually prefer Cabo Wabo Reposado over the Anejo) Really quite reasonable if you consider the fact that you get about 4 or 5 times as many drinks out of a bottle of liquor as a bottle of wine. And who thinks twice about buying a $12 bottle of wine? Heh, this is interesting... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_halen
  12. 5 series is too big and clumsy. :p
  13. Try Patron, Cabo Wabo, Chamucos (if you can find it), Don Julio, and you'll realize 1800 is piss.
  14. Dude. Step a-WAY from the beer! But I agree, 120 minute IPA is crazy-hoppy.
  15. LMAO!! That's even funnier than Skullsplitter! I'll have to try some. Double IPA, eh? Makes me think of Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA. <b>20%</b> ABV. That's right. And it's delicious. You'd never guess it was 20%, but it is. And if that doesn't limit you to just one in an evening, the $6.75 price tag for one 12oz bottle will.
  16. Jack M

    Home Birth

    You seem to be making statements that it's the parent's choice if they want to endanger their baby. No?
  17. Jack M

    Home Birth

    Sorry, but at <i>full term</i>, it's like the bumpersticker says... "It's a child not a choice". It's a <i>baby</i> at that point. A life. Can you be arrested for not taking your child to the hospital if it needs medical treatment?
  18. Jack M

    Home Birth

    I thought you were basically saying damned if you do, damned if you don't. You seem to say it again here, "either way it's dangerous." That's simply not the case. You're more damned at home. Period. Well I wasn't trying to start a debate on policy, just saying I'm pissed at my friend, and pissed that I was right all along but couldn't say anything to him. I'm pro-choice, but when a CHILD is being delivered, it's not about choice anymore. At that point it's reckless endangerment. They make you buckle up your kids in your car, what's the diff?
  19. Next time you're in Maine, Geoff, try Sebago Brewing's Hefeweizen. Quite good. Although I agree, there's nothing like Hacker Pschorr or Paulaner or Ayinger or Schneider or Erdinger or Julius Echter or...
  20. Geary's makes some fine beers, like the strong Hampshire Special Ale, their Porter, their Summer Ale, but their flagship Pale Ale pictured above just tastes weird to me. Almost like it's "dusty" or dirty somehow. For fruity beer (which, I know, is distasteful to ultra beer snobs and homophobes) Magic Hat is probably the best at doing that. By the way, their Circus Boy hefeweizen is flavored with lemon, but they don't tell you that.
  21. Jack M

    Home Birth

    This sounds a lot like the argument against wearing a helmet on a motorcycle because in certain circumstances if you fall just right the helmet can break your neck. Yeah, in rare cases the hospital effs up, but get real. Birth is a routine process that they have down to a science in a hospital. No, it's more dangerous at home. The list of potential disasters that can happen at home includes things that are quickly addressable in a hospital. Like the cord being wrapped around the baby's neck. Or in my son's case, the kid getting stuck. Or in my brother's case, the contractions causing his heart rate to drop. No way to see those coming at home. And then what? Jump in the car. Stupid. I know of too many mothers who had emergency c-sections to make home birth an acceptable risk. A quick google search shows 30% of all births in the US are c-section. I can't find what percentage of those are emergency, but <i>elective</i> c-section is rare and discouraged. I also found this brief list of some of the reasons for emergency c-section: * labor stops or isn't progressing as it should (and medications aren't helping) * the placenta separates from the uterine wall too soon (called placental abruption) * the baby's shoulders are stuck in the birth canal * the umbilical cord becomes pinched (which could affect the baby's oxygen supply) or enters the birth canal before the baby (called umbilical cord prolapse) * the baby is in fetal distress — the heart rate drops, doesn't change at all, or is too fast or too slow * the baby's head or entire body is too big to fit through the birth canal (which is rare)
  22. Jack M

    Home Birth

    They're still in the hospital on the antibiotics, so it's not over yet. But yes, it looks like they dodged a bullet, if you can call it that. I've only ever met 2 home-schooled kids - both were very smart but socially inept.
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