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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. If I was in your shoes bobble, I'd get the baddest pair of 12m skis and learn how to rut the sh!t out of that goddamn hill. Just make run after run under the main chair.
  2. This thread is making me sad for the days when Alpine was cool and every mfr was in the game. (Actually I think we're staging a coolness comeback... see Gecko's sig) Is it just the way the picture is taken, or is the toeside of that Look about 15cm shorter than the heelside?? Looks like the nose contact point on toeside is further down the board than on heelside! And OMG, I used to love those Sims graphics. That probably makes me gay. Dang.
  3. Check out the name of the bike and the fork.
  4. Coiler? Bomber? Me so confused...
  5. <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/29w3ku8.jpg" width="800"> <img src="http://i39.tinypic.com/r6ybn6.jpg" height="800">
  6. Yeah, those look like stickers on the tail. The "original" (afaik) graphics were just the gray background, the pastel blocks, and the lettering. I coveted the Logical as well, it was the first board I'd ever heard of that was supposed to be better than a Burton...
  7. Umm, b0ardski? The K2 TX was a monoski. We're talking about snowboards, yes? Ha... actually the Hot Logical I was thinking of doesn't seem so hot anymore... How 'bout a Sims Blade... Although probably the only graphics that would look right under the Tinkler plate would be the Madd boy.
  8. Buell is correct. TT was not squeaky clean about it, and he has since turned in his badge, but WW forced our hand. It didn't have to come to this, but he left us no choice. Oh well.
  9. did somebody say retro graphics?? The Gyrator is a sore subject for me. In my circle, the Gyrator was deemed a poser board simply because it was made by an evil, interloping ski company! I thought the original Hot Logical was cool.
  10. Sean has so many templates listed, the only point of a custom would be to get a board built to your exact weight or if you want something really oddball. I had a stock 186gs and it was one of the best boards I ever had. If you're near-average weight for your height, a stock Donek will work well. These days, they represent a tremendous value.
  11. I don't think we'll ever see Birk-shaped hardboots or skiboots. Our market isn't big enough, and I think skiers would have boot-out issues with such a wide boot.
  12. Actually 3+, and in board vintages, 4. This was a 2006 model year board. The new Prior metals have been much improved from what I've heard.
  13. With the board tilted up to 60 degrees or higher, the sole length has little to do with it. Overall shell length is the deciding factor, and a properly fitted boot is already minimized for that. Now, I think if shells were shaped more like Birkenstocks or Keens, people could use shorter boots.
  14. I've done it both ways, and softboots *suck* for this kind of riding.
  15. nobody's going to flame you for saying ski boots. :rolleyes: There is some info on getting started in the links below. Good luck!
  16. Damn! At least you didn't do it back in January like my wife did. She severed her ACL. Yeah, I had never seen anyone do it before, but she was hurt but not in agony, and she actually skied down. Her limp disappeared a few weeks later and she is walking around like normal. Her surgery is next week. I had always thought that when you did your ACL, you couldn't walk until you got it fixed.
  17. Shred already made that nose. It's called the X3.
  18. Again you blaspheme Bond!!
  19. Obviously it works for racing, but I would be nervous riding that nose in any kind of crud or piles or bumps. That wide horizontal front edge just looks like it would stop dead if it hit something big enough. Fell agreed they're taking it a little far. I think the Kessler and Coiler noses look a little more friendly. Good points.
  20. Bordy, Despite our differences in communication style (and I think that's about all), I am glad you are here. I would guess that you and philfell are the only people with real, high level race experience that post here on a regular basis. You still care, and I thank you for that. You and this site are actually quite similar - when people sift through the words to the real substance, they discover gold. I have an idea that I think will make BOL better for you and everyone that I am running by Fin now. I hope you will consider it. Please don't worry about this poll. Whether Dave intended it as an April Fool's joke or not, I think that's how it was perceived, and I don't think he or any of the voters meant any malice.
  21. The whole Black Pearl thing really confounds me. Why would the Schoch brothers fix what wasn't broken? Did they get an offer they couldn't refuse from some huge manufacturer? I can't imagine any mfr being able to simply jump in the game, go from 0 to 100 in one year and be competitive with Kessler. Unless they're made by the same people as SG I guess. Anyone know? The boards look pretty badass, like the obelisk from the movie 2001. But I'll take a little more nose than that, thanks!
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