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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Flouride is rat poison. No seriously, it is. And D-sub is a rat. ;) ;) ;)
  2. awesome vid, thanks. I hear you and I too sometimes feel unskilled and unaccomplished when I see stuff like that. But then I remind myself that these top level people do their thing probably 4 to 12 hours a day or more, every day. I have always had too many interests and obligations to do that. You know what else is depressing, is that by a certain age of like 18 or so, you can't decide you want to go out and become a master at something like that, because you simply can no longer develop the required muscle memory to hang with the people who've been doing it since they were 5. "No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun."
  3. I have a friend at Woodard & Curran if that interests you.
  4. bah. it burns off. I usually wait about 20-30 minutes after lighting before cooking. I do want a chimney starter though. Makes sense. don't love it till you try it.
  5. I grill all year round on a classic Weber. Gas is for girlymen and divorcees. I'm saving up for this smoker/grill/oven: www.biggreenegg.com. I am a little lazy though and I use regular old Kingsford briquettes and lighter fluid. Sue me. Yeah, I'll get a lighter chimney soon. When I'm feeling fancy I'll spring for the lump hardwood charcoal. But I love throwing wet mesquite or hickory chips on the coals. Also a friend cut down a couple apple trees and gave me some of the wood. I'll throw a quarter log on the coals and put the cover on and that gives some real nice flavor. Try this marinade for Salmon: 1/2 c. soy sauce 1/2 c. maple syrup 2 tbsp red wine vinegar 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp crushed garlic a few dashes of hot sauce (like Frank's Red Hot) to taste (the marinade isn't supposed to be that spicy, the maple should be the dominant flavor).
  6. A new board will simply ride better and be more fun. Materials and shapes have improved a lot since that board was made. Also at your height you should be on something closer to 170 for longer, easier turns. A 160 is going to want to make a lot of short turns. If you have absolutely fallen in love with the sport and can afford spending ~C$999 for the latest metal technology, it would be worth it. Otherwise check the classifieds here for a nice used Coiler, Prior, Donek, or Madd. Hopefully someone from your area will respond to this or you can check the BC ride board. Carvers are generally willing to loan out gear to fellow carvers wanting to try stuff. If there's really nobody near you, plan on going to one of the Expression Sessions - I believe the closest one to you is the Oregon one (OES).
  7. Excellent work as usual Sean. I'll post these questions here as they have to do with racing: What is with the Burton speed suit? Does Burton still sponsor racers? And what is that board with the trippy orange and black wood-grain base? Reminds me of my PJ7. The shape looks old school, yes? I didn't realize you were allowed to race without a Kessler/SG/BP. ;)
  8. Excellent work as usual Sean.
  9. Wow, how stupid can you get? I hope they were fired and arrested. Edit: they were, see below... To quote the great Warren Miller... "these people... are allowed to vote for the president of the United States of America." Oh this is awesome... <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l6AJ49xNSQ&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l6AJ49xNSQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Their mug shots: They both seem to care more about eyebrow grooming than, well, anything. Story: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jTPDhBx1jzkXWEFQ2EnvzAP8I3mAD97JAB182 Another story: http://www.usnews.com/blogs/mary-kate-cary/2009/04/17/what-the-tea-party-protests-dominos-and-facebook-have-in-common.html These people are 31 and 32... WTF?!?
  10. If I screw up my tax return, can I get nominated to a cabinet position?
  11. Jack M

    I Love Rum

    just do it. the flavor incorporates better with the pineapple and orange juice.
  12. Volkl and F2 alpine boards use Titanal, so you might check out their freeride lines.
  13. Rob deleted it because it was a backdoor into his Facebook page. Rob... youtube?
  14. Nope, I'd like to try what you've already made before making any sidecut decisions. Sounds like you're on to something!
  15. it's only my opinion. comparing base jumping to actual careers is hilarious.
  16. I had originally asked Bruce for an 11m average VSR, but we shall see how this 9.5 machine does. I'm wanting this board to be purely a sheer ice duty board because the 171 Schtubby is the go-to board for a broad range of conditions, including some ice (sidecut is a little long for the real boiler-plate). It's funny, I rode my Madd 158 earlier this season in conditions where it wasn't needed (good snow) and it was a drag. Felt like I did a thousand 2-meter turns in one run. Then when I rode it a few weeks later on crappy rain-refrozen granular over solid ice, it was a dream. On the hard surface it didn't bend as much and rode longer, and really bit. And that board is what, avg 9m? 10m? If I were a sensible person I'd save my money and just enjoy my Madd 158 on the icy days when it's needed. But I want to see what that board could be with metal, a slightly wider waist, and a decambered nose.
  17. philfell... I love Monsters. But how 'bout a rear fender eliminator kit, eh?
  18. Agreed. I'll judge him: selfish bastard.
  19. Yes, I am done for the season, Sugarloaf is still open but I don't think conditions will be worth it. Also my wife has ACL reconstruction on Wednesday, so I will be playing nurse for a while afterwards. Wouldn't exactly win me any points to take off and go riding.
  20. I hung on to my Madd 158 f3 just so I could test the A160 against it.
  21. board is too small and probably too soft, and you are probably going too fast for it. get a longer, metal board.
  22. I'm thinking these: http://www.kessler-swiss.com/en/index.html
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