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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. use www.tinypic.com. upload to there, get the url, then use the button to post the image here.
  2. Thanks very much WG, I've been enjoying your reviews as well! Oh man. That 170 SG should be a freecarver's dream.
  3. There I was talking about the original gen-1 Prior metal-topped boards. They were really light. Nope. I don't own a precise enough scale, and I wasn't going to bring 5 185's into the supermarket. Would have been nice, but oh well.
  4. Thanks lonbordin, glad you liked it. Think I should inverse the "stiffness" numbers?
  5. yup, the missing FLC is explained in the review. Should be a great board.
  6. Thanks guys. They wanted to put it in the newsletter tonight, so you're looking at the raw electons hot off the keyboard. It'll be "Bomberized" on Monday. It sure was fun.
  7. Save your money, it's not worth it. It's a thrill for one run, just to know that you're on a carvers-only trail, and then you realize it's basically no different because there's nobody there midweek anyway. Also with every carver at the session going down the same run, it gets pretty cut up. Doing a carver-only trail during the weekend would just piss off a lot of skiers and snowboarders, and you'd get db's ducking the rope or coming in from the trees or a cross-cut.
  8. I got certified in '88 at Stowe by one of boostertwo's employees. When I was instructing at Sugarloaf in the 90's, one of my co-instructors said she was dating a CVA coach - Mark Heingartner. I was like what? Mark Heingartner is here and you're dating him? She said, yeah, so? I said do you have any idea who he is? She said, yeah, he's a coach at CVA. I filled her in from there. She later introduced me to him and he was surprised that anybody knew who he was. Nice guy.
  9. wow. all I see when I look at him is The Shermanator with worse hair.
  10. if the number of allowed competitors was tied to population you might have a point.
  11. Cool, thanks for the thoughts everyone. Looks like I'll be drive shopping!
  12. what? girls find him attractive? thanks.
  13. <iframe src ="http://www.vancouver2010.com/widgets/medals-widget/" width="306" height="340" frameborder=0 scrolling="no"> <p><a href="http://www.vancouver2010.com/olympic-medals/" title="Vancouver 2010 Medals">View the vancouver2010.com medals' table</a></p> </iframe>
  14. my lightly used Kessler 185 KST is for sale for $1250. I won't be at Stratton until Thursday though. If that's too rich, we could discuss my Coiler NSR 185. I wasn't going to sell it, but hey, everything is for sale for the right price, right? Saw you at Sugarloaf last weekend on something longish...? Sorry we didn't get a chance to connect. Nice job at Saddleback!
  15. I think you're talking about two different services. SmugVault is an online archive (actually the back end is run by Amazon, front end is run by Smugmug), and you can put any kind of file there. I think Flikr Pro is just for jpeg/gif images...? Smugmug Pro is just for images. It is $150 a year and storage is unlimited, and you set the prices on your images. If someone buys prints/merchandise/downloads of your images, Smugmug takes their price for the item, plus 15% of your profit, and you get the rest. They handle the money and the fulfillment. I dig it.
  16. I am sure that skiing is good cross-training for carving a snowboard, because the reverse is also true. I'm a better skier now than when I stopped, thanks to alpine snowboarding. And now that skis are really just skinny snowboards for each foot (i.e., similar sidecuts and lengths) the technique is almost interchangeable. The footage of Olympic SL and GS skiing makes me juicy.
  17. That is amazing. SmugVault is $1 + $0.22/gb. 200gb = $45/month.
  18. Rotation is simply not necessary. But for some people it helps them find their balance, so that's good. If it works for you then run with it, but it is another movement that must be coordinated with everything else you're doing. I prefer a quiet upper body.
  19. Fin will have it for his approval by the end of Friday. These pesky things called "job", and "family", and "life" keep getting in the way!
  20. There is a significant material difference between a commercial audio CD and a CD-R that you burn yourself, they don't compare. Interesting, can you elaborate?
  21. I think you've got a good grasp on it, but you may be over-thinking it. Go out and ride and think about these things and see what works for you.
  22. TD1 step-ins or standards sized tightly was like riveting your boots to the board. This was good in certain circumstances, and some still crave this connection. However most people like more flex than that. The TD2 was softer, and the TD3 has more travel than the TD2. A TD3 with yellow e-rings has a lot of give. The Sidewinder adds yet more lateral-only flexibility without sacrificing safety.
  23. The snowblade approach makes a lot of sense on paper, but I wouldn't do it because I want to serve as an example for my kids and be on the same type of equipment as they are.
  24. Being able to access my files while away from home isn't really the concern, but that's a neat idea. Right now I have NAS via my Airport Extreme wireless router base station, which has a USB 2.0 port. Hang a USB drive or a USB hub + many drives off that and presto, instant NAS. The transfer rate is not nearly as fast as just plugging a USB drive right into the computer though. But again, not really the question. I'm trying to decide the pros and cons of relying on an online service for storage vs. maintaining my own storage. I use my Macbook's internal HD (120gb) for active and recent files, and external USB drives for deep storage and backup. But now those are full and so is my internal one.
  25. I'm taking TheTruth's word on this. Imagine a downhill edge catch at 90... *shudder*. and great article on Miura, snowwriter, thanks!
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