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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. 70 degrees at Sugarloaf today, with more of that nonsense in the forecast. We are supposed to go up again next weekend for the last weekend of our kids' (prepaid) ski school programs. I'm afraid the mountain will be closed. Never seen this before. There has been more snow at the end of April in years past.
  2. LOL, I think I watched it 5 times before I realized the Deeluxe boots were not mine... because I am goofy and I run red springs!
  3. What? Softboot bindings need more slop?
  4. It should be pretty obvious that that is basically a private thread in a far corner of this site, and they contain the vernacular there.
  5. Any reason you constantly insist on defeating the censor? Potty mouth!
  6. Front hand front boot cuff grab? Was this you? ;)
  7. From Sugarloaf's facebook page today... Deeluxe ad at 0:40, me at 1:18 followed by Nate Soucy <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ExXyl8um-Io" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>
  8. Yeah, sadly there was no podium, but it was fun. Seth made a nice comment about us riding together as teens, in the "SMHC". :) and the trophy... Dan, Mt. Baker LBS? I won't have time, I'm going on the full FIS tour, with salary from Bomber, of course! :D
  9. Welcome! Check out these links below for info on getting started. Many questions are answered here. If you have more specific questions, feel free! Good luck!
  10. Thanks! I will let Snowrider chime in if he wants. Yeah, I just took another look at that preview video - the course was not at all finished at that point. I'm not sure the suspension benefit would have outweighed the fact that I'm not used to riding my plate on my shorter boards. My plate lives on my 185. Too many screws to turn to move it around. And on shorter boards I prefer no plate for snow-feel, steering, skidding, and recovery.
  11. Haha, thanks. Pretty sure it was Ethan Austin, Sugarloaf marketing director.
  12. I know nothing about BX, but the banks looked practically vertical to me as I was approaching them during the race. Not sure what you mean by shallow, but the turn radius of the banks was very tight and not high speed like BX's I have seen on tv and in person. But I agree with you that carving was the right strategy on this course. My first qualifying run I played it safe and bagged 5th overall. I figured then I could take some risks with the second run, so I tried to carve it more. My time improved by 1.2 seconds. That was the fastest qualifying time of the day and I have very little experience in racing of any kind. On race day I tried to carve more and more, and my times continued to improve. The softbooter who won was very carvey. I didn't see the guy who took second, but he also took 2nd last year. I got 3rd overall. Carving was definitely an advantage. Coiler 163SL worked perfectly. Next time I will have it tuned!
  13. haha, actually with only 4 hardbooters and 111 softbooters, I don't think this qualifies as a Nerdercross! :D
  14. Yeah, old guys rule! Although I don't think I get to say that for another 2 years when I turn 40. On another note, I guess Seth had to field a couple complaints about hardboots being allowed. :rolleyes:
  15. haha, yeah, 5DII along for the ride.
  16. Thanks Jason! It was fun! The guy who won was a former Palmer team boardercross racer and Gould Academy coach. The guy who took second also got second last year. I can live with that! Full results here: http://www.sugarloaf.com/Corporate/Media/tvnews/Results_Overall.pdf Story here: http://www.sugarloaf.com/Corporate/Media/PressReleases/Present/2012/BankedSlalomFinal.html I like this pic better!
  17. My riding buddy is my wife and she's not into standing around with a camera, so I have very few shots of me riding! Thanks to Ben (fishrising) for this one from the ECES:
  18. In any collision between two people underway on the same trail, the uphill rider/skier is always at fault, period. People do not have eyes in the back of their head. Carvers change direction quickly and do unexpected things, sure. So do children. You going to tell us that if you plow into a child because they turned suddenly and you were too lazy to do anything about it that it's the kid's fault?
  19. Liability. I suppose if I didn't have it, honestly I would not volunteer to bankrupt myself for the other guy. That would have to be on him to decide if he wants to try to bankrupt me in court.
  20. Do we accept the risk that we might get hit from behind every day we snowboard? In the grand scheme, yes, we do. Just like we accept the risk that if we drive somewhere in a car we might get hit from behind. But we do not accept the responsibility for other people's mistakes or negligence. We expect the other driver or snowboarder to pay for repairs. We don't just say, oh well, s*** happens! The motorcycle racing or track day analogy is incorrect. I've been to several track days and they tell you up front, if someone wads their bike into yours, they're very sorry, and that's the end of it. Such a disclaimer or agreement does not exist at a ski resort. I pity the fool who runs into my wife or kids and takes this attitude.
  21. the code does not support your notion. imagine the downhill rider is your child...
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