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Posts posted by Paulk

  1. where do you guys usually ride, any particular trails?

    i would be interested in meeting up for a little while

    Best bet is to hook up before 1st chair in the base lodge. Look for the Bombers, Cateks and Coilers outside, and the Deelux with BTS inside. Failing that, stalk the line waiting for the gondola. Up on the mountain, look at trails like liftline, standard, north american and world cup for the tell-tail trenches cut across the fall line. Later in the AM check the sunbowl trails. See you there!

  2. This week in Pictures was helped along by a few friends.

    Thanks Peter for hosting the trip, with Co-stars, Donald and Ted.

    Guides, Todd, Mike(another hardbooter), and Lili from CMH.

    And of course Fin, for building a great binding and hosting

    this dribble on Bomberonline.com!

    Next stop...SES!


  3. Heya Paul!

    There are a lot more trees there, than in Chile!

    Looks like fun....... :)

    Day 7 was only a 1/2 day. Short, quick, dirty runs. Weather was moving in, and the copter couldn't fly too high in the snow. No time to take any pictures. So here are some shots from the guide's(Mike) camera earlier in the week.




  4. more of my crappy pics...

    All the more fun because I dropped the camera out of an open pocket today. Didn't know I was missing it until we got to the bottom:(

    Retraced our tracks on the next run, and found a little hole in the untracked snow. I'm going to play the lottery tonight:)

    Scenes of a sunny start to Day 6.




  5. Slow day at work for you guys, I guess.

    Thanks for the input Jack. But to be truthful, there isn't a whole lot of sunshine around here. The last few days have been really gray. Now can someone help me make that poodle picture go away?

    Day six in the books. Big lines, sore legs. more untracked snow.

    Pics to follow.

  6. So we've made to friday morning. Spent a little too much time with the Saki and Sushi last night... Well deserved after a day riding in an area called the "Chocolate's". Runs like, "Swiss Chocolate", "Toberone", and one of my favorites "Chocolate Bunny". All in all, a decadent day indeed.

    Pictures from thursday!




  7. I've got good news..The "new" batteries in the camera didn't last 5 minutes in the morning mountain air today. I did manage a few shots on our first lift though.

    The bad news...it was snowing again today, but we were starting our runs above the clouds. Wind drifts and snow ghosts, too cool!

    In other news....Since I'm wanted on felony charges in Montana, Wyoming is sounding pretty good:)




  8. Good one Paulk. Leave all your new friends alone at A great carving mountain where all the people treated you like gold took you to all the hidden spots just because the snow looks whiter on the other side of the fence.:nono:

    The faces may change but the stoke is the same.

    It's foggy here just like the Big Mtn! No carving this week.

    In other news, sorry to hear of the trajedy there today. There was an "accident" up in these parts on friday, 4 people washed through the trees, serious injuries.


  9. Man, you guys sure are helpful. Unfortunately it looks like I'm screwed. I was checking out pics of new boots and it looks like mine are too old school. I think they're too wide.

    Now I'm bummed...

    I tried to mock up your setup in my basement today....I have the same boots(my first pair, never got rid of them) and an extra pair of TD1's.

    The boots will not fit the stock TD1's. The toe box is too large. It appears that any grinding would weaken the boot.

    The inexpensive way out is to find a pair of Burton race plates.. But if you can swing it, new boots w/ thermofit liners will make your feet very happy.

    Good luck!

  10. I love this old stuff!

    "The Safari is the snowboarder’s snowboard. Never before has a board combined the speed and responsiveness of the Safari. As team rider Dave Alden (Colorado) said the first time he rode the board, “I’ve been waiting for this board all my life.” Dave’s evaluation was verified by his radically improved results on the Safari. Dave won the US Open Pre-Qualifiers and the Utah State Championships, beating the best riders in the world.

    Available in Three models:

    175 Free riding stock = For the all-round expert level rider or racer

    175 Racing stock = for the aggressive racer who prefers a stiffer flex pattern with maximum stability

    185 downhill stock = for the racer or free rider who has little interest in riding at speeds under 30 mph."

    Not really sure I want to ride my 20 year old board over 30 mph come March!



  11. The two-page spread of Jean Nerva surfing a powder wave on the inside front cover of that catalog is still to this day the best photograph of a snowboarder ever taken. To me it says, "this is snowboarding. you can't do this on skis."

    Paul, can you oblige?

    Are these the photo's your looking for?

    I'll bring the second copy to ECES for you.



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