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Posts posted by Paulk

  1. There is good riding at Nevado, and you had the option of buying a ticket to La Parva and spending a day there(easy out of bounds shot between the two resorts).. El Colorado was close by also, but I never made it that far. Can't compare Nevado to anything else I've been to. IMO you can't go wrong anywhere in Chile. Check in with ShrederJen, Bola and Ray for some more experienced travelers.

    MMMM...love to bring this up!


  2. So I have a couple of questions.

    If we did allow a 2 hour day to count as one day of riding(legit in my mind)...

    Why not count a full 8 hour day as 4 days of riding?

    When exactly are we considering the start of the season...Can we include the start of the southern hemisphere's winter, or is that a separate poll.

    Are we giving extra points for frequent flyer(travel) miles? I mean it should count as a ski day if you have to spend a day flying or driving to go riding, right?

    Can we count days spent, not at a ski resort, but rather in the back country? Or should we calculate total vertical for the trip and divide it by an "average" day riding.

    Thanks in advance for your help:)

  3. Hey Paul,Looks like your timing was impecable as usual......I'd drop some line on ya if I wasn't on a snowy mountain myself, just remember you and your credit card can do anyting!Al

    ...have made it to the Big Mtn this year. Looks like Dr D. has a good crew to keep him company. Hey, how about meeting us all there in Jan '09?

    Dr. D, sorry to hear about the back. Stay off the skateboards for a while, I wouldn't want you to miss next seasons triumphant return!

    Dredman.... Thanks for keeping the "Big Mtn" spirit alive. Great photo's from the pond Skimming!

  4. My front binding keeps creeping up in angle. I like it set at 65, but sometimes it will work its way up to 70/75 throughout the course of a day. What does this mean?

    I do seem to be a bit more comfortable when it is near 70.

    I've got to ask...

    If you are comfortable at 70, but think you are supposed to ride at 65...only to have the bindings creep back to 70. It would seem to me that your style of riding is dictating binding angles. why fight that?

    That said, no binding should move during the course of a day. Definitely check the way you are setting it up. Ride safe!

  5. Consider coming to slokemo saturday? We can run pat's gates and piss off the speed cops

    Been watching the weather radar....looks like more snow falling to the south. Thanks for the invite, but I'm not much good in the gates anyways. Much prefer picking my own line through a glade:)

    Todd......Todd Brown, are you there?


  6. Just returned from some of the steepest/longest carving I've had all season.

    Off of lifts 8 and 9, Bushwacker, Plunge, Cats Paw, Coonskin, and Milk run. The rest of the mountain is amazing also, steep bumps open chutes and glades making up most of the days I spent out there. A must do if you need a steeps fix....


  7. The retro contest at Stowe was biased towards Asyms.* We had 6 contestants, 4 of which made a run on gondi line from the summit of Stowe.* Good weather and snow made the run quite memorable.The 6,* Tim from Michigan, Matt R, Paul K, Geoff, Alex J, and Steph J.* Tim missed the run to the top(he was late), and Steph missed the run due to binding problems.* The run was completed without incident, with all participants trying to emulate the euro style carve without much success.* Group photo's were taken at the bottom, and the judges went to work.* Farthest traveled with gear: goes to Tim.* driving from Michigan, his story will make you cry.Best boots: goes to Matt Roth.* can't beat the retro neon.Honorable mentions: Geoff,** great retro gear, mixed with modern hardware.* *************************** Alex, rode all day in that jacket, even when everyone else changed out.Runner up: Steph, You can't beat a chick that can pull off the eighties look, with style.ECES winner 2008: Paul K, with original equipment from the early nineties, boots, board, bindings, documentation and accessories in storage since 1987. The runner-up and first place finishers will enjoy skateboards donated by Performance Downhill in New Hampshire, awarded at the banquet held on thursday night.That all said....I had a blast riding both of my retro asyms on thursday.* I can't imagine what we looked like to skiers in the gondola overhead as we laughed and crashed our way down the mountain.* all in neon.* I hope we inspired other riders to dig out some old gear for the next retro day.* Sure we missed first tracks over on liftline that day, but I wouldn't trade the fun for anything that morning.Thanks to everyone who showed up thursday morning to support us.* long live the ECES!



  8. "there is no such thing as Bad Weather, just inappropriate gear..."

    "it's a joke, I don't dress like this usually"

    "asyms rule"

    "this trail is closed"

    "lets go into the park..."

    "just one more run"

    sorry Jack,

    "no...no I don't think it's broken"

    What a good week!


  9. I know I don't really have to do this...but,

    Going to STOWE this week, tuesday wednesday, thursday, friday.

    (days 41-44 this season) weather be-damned.

    Long live the ECES!

  10. ...to get a lift ticket dated February 29th....2008.

    And possibly a fleeting glance of the last Coiler 178 FC to leave the starting gate.

    2 day trip...Friday-saturday.

    Did I mention "World Cup" holds a groom until noon?

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