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Posts posted by Paulk

  1. Question from ski patrol on tuesday.."are you with the expression session"?

    Answer: "What fight clu...eerr, expression session"?

    Ski patrol: "hard not to notice a dozen hardbooters in one place"....

    In other news.. The Captain is layed up with a bad knee..more to follow.

    Hope we don't knock off any other skulls.....

    carve or die.

  2. Hey Eric....Same offer Helmut and Poo get.

    I'll pick you up at the airport in Eagle. And I think the boys and I are on the same page as far as a bailout goes. But, you're gonna have to compete with McDougals Alaskan Salmon dinner night..if you're up to it of course...

    Shred....I sold some Coiler hats...can you bring some more to the East coast next week?

    What's the going rate these days?

  3. This will catch us up to last friday.. enough for me tonight.

    From Ajax and Buttermilk, to the banquet.

    1) He's smiling because nooooo one will try to copy the famous tooth cam. And he didn't fall while using it.

    2) They are all smiling....The Tiehack chair does that to you:)

    3) Girls just want to have fun....Us guys will never get it.....




  4. I've got a few days to make up...and a boatload of pictures.

    1) They are both smiling, trust me...what a difference a day after, the DAY AFTER(stuntmen), can make.

    2) He's got a secret...Titinal bindings. ooops.

    3) They both love Montana, and free beer.




  5. Well it's been a week since the banquet...I won some bench mounted snowboard vices in the raffle that I traded for a new t-shirt. I'm smiling ear to ear still. Glad to see that the video recently posted will reinforce the pictures I posted from tuesday...the "off" day...beware any poser stuntmen! (I'm laughing to myself out loud....) Why not relive some of the moments we enjoyed together...Heck, what is everyone smiling about anyways?

    From Highlands wednesday...

    1) The original....and he's got a Madd 158.

    2) one word: boyshorts!

    3) The happiest spirit on the mountain.




  6. and the B-squared...............which in a nut shell was the Shiz. I had no idea it was as wide as it is untill I looked at it, felt small and quick and I had no problem at all finishing each turn..............now for Pauls review on it.:AR15firin

    Aaaahhh. The B-Squared.

    I tried to mentally block this ride out of memory. To be fair, it was a rushed Demo. Only two runs....at the end of the day...The last day. If you saw me on my knees in the snow after the first run, muttering to myself with wrenches in my hand...then you have a good idea how I felt. The second run was not much better for me. Why? The board wants to be pushed HARD.. Completely different than the 177 prior wcr I was on earlier in the day. I got pushed around in the chop much more than the WCR, and I never felt settled or relaxed while riding down the front of Buttermilk. This board will rock an aggresive rider's day, providing ulitmate speed and control at the expense of low speed manueverability. I'm just not THAT guy:)

    The first Board I demoed last week was the COILER SCHTUB 171.

    I grabbed this late on monday, and used it on the day off(did I mention I stayed at the Bomber house). Anyways all the hype about the board was originally lost on me, I started centered on the inserts and soon found that I needed to move the front binding forward another set of holes. This enabled me to stay more relaxed in a turn without losing the nose, critical to my smooothh style(inside joke, sorry). This change affected my stance width, and the changes were so positive that I adopted that width on every other board I rode. I would not have given this board back on wednesday, but there were others waiting to ride it, and I knew that everyone should have a chance to get SCHTUBBIED.

    From my notes:

    171 SCHTUB, 21W, 13.2M, 6mm(taper)?, 180lbs rider. Metal.

    My last board had a 10.5m sidecut vs. the schtub's 13.2m. You feel that difference in tight areas. It takes a swift hard forward press to get the board to respond tighter, and that's the beauty of it, turn it tight, or let it run. It doesn't get unsettled. Wide enough to take it thru the chopped up stuff, or in the trees. Never had trouble with the blunt nose. Rode this board at AJAX, Buttermilk, and three opening runs at Highlands.

    I traded the COILER at the Demo tent for a DONEK.

    A DONEK 171 FC I Metal, rockered nose.

    Remember my 10.5m sidecut? The Donek rocks an 11.2m turn.

    Bindings mounted just a notch forward of centered, I was comfortable within two runs. Each time I returned to the tent, I was sent away to ride some more. Each time my smile getting bigger. This board has a peculiar trait, it's noisy on hard pack. Tin can noisy.

    You'll forget all the noise once you're in motion, this isn't the donek I rode years ago. Lively, quick, controllable. Lean on the nose and it turns quick...very quick. I have an original Madd 158 and the Donek is very close to matching it turn for turn, despite being a 171.. We should note here that I rode the 171metal donek without the rocker for a few runs and it didn't leave me with the same comparison to the Madd 58, but rather the 173 coiler that I loved for so long.

    I rode this board all day at Highlands, and gave it to another rider the following day at Snowmass.

    From my notes:

    Great on the hardpack, Great in the chop, OK in the soft stuff.

    Great SL turns, Good GS turns.

    Graphics...not crazy about the demo, custom sheets are available.

    Great replacement for the Madd owners looking for right here, right now.

    At the end of the week I took home the Prior, only because I was instantly comfortable from turn one on it. I had started to ride faster all week long, enjoying the larger sidecuts as my style evolved from slalom to gs. The forgiving ride of the WCR in contrast to the quick turning Donek won me over. Yes, this is a change for me. Time will tell if I'm as excited riding the WCR on the tight east coast...stay tuned.

  7. Quick review from the airport as I wait patiently....



    15 or so years riding

    Loves smaller sidecuts, going slower than faster.

    Lots of turns.

    Boards: Coiler 173 FC, Burton R17 65.

    Demos this week.

    Prior WCR 177 metal. 20waist? Brought it home with me. Forgiving ride, cut thru chop with authority. carved the steeps with confidence. OK slalom turns, better GS turns. Great in hard conditions, great in mixed conditions, not good in soft conditions(too stiff to be fun without burying nose). Graphics were plain white...good for me.

    gotta go...more tommorow night.

    Donek 171 metal rocker.

    Coiler171 schtub

  8. Hey guys and gals!

    I'm sitting at DIA waiting for my flight home..Reflecting on what a great vacation this was. Reading the comments from Scott kinda bummed me out, then Beth mention how she was treated. Double bummed. It was easier for us as group when only 50 or so showed up to ride..You could meet, ride and remember most everyone. This past session there were people everywhere!! As a result I stuck with a small group of friends who challenge each other daily to ride better. And as with every year, we met a few other riders who were patient enough to deal with our east coast lungs, legs, and style to ride with us most of the day. Not everyone can do that. The Session is different things to different people for sure. For me it is making new friends a handful at a time, and looking forward to seeing them again next year. I've been coming out to Aspen for several years now and my handful of friends keeps growing, a far cry from the 4 people I knew when I first came out in '04. As far as the proactive friendliness goes...some people do it better than others..

    Holly and Scott, I hope that you do return next year, there is much to do and learn. Not to mention, friends to be made. This event will grow on you each year...And I'll keep coming until I stop making new friends.


  9. Well, it looks like people certainly like the Coiler. I was hoping to find something from the previously enjoyed market in the $300 range; I also race three disciplines on skis, my equipment bill is hideous.

    As possible alternatives, any thoughts on a 178 Free Carve Coiler or the Madd 170? I think both have a 10-11m SCR.

    Thanks for advice thus far.

    Coiler over Madd every time. Hard to get someone to part with their Free carves though. I rode my 173fc for over 5 years and it's now time for a new one. Been demo'ing stuff at SES, and every one is loving coiler stuff. Another alternative is a Donek in 171 Fc shape, and easier to find I believe.

    Madd....do a search on the forum about their service. heck, try to contact them direct. you'll get the idea.

    Lot's of stuff coming for sale after SES, keep your eyes peeled!

  10. After a shaky tuesday, we hit highlands hard on wednesday. Great weather, good snow, and some new riders on the mountain(welcome back Thor)! We finished the day leaving our marks on "Suzy Q" with the german crew leading the charge until last chair and thanks to the Hardbooter.com crew for Apres ski at the ZG Grille. Rumor had it that there were several complaints about the ruts left in the snow that day..

    Wednesday night was a hit, with McDougal cooking his famous Salmon dish for the house and a few guests. Staying at the BOMBER house has its perks:)

    WE had a guest in the morning as we woke up...and those would be the boot liners that were recently replaced..

    EDIT: For Sale: Size 27 thermoflex liners, only molded once. slight odor. best offer, email me.




  11. Johnasmo, Jim, and I managed to ride from first to last lift. Little over 40,000 vertical feet today. Maybe the water is bad on that side of town?

    Tuesday was slow motion for us as a group, our vert was around the 20,000 mark. The high points of course were, catching up with Bruce from Coiler Snowboards, ripping around on Ruthies with great friends, and scoring a delicious burrito downtown. Some bad Karma caught up with me in the form of a board and boot liners that finally gave up the ghost. RIP little YYZ Canuck Coiler, you have served well for over 4 years.. My roommates are estatic that the liners finally ate themselves from the inside out, and Bomber Fin was able to provide a new pair that we molded in the kitchen last night.

    Today we are headed to Highlands! Some fresh snow yesterday, may freshen the back bowl. We were hearing explosives during the day, so cross your fingers.

    Off to the tub and then some breakfast, maybe Fin will make waffles again?


  12. Today was the official Rest Day. The hills of Ajax were vacant. Snowing most of the day. Bliss.

    The picts are on Ruthies...so nice.

    Official rest day indeed...Bliss? depends how you spent your night previous. :)

    make sure to turn the volume up on the video....sums up our day.

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeNNSz_peLk&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeNNSz_peLk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>




  13. Woke up this morning at 5:30 AM to a full moon shining through the clouds outside. AN early morning start for the early access pass to Ajax. As the 70 or so carvers milled around at the top of Aspen mountain, you couldn't help but to marvel at the caliber of equipment and riders present. By the time we all funneled down through Copper Gulch, you would have seen all kinds of style, grace, and the occasional train wreck...We rounded out the morning over on Ruthies Run, and then spent the afternoon at Buttermilk running racer's edge.

    Demo reviews..stay tuned, finally killed my own 5 year old board today...Started by demoing a Donek FC1 metal. Tomorrow a Coiler Schtubby...

    Anyways more happpy faces today, The montana boys are promising video and action shots soon.




  14. Went to bed with the promise of snow for sunday....and again the weather guys missed.

    A few of us headed to Ajax in the morning, while the main body of riders assembled at Snowmass. The sun was in and out of the clouds all day. Jeorg of purebording ran a clinic for EC style riding, with great reviews all around. East coast guys were loving the 2 day old groom(chalk) on some trails, and by 2pm you could look around and see plenty of tired and happy faces at the demo tent. Today's pictures are few..I'm hoping the Montana boys can furnish some action shots.

    These picture's really don't need a narrative......Maybe Shred can help there.




  15. Aspen Buttermilk.

    The day warmed to the 30's at the base, keeping all the contestants of skier freestyle happy in the park....

    Mean while over at the Tiehack lift, The carvers layed it down on firm cord all day long.

    The hottub situation at the house hasn't improved yet...but it's only 6pm:)

    New people arrived today, welcome to McDougal and Therese of Bomber Catalog fame!

    A few photo's for the day...Shred, you would be proud of the Montana boys, especially their performance on first chair(don't ask)...The dancing poo, doing what he does best..and finally the view from Helmut Karvelow on last chair.

    Enjoy. Day two we'll head to Snowmass?




  16. Sorry shred check your eyesight, you have the wrong bald guy!!!! your post's scream of jealousy!!!

    I walk away from my laptop, but don't sign out..The above post is not who you thought it was. Anyways....It's breakfast time here at the Bomber house, Chris Prior showed up last night, and a few of the other riders came by to pick up tickets and have a drink.

    It's looking to be a snow shower kind of week. We're off to Buttermilk today, pics and video to follow..

    And Shred, wish you were here. We even have an extra bunk bed for you. Come on now, just jump in the car and drive to the airport, call in sick..Plenty of boards here for you, just wear your boots and jacket on the plane!

    Sooo, back on track now. ANYONE else here yet?


  17. Sweet, let the Coiler fest begin:eplus2:Ah, uh...dare I ask if little Pauly is joining us? :eek:Or are the rumors true that he is a dramaqueensmil.gif now
    dramaqueensmil.gif dramaqueensmil.gif dramaqueensmil.gif dramaqueensmil.gifdramaqueens:)

    I was hoping for a weekend with you guys, say around the end of the month?

    But I'm sure no one will be around...right? :)

    See you in a few...

    (Thanks TT)

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