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Posts posted by Paulk

  1. Today is a day off....walking around Queenstown taking in the sights. More snow overnight closed most of the ski areas today. I have to visit an internet cafe to download pictures, so don't wait for daily updates...Some bungee jumping this afternoon, more riding tomorrow, skydiving on saturday...busy busy...I'm not in Kansas anymore!

  2. No doubt about it. It's winter here in New Zealand. Was up carving at Turoa on Mt Ruapehu just over a week ago. Still early season here with snow base still rising. Even saw a couple of other carving boards in use amongst all the jibbers and skiers.

    Arrive in Queenstown on 8/30.....Do you think there will be room for another carver on the hills?


  3. A week at Big Mtn. followed by a week at SES! On the drive from Whitefish to Aspen we could stop by at Grand Targhee(my home resort).

    So for you folks fortunate to have 2 weeks off. Lets plan traveling/riding from Big Mtn to Targhee to Aspen... We will have to throw in a Turner Mtn day also while in NW Montana. Drop me an email..

    Just a thought.

    DrD. Aspen was vacant other than all of the carvers, never a lift line. Just like Big Mtn on weekdays.

    Can I be the first to reserve a spot in the car? Epic road trip 2010?

  4. My EDC is a 65 R17 by Burton...

    Will go anywhere, when I'm riding with anyone....except in deep powder(don't ask).

    In the bag with it, a 171 FC Coiler, or the 177 wcr Prior.

    Carver's only boards...Don't go to Vail with your skier friends on these(another don't ask..).

    The "niche" boards...Madd 158 for Southern VT January days, and a 65 Fish for those elusive powder days..

  5. Hey all,

    Shred and Cuban, I always head out to Colorado a week before SES...It's been my secret to ride Summit County to aclimate prior to heading into Aspen....Thus the comment on tying the two trips together..So the last week in January suits me well....

    I will adjust to whatever dates work out...you guys know that already. I would like to hook up with dredman and johnasmo if they decide on the dates though.

    Just got back from camping in Watertown Park(alberta/ BC / US line)...and hiking on the glaciers, hmmm Montana was so close....

    It's gonna ba a long summer at this rate.

  6. Great pictures from the past week! I think you all are catching on to this rub-in thing...

    I never did make it to the seacoast this weekend, and I didn't quite make it onto a snowboard, although I was dressed for it...Not quite Aspen around here:) A nod to AlexJ and Steph for the sunday shenanigans...




  7. PaulK always does so much work posting rub-in pictures that we thought we'd help :)

    Wow...is all I can say as I sit at work looking out at all the rain today. I'm afraid I can't compete with those pictures Tom. At least, not until late August maybe:)

    This weekend, I'll try to take advantage of the rained out MX racing, and head to Rhode Island with the surf boards..a nod to Softbootsailer for inspiration.

  8. come on...we all know Paul is on his XC kick


    I've since been to an intervention...SES Aspen. I recommend it to anyone who might find themselves straying. Helps to have a good support network in place too:)

    Now, if I can get away with a splitboard.....Tuckerman's is calling. Any takers?

  9. Great to meet you Steve!

    I'm left wishing I could be much closer to Sugarloaf than a 6 hour drive.

    4 days is not enough.

    Thanks for your help with Captain Ray. The jury is still out on the extent of his injury. He did make it home without too much trouble though.

    Shred... Are you feeling the LOVE!!

    Schtubbies Rock.

  10. I had that 164 OLD SCHOOL Asym Alp I wanted to donate to you for retro days...


    Some knuckle head thinks he just scored a fancy "new school" racing board.. I mean after all, you won't find a Burton board like that in any store.

    I'll keep a look-out for it too.

    Good to meet you in the gondi on wednesday!

    -Paul (hanging out with Shaggy, Steph, and Mark.)

    Ear Dragger...no friday for me. Furnace died, the man is coming to fix it friday pm. Sat-sun looking better.

  11. Sending well wishes your way Johnasmo!

    This season is shaping up into a crash fest. Two friends out this way have had wrecks in the past week. One was in a collision with another boarder, dislocated shoulder. The second friend caught his heelside in spectacular fashion, knocking himself silly and wrenching his knee pretty good.

    Everyone, be safe out there, the season is winding down fast.

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