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Posts posted by Paulk

  1. Almost time to come home. The snow Wednesday only added another 4" to the mountains, almost filling in tracks from the day before. We buy an interconnect pass to access a lift run by El Colorado Mtn, and then run untracked out of bounds all day. The runs are so long we only make 3 between the hours of 10am and 3:30pm. Today I'll remember to look at the altimeter and get a better number.




  2. Wine glass spotted! Someone has class! And the snow is falling ... the best time to be in a hot tub.

    If Jen is going to make it to the session for a couple of days, there might be margarita glasses on the side of the hot tub ... or maybe not, that has the potential to get very messy indeed ...

    Mornings in Aspen...

    And as for the Bikini questions....well lets say someone wasn't wearing their suit, it's just not who you think it is... and no it wasn't me:)


  3. Okay, so if I'm trying to talk some on my BFF's into coming to SES with me next year, that picture has to DISAPPEAR! Capiche??

    Besides which, I don't see a single wine glass on the side of that hot tub. That'll be fixed too, and fast :-P

    Allee, maybe some more recent tub photo's will help...LOL.



  4. you think you got it bad? my new board just came in today...July 27, 90 degrees, and I've got this beautiful coiler just begging for some corduroy!


    Tex, I can introduce that coiler to some corduroy next week...in Chile. Does she have a passport? I'll have her back home before labor day.

    In other news, no surf on the coast this past weekend...The skateboards got a good work up though...

  5. has been quietly in the process disolving for awhile now

    I'll get the details sometime from somebody in the know at SR sometime here and I'll report all the dirty little ski industry secrets.

    too bad intrawest is still aroud, they blow

    Got the EMail today...ASC will disolve into a memory shortly, assets to be divided amongst the shareholders, well, almost all the shareholders...

    "Holders of our Common Stock and Class A Common Stock are not expected to receive any payment or distribution with respect to their shares pursuant to our plan of dissolution after we make payments to our creditors and the holders of our Series C Preferred Stock."

    I wondered why the Stock fell to .02 so recently....

    And yea, I was a shareholder. Should of held onto RIMM.....LOL

  6. howdy doc,

    can we get big mountain to rope off chair 2 for a few hours

    like the nastar races? with the orange caution ropes.

    carving in progress! do not enter. hehehe:rolleyes:

    This idea jinxed us at the ECES sugarloaf...there was a miscommunication between the office, mtn ops, and ski patrol....never mind what the weatherman saved for that day.... All's well that ends well, the sponsor, Bob Jenny Designs, got his money back, and we ripped up other places on the mountain.. The carver only trail, remains very elusive. But at the Big Mtn, do you really need to rope a trail off?

  7. Good 20 mill. of lifts that need power to run........as we know the Big..oops whitefish bla bla bla runs out of power on the best damn days.

    change sucks :AR15firin

    Hey, take it easy there. I'm feeling alot of negative energy in this post:)

    So, who wants to go to the first ever Whitefish Mountain Resort Expression Session hosted by Dr. Delaney in 2008(WMRES DD08), with special guest appearance by Shred Gruumer?


  8. Sounds like we got some 2 wheeled commuters here. I got lucky with just a little drizzle this morning, but who knows what it will be doing at 5pm.

    LOL! Add me to list. Left the house this AM, looked up at the sky and said to myself, what the heck it looks dark to the west. Put on my two peice rainsuit from cyclegear, and headed down the road. 20 miles later, raining like I need an ARK. Love the rain gear... Need the dishwashing gloves though. At least the ride home is supposed to be dry:)

    Geoff, track day is coming quick!

  9. unlike some folks (cough cough paul) that get to go on multiple trips.... I only get one.... :(

    Where to go.... where to go..... SES finally or Big Fog.... :confused:

    If I had to pick just one trip.....wait a minute, you've never been to SES?

    easy choice. What would Warren Miller say? If you don't do it this year...

    I'll pick you and Gary up at the airport in Denver:)

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