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Posts posted by Paulk

  1. Doc, got the Email. Thanks for the offer, but have to pass at the moment..future is so bright that I have to wear sunglasses...must return to Colorado in march....and april....and june....and.....?

    Kinpa...Any new news? you can't tell me you missed the daily rub-in? tell me it isn't so. Hope all is well!

  2. Todd Brown: "It ain't no thang."

    Jack, you should've seen Todd rock Highlands back bowl, on that very same 190-something Donek.. I defaulted to the girlie 160-something burton...and couldn't keep up. Good Times! Hope you can make it out in 2008.

    Sean, thanks for the pictures, I feel guilty for talking you into riding without the camera after lunch, on our day off....Who knew the week would go by so fast?


  3. A great week in Aspen...The camera died around wednesday, The Internet connection was nonexistent, and it snowed almost every night. The best two carving days turned out to be the "day off"(tuesday), and last saturday, the "we're only gonna ride until noon" day.....Thanks to everyone who said, let's do just one more run...I finally made it back to Denver by 8pm!


    Does this make anyone who didn't come out to the SES, feel better?

    A few shots of the weeks madness...




  4. Snowbasin Utah, "Wildflower Downhill".

    Part of the 2002 olympic downhill..Its too bad they currently don't have enough snow to groom all the way up to the start house, otherwise known as "mens start"...that would've been beyond epic. Instead that part of the trail resembled Tuckermans Ravine in New Hampshire



  5. Hey Todd,

    I'm sitting at the airport in Denver as I write this...

    Over the last month, been thru here 6 times.

    My "carry on" is a backpack, with my hardboots and 2 sets of TD2's.. My laptop bag is my 2nd "personal bag" allowed under the rules.. Never a problem with TSA...A couple of times they scratched their heads, but never opened the bags.

    Now, the liquid restrictions......follow that to the letter of the law!


  6. upper gondola line, most likely

    pretty steep for carving

    PaulK - carvemeister ?

    Can't take credit as the carvemeister(CMC's claim to fame?)....but here is a video clip from the 04 eces vid, I'm in the second, slightly sped up clip on Upper Gondola. It wasn't a pretty run for the camera..


    the trail was Upper Gondola line... and in years past I've dragged a number of riders over it, including Eric J(boing), Arc Rider, and YYZ Canuck. All of these guys killed it. Only once in the past 3years did we all actually carve it from the summit, as opposed to hitting it from the cat-track.

    Good times!

  7. Well, well PaulK.... it looks like you found someone that likes to ride as hard as you do.... I know those other guys are on vacation and like to party it up.... BUT YA GOTTA RIDE! I know it's hard on those ole leg muscles when you are used to riding at a place without much vert..... Oh well, everyone goes their own speed and at their own pace, right????

    I was thinking of you as I dragged the group around hellroaring basin one day, It turned into a daily event for the rest of the week. at least for some of us!

    Dr D. was great company, wouldn't have enjoyed the powder days without him. Thanks again Doc!


  8. and finally - Paul finds the love of his life :1luvu: ..... or is it the KNOB GOBLIN?!?!?!?!?! :eek::eek:

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    I have safely made it back home. The reports of a KNOB GOBLIN in the woods turned out to be false, All the guys in the group escaped unharmed, thanks to my quick thinking and a pocket full of leftover trail mix, I held the monster at bay until everyone was at a safe distance. I'm not so sure about the encounters on saturday night, but that is a story for another time.

    Over the past week, we drank until the Colts won....C-O-L-T-S!!!!!, We ate until our tummies were full, We rode our snowboards until our legs hurt, We took pictures until our batteries died, We pushed the limits until we crashed, we laughed until it hurt, and we forged friendships that will last years.

    Isn't this what it's all about?

    Can't wait to do it all over again next year!


  9. Ok...So I said yesterday was epic. I lied. Today the upper mountain went to chalk, the lower mountain stayed firm, the temps cooler. Abundant sunshine overlooking a beautiful undercast in the valley...(more on that later). The grooming was even better...It always gets better the second and third day after a storm, right? We had a Shred Gruumer sighting on the mountain today. You'll notice the picture is from a distance, but that is him, I swear!




  10. oh sure post the picture of the bowl before the bombcrater was put into it!!:lol:

    somebody augered in and ruined the pretty groom you see before you! I had a blast guys waiting on next year already. be safe and call if your flights are canceled for the next month due to valley fog we'll hit it some more:lol: :lol: :lol:

    Thanks for the local insight on the mountain this week Doc! As for the bomb craters.....Well lets just say that the Bomber BTS is worth their weight in gold. No broken parts even after somersaulting down the bowl:)


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