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Posts posted by Paulk

  1. Paul, that photo should coming with a warning! Damn, my knees hurt just looking at it :rolleyes: Glad you were not hurt. Was someone following you? :eplus2:

    Certainly put your gear to the test on that one!!

    The Surgeon General strongly advises against "riding in the backseat"!

    In other news, my orthopedic surgeon advised against snowboarding ever again, after knee surgery in '91. Then I bought my first set of hardboots:)

  2. Alright, since you changed it to the imaginary world of "There are no variables to this question... no crowds, doesn't matter where you live or ride, none of that factors in", I still vote for powder. Unless of course, I had showed up with only a Madd 158:)

  3. I voted for the pow, because its so hard to find in a lift accessed resort these days...In the northeast you need to have a super secret spot, kinda like surfing, to avoid it getting tracked out by 9am. Cord is easier to find, and actually gets better with a little skier traffic sometimes(chalk). In a perfect world (Chile) you can carve until 11am, then hit untracked powder until the lifts close..

  4. awesome. My project should be done by the spring so we'll talk then (the bonnie isn't exactly track worthy at this point)

    edit: Paul - you going to Super Sunday @ Marcus Dairy?

    Jack: Thanks for the photography. I'll be in touch with you about the one on Geoffs bike! And like Bob, you're welcome to the mighty ZZR anytime.

    Matt, No Super Sunday this weekend, spending it at work instead. I plan on making up for it, by hitting the track again on tuesday.

    In other news..the foliage is starting to rock up in the hills of Vermont, New York and Mass. 650 miles on Wednesday, and another 200 back home thursday! And as a nod to Bob, I did over 20miles of dirt around Stratton. Really wish I had taken off those Pirelli race tires...

  5. In the process of turning my bonnie into a cafe racer anyway, so if all goes as planned it should be track ready by next year...

    question for you guys - can I buy track tires and change there or do I somehow need to bring my own? (bringing my own would be difficult unless I get a trailer or somehow strap them to the back for the ride up)

    Or can I just run street tires?

    Matt, I'd be happy to throw anything you need into my pickup/trailer on any given track day. Should have enough room for an entire bike if the brother-in-law isn't going.

  6. Lots of wind and rain...none of the promised swell after 1pm..Although we were approached by a guy who said, "you should of seen it this morning.."

    A couple of knee to waist rides before I jumped back into the car at 3:30 and headed off to work..tomorrow anyone?

  7. Did you go down from jordan at all.... that road is insanely rough on a board

    Left from the Grand Summit, but have to admit to jumping back into the car from time to time....Started out with my friends thinking it was funny to "leave me behind" with no pads or a helmet, escalated into a great low speed carving session...right up until the state trooper came around the last corner:( Remember kids, skateboarding is not a crime:)

    Walking the nose on the Fatboy, Bigger Tuna!


  8. so ... Ill buy a drink for anyone that knows me from BOL (limited to the first person of the day, between the hours of 12-1am... and limited to days that im actually working... may cause dizziness, nausea, and unintended diarrhea of the mouth

    Looking forward to spending some time in SR this year, not sure I'll make it to Happy hour, but I'll stop in and say hi anyways. Was in the area this past weekend, and the washouts on the mountain are impressive in person..This picture was taken at Barker on saturday...not much work getting done there yet. In other news.. The road back down from the mountain was a little rough, but was a blast on the longboard!



  9. In Narragansett RI there is a shop called Gansett Juice. They have several people who teach lessons during the summer.. Owned by a legendary surfer guy called Peter Pan, who also is a snowboarder/instructor over at Rhode Islands only downhill ski resort..The name of which escapes me right now...

    In other news, I'll be headed to the shoreline monday looking for leftovers with the longboard, won't know until sunday night where I'll end up, somewhere between Maine and Rhode Island...

  10. looks like you guys had a blast :biggthump Paul looks like you'll need more knee pucks with the amount of track time you've had this summer :AR15firin. See you on the 24th, I'm jumping up to the B group this time.

    We had a great time. And yes the pics are from VIR south. We also rode a day at Summit Point, main. These were all Nesba events, but different regions hosted the different tracks.. this lead to a much different "vibe" between the two.. Vir being much more enjoyable, mostly due to the people running the show. The "B" group for Nesba is called beginers, but is crowded with fast riders looking for a "bump" into the intermediate group which turns out to be a really formal affair.. Left me looking forward to riding back at Loudin with the more relaxed attitudes..I'm signed up for the 24th now and also on Oct 2nd, where my Brother in law is going to attend his first day.

    I Wanna Ride!

  11. Hey Paul, don't you ever work? Well, I guess the money for these great trips must come from somewhere???????????? (Care to share?)

    Hey Kathy! The secret to a great ski season is really a simple formula. (Single male + modest income) - (steady relationship + responsibility) * (flex time + great friends) As illustrated, you can see how relationship and responsibility could really impact a season, and since my story of relationships is more fitting in a "waaaay off topic " forum, I instead find the time for great trips....

    Sunday night and I write from the comfort of my home dial-up connection. Yesterdays excursion into Santiago was a success, although only because of the company of a good friend. Some random thoughts for the week: I really should of paid more attention in high school spanish classes, Groomed snow is the same everywhere in the world, untracked powder is really scarce, snowboarders and skiers can get along together, and the best place to meet new friends is on a ski trip.

    Thanks to Shredder Jen for letting me tag along on her trip. I wouldn't have been there without her help. Hopefully she will chime in soon with some of her pictures from the week and keep this alive until at least september:)

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