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Everything posted by softbootsurfer

  1. Stoked... :) well done! Hawaiian Outrigger Style:eek: Wonderful Technique
  2. Funny Math aside...my best Carving comes when I have equal pressure on both feet and knees... centered over the center in other words leads to the most responsive turns for me. I call it deadweight in that all my body weight when relaxed is allowed to power down the torso into the board, at least that is what it feels like...this is with softboots, locked Highbacks and added top 3rd straps with front 44 and back 42, also a combo of turns with this weighting takes my Mind to Nirvana :D :) which is where I am now having just come down from Ajax...
  3. Well Tom Sims was a Skater, Surfer and Snowboarder and of course Terje as well as many others... Surfing, Skating and Snowboarding use many of the same techniques to turn the equipment :) This thread was started to make that point and show good techniques at the same time...
  4. Stoked Santas... Happy Holidays :) http://youtu.be/OyXuALLw18k
  5. when Driving I use my Eyes to anticipate where my Hands need to move to turn...once my hands move my weight into position my knees take over or my feet take over and finish the power in that turn while the eyes focus on where we are going next...there are some great vids. in the Minds in the Water thread that show what Anticipation means and how the Hands lead the way... :) my experiences of Skating, Surfing, Skiing and Snowboarding throughout my life has for me, shown this to be the case... I believe the equipment and how it is set up is to support this theory :D
  6. First they can't do anything...then they can kinda do some things...then they start to get it...then they hall ass right past you This observation is from Actual Experience :)
  7. Love the Anticipation and how the Hands and upper body are used to lead the way... http://www.vanstriplecrownofsurfing.com/vansworldcupofsurfing2012/video-view/day-1-highlights
  8. Wonderful Dave...they all look Stoked!
  9. Innovation equals roughly 70 mph now...
  10. Like I said, "Burton has no intention now or in the near future of re entering the HB scene" With over 55% of the Snowboard Market, and 99.99% of that Market not interested in Alpine, why would they... Terje is working on some wonderful new sticks though... Really, this thread is nothing more than a Blame Burton sit com...lets delete it and move on shall we
  11. and we thought 10 people out was crowded back in the 60's such a great Wave and that inside section...Wow
  12. This Rumor is just that...Burton confirmed through e-mail awhile ago they have no plans to re enter the market now or in the near future.
  13. Burton as of today has no current plans or future plans in place to do anything in this regard...
  14. with thanks to Alexis and Chris...Congratulations and Enjoy the Ride...
  15. Shane yesterday at Jaws...a Great Tube Ride!
  16. Aspen skiing company finally came around when the CEO learned how to snowboard himself and convinced the Crown Family ( the Owners ) to reconsider the Ban...which they did in 2001. Personally, to have spent many years there Skiing prior to learning to Snowboard, I had many heated and animated discussions with the Supervisors and Head management for being kicked off the mountain... not for the equipment, as Monoskis were and are allowed, but rather for my Stance of feet apart at 45 degrees! I spend the first and last part of every season up on Ajax and seldom does a day go by that someone does not say at some point going up a lift "Snowboarders should not be allowed up here" or " A Snowboarder ran into my Friend" ...I tell them to go down and please go somewhere else then... You cannot Talk to a Brick nor change its Mind
  17. Wow...some awesome tube rides here...
  18. Amazing run at Trestles...http://www.surfline.com/surflinetv/primetime/road-to-victory-2012-hurley-pro_76618
  19. Having only ridden Hardboots a small number of times...the thing I noticed first is that if I was to use them all the time I would be thankful for all the different adjustments mentioned to maximize the set up and to find the zone of comfort and control they can provide... as for Softboots...I am guilty of using the same set up for over 25 years now, though I have changed the angles front and back from + or - 3 deg. or so from my original setting of both feet at 45 deg. When I step on my board with this set up, I feel right at home. With that consistency through the years and the incredible upgrades made to the boards themselves I am again looking forward to another great season at Milkland... I would think that in Racing mode or wanna be Racing mode that all the adjustments you have mentioned would be in a constant state of flux with both the hill conditions and type of course requiring different set ups...but that is a guess on my part as I have no experience to draw from...
  20. Wow... this is Terrific! Cowabunga and it snowed up high today too!
  21. Ocean, Concrete or Snow .... Thanks Tom !!!!
  22. Wow...Smooooooth and Stylin, just plain Loved watching this ! Thanks for sharing
  23. Surfing Pipeline and taking the Drop on long sticks is difficult...
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