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Everything posted by SteveInOregon

  1. Watch out for them they are NUT'S, lol. You 1st start out with a pack of matches then BAM you own every pack of free matches from every flea bag motel and night club in the world. Then you graduate to cigarette lighters, ( Zippos ) then women, then gun's then motorcycle and then it finally all comes crashing down to snowboards. STOP THE MADNESS. ( group meeting of collector anonymous ) > Hi my name is Steve and I'm board-a-holic", ( group reply ) "Hi-eeeee Steve ":o
  2. ( Disclaimer)> I'm NOT an experienced H-booter, but I have give you a parallel with motorcycles which I have a "lot" of experience on. So let's say you are a recreational carver ( motorcyclist ) who is not into racing, extreme carves, speed , or going 1 or more times a week in winter, with that said once you hop on the latest "ride" you will immediately feel the difference, and fall in love with the new ride ( at less than pro level riding ) Will a new high end ride make you a better rider, maybe , maybe not, that's an individual thing only "You" can answer. Like the experienced H-boot rider's statements above "the technology keeps changing & getting better each year" and so if you can afford the $ and / or are committed to H-booting as a full time winter recreation the go for it, but if you are not sure weather you are "really into" H-booting then once you demo a high end new board you may very well be disappointed in your older equipment and always long to be on a new ride. It can be like marriage, the "old lady" is not a hot super model, but she is yours and you know her. Some times the new stuff is so radical that it is only made for pure racing and not recreational riding. Myself; I have not come up to the ability level of my new ( 10 yr old) race-carve board, ( You look to be ahead of me on the learning curve ) so myself I wont even try out another new model until I have mastered this one, but I am committed and so next season or two by hook or crook I will be spending a LOT of cash on the new stuff, so then I can tumble & slam into that tree even faster and with a larger smile, lol
  3. What nice classy fun people with such a positive vibe people, my jealousy meter is pegged.
  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Z, So what do your board friends think of you on your mountain ? do all the other guys your age think your the man or an actor ?, what do they think about your alpine ride ?
  5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY REPLY: DITTOS one pair of X's and one pair of SI's just sitting on the shelf.
  6. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I kinda agree with the expert ( J M ) here, I started out with a race degree and ended up miserable for the 1st day I just couldn't even ride hardly at all that 1st day. I went back to a typical soft ride stance luckily I was on a "wide" all mountain 176cm board, but after a day or two and that beginning to be was a waist too, so I then "gradually" went more & more forward after boot-out caught up with me ( as J M mentioned ) and I got some runs under my belt and the boot out went away and now I am "almost" at a race / carve degree (tho non parallel) :) I jumped in green ( this Xmas ) with an aggressive-experienced riders alpine stance and got waxed, backed off and now I am doing fine. hope this reply from a nu-B was also helpful ;)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY REPLY: A lot of folks here thought "I" was a troll, but your "official" pal. Who gives a crap what kind of plank you float the snow on, or what I or any of these guys ( gals ) here have fun on. I don't soft anymore because 1) I am beat up ( multiple broken bones & more injuries like that ) so I cant get air without ending up in the hospital, and 2) got "bored" on a soft rides lack of s-p-e-e-d, I wanted more speed and ultra fast precise handling and I found it in hard shells, so big deal, whoope-e-do for me. I got all the respect in the world for the Shaun White's of this world, the stuff they do is ballsy and amazing skill, I LOVE to watch them in the super pipe event's. I DON'T like it when they crash & burn because they are highly trained professional athletes , cool young guys with class who are commited to excellence and I want them to have a good long carrier. But I havbe to admit, I do like watching a stunt runt, who is zero class and all ego weenie blast a blunt smoking park show and bounce a stash run to the pain hut complete with blood trail. I have to admit I like to see the loud mouth stunt runts crack a rib and do some star gazing while waiting to catch the red cross ride down the hill. Hard boots = sharp fast turns as high s-p-e-e-d. You aint gonna find any Olympic champ charging down hill and winning a PGS race in moon boots. Sofites with class who really get monster air are all right in my book, :)
  8. GREAT to hear that there are teens out there racing "&" carving and a few on BOL. I only ask this because of the juxtaposition between all the positive comments I get every time out go out from kids who just LOVE my setup and then not seeking any a single one actually on a carve board, so the reply about racing teens not bothering with the weekend crowds makes sense . THANKS :)
  9. I have never seen a teen or a child on alpine board. How about you ???
  10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY REPLY: Narrow bumpy steep slopes are a HUGE obstacle, a lot of these guys carve on world class wide and long groomers that many of us can only dream of, so their learning curve is fast because like you said they are not concentrating on survival and / or just staying up. I am in the same boat as I live right next to a ski-board mountain ( I can be there in 15 min, "but" its not even close to the buttermilk runs a lot of the other guys are used to. Guys who are raised on steep narrows like me are usually really good on bad groom , we can 4x4 thru anything, but we don't get enough time to refine our technique and carving is a "sweet snow science" that is best suited big & wide resorts. :)
  11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY REPLY: Interesting, what does a meter like that look like ? , and hows it work ?
  12. Anyone can cross country ski on the flat and there usually is a nice couple of Xcoutry routes at the bottom of every resort mountain , its great exerciser and fun for a non athlete type of wife to kill a couple hours take some photos, bring the dog get fresh air while still being together in the winter sports.:) I back country/ cross country about 1/3rd of my snow time.
  13. Baggy boote'rs love me when I show up on my long flattie. Myself , I don't ride the lift or walk around at the mountain with snotty middle aged fly fisherman attitude , one reason is the young jibberwalkies treat me with respect and admiration even tho my carving is a grade D+, they too can see the "fun" in it. Even tho I am going in faster and faster and turning higher angles at speed and want to get a full face helmet I mite not get one becasue I want to other riders on the mountain to be able to see my "smile"
  14. The secret my friend is to buy her one or two or three that you can use yourself. ;)
  15. Wow is right, from my surfing days I know there is something about a l-o-n-g board that is special. I like to be able to actually "see" and feel something "substantial" under me. Can you video / You tube your Bachelor tryout ?
  16. So how long can you string out a rhyme about carving and S-boarding ? I will start and this it contemporaneous right off the top of my bock head, lol. I hate HipHop but I'm bored and this mite be fun, lol. My Rap: "Yo, check it out now yal !!! White boi in da house yal I was bombin da run, I hit up a carve , toe side for fun, lifted and large , 185 strait up yo, I linked it, I petted the snow, I was carvin with da G's , I'm a gravity gansta, I was hangin slung low, my bindings was snowpro, my plank was GS old gansta race cool, I'm from the new school , I thought I was Joe cool, not just a old bomb fool, the Betties & Bunnies was tripping, sayin "this white boys is ripping" , I carved up a groomer and step low heel side the BOOMER I slid thru on a ass pass and passed up a park rat, I married snow white & got devorced the same night, now I m freezin, I seaizin, my lungs is weazin, I "wanna carve yo, wanna carve yo.lol I know , don't give up my day job Steve ,lol Your Turn To Bust Out A Rhyme
  17. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY REPLY: Unless your ticket or season pass has a disclaimer that expressly says: "Our employees who toss 3/4 minus gravel on to the lift pack are not responsible for the associated damage to your board" , I would say the ski-board park owes you a new board.
  18. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: "stand up" THAT'S IT, Pure GENIUS, . Its true, my "norm" carves are based on not tucking or crouching al tight & flexed like I am trying to do the speed limbo,lol
  19. I like the photo of the pooch in mid air chomp. The pink board is way cool too. POLL : Guys> If the pink board was the ONLY loaner board to ride for an entire weekend on perfect groom because Your equipment got stolen, would you ride it ? I will start this poll by saying "hell ya" I wold just pack the top sheet with pow and no one would be wise to the color, lol.
  20. HELLOooo-o-o-oooooooo ( echo in the newbee room ) Welcome to the Nu-B section aka WannaCarver section of BOL . I thought I was all alone, I am only a few weeks & a half dozen trips ahead of You. I just switched from long all mountain board that I had plates on beginning Xmas day this last Dec and now to my new ( older used) race carve stick that I now have 2 short outings on it and I too didn't like the parallel 45/45 either and I am not even a duck or monkey foot. It will be interesting to read the response of the vet carve crew on the tiered burning leg question of yours. In my own limited experience I noticed if 1) my boot tops were to loose the sharpness of my turn initiation suffered, 2) If I was tense and trying to muscle the board my legs whould burn out fast, 3) If I didn't stretch and warm up in the lodge or parking lot 1st I would burn out fast, & 4) my Cant & Lift was flat my legs & joints would also strugglke to compensate. Take Care (the longer the better, that's not what she said, its what the snow told me) :lol:
  21. #1 > SICK that is sick dude. #2> What kind of board is that ( looking at it with fascinated enthusiasm ) #3> Woah, dude that looks fast. #4> Were did you get that, were can I get one like that. #5> That was a bad wipe out, dude are you ok, LOL
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY REPLY: Nice high quality smooth video, and great carve form, relaxed and powerful, the HUGE groom field is awesome too:)
  23. Second in a series called TAILS OF THE NU-B. For my 1st ever pure alpine ride see "Diablo 185" in the board review section. Since this is an old board *& I don't know what the hell I'm doing carve wise I wont put this in the board review section. Talk about FUN,>>>> Ya Baby !!! I got the old 185 Oxygen I bought from Ronin as offered to me last week when I posted WTB a good & long rock board. UPS delivered to me last night, I took the Rossi bail / plates off my old 176 all mountain free carve and booted it up to Mtn Ashland for a foggy, windy , snowy, crowded, ( did I say foggy,lol ) 1st ride on a "real" carving board i.e skinny, stiff & long. This old board ( probably about 10 years old ) has words like "Titanium Speed Cap" & "GS" on it so it MUST be a real race carve board, it simply must be real, lol. So I am thinking " oh ya Steve-e boy, this is gun gonna make me a turn star " , lol. Well I get off the baby lift ( checkout ride for plate degree / angle 1st ) for a short feel out with screw driver in back pack and shoooooosh on down. The 1st thing I notice is this thing is SKINNY when it's on my boot and on the snow it looks like a fat ski, lol , heck even my plate base sticks out over the edge with my hybrid soft boot wannacarve high angles. Even tho the P-tex is highly worn under the two plate sections this thing slides real good with no effort with the low snow temp matched wax job I lovingly applied last night. The 2nd thing I noticed was just like the Diable 185, these gun's eat up small hills f-a-s-t, Yu need a beefy steepie to be able to whip the skinny pony, lol. So I graduated up to a single black and lifted up to were the real fun can begin on my real carve board. A half a dozen "cool board" and "wow what kinda rad board is that" comments later I was "surfing the chop, chunk and mogul funk like a tourist "howlie" at pipeline break, "this is great " I said to myself smiling as I tried to concentrate at 45'ish, this board is sooooo solid, not to damp, no jitter or chatter at all, hell that last time I flogged this run I was on my 176 Morrow and I was getting BEAT, now with Oxygen I was smooth surfer cool. The Oxy is a Cadilac compared to the Morrow , I think the Oxy is mainly laminated fiberglass over wood with that cool sounding "Titanium peed Cap sheet and so it is sharp but smooth & forgiving, not to stiff and not "noodely" at all, just perfect for me. Remember I don't really have time or anything top of the line to compare with and very little alpine experience so I am referencing soft boot boards to this carve board, soft boots which I have TON of experience , so that is my comparison. OXY CARVE , lol makes Your smile wide and bright, :biggthumplol, Speed Carve, makes your smile mean & clean . G's ohhhhh G's , so I dumped into a steep heel side and SHAZAMMM the OXY hooked up on a rail and I got the G-Buzz, the SnowPush you all have been talking about for so long , this skinny long board is like a WWII fighter plane with lots of dihedral , just stick it over and lay it flat nad the G;s get heavy. The OXY hooks up when turned hard and "stays" turning until released , if You push it it stays and just keep a sharp carve, that is very cool and just what I have been looking for and could not get on my all mountain long board. Oh what fun it is to ride a skinny sliegh, lol. I'm hooked. Peace
  24. Dittos': I'm right behind You pal, I am on my 1st on a hard boot-board, ;)
  25. I just got the 185 Oxy You sold me from UPS, I really like what I see, I think You are 100% accurate & fair in Your on line dealing ( I want others to know that about You ) and I will try to get it out on the slopes on my new "old"stick this weekend. thanks ;)
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