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Everything posted by bigwavedave

  1. 2nd day groom, another great day...even betta than the day before...no wind, no cloud, no crowd... 1st tracks crossing... Hey Ken, how are you doing? You should be in this picture! (saved a space for you)
  2. The beginning of a long day's work carving up 1st day groom. Rode from 9:30 to 3:30 See ya tomorrow...1st tracks
  3. I think we'll have to call it "lonbordin enhanced" lake effect snow! Have fun today! I'll be up tomorrow.
  4. Thinking of coming up after the new snow, maybe T-W & Th. Anybody wanna do a day trip to Indianhead Thursday? Conditions are looking nice, light lake effect snow all week (plus the storm tomorrow), and skies should clear by Thursday.
  5. Thanks Bob. I ended up going up to Wild which wasn't too bad considering the weather we've had. Most runs were open and only Ego Ally had a narrow ribbon through a bare section at the top. Maybe this storm will make it good again, for a few days at least.
  6. Return of winter(temps). This is basically a sheet of rough ice (from our recent meltdown) with about 3" of packed sugar groomed on top. Riding a new stick (baby Coiler), required a deft touch on edge and attention to form. Really fun to get out and make some tracks!
  7. March 2017 Went up to Wild Mt today to ride the baby Coiler. There was a rough, icy base under the "surface groom" which was better on some runs, than others. Required a deft touch on the edges and good form. Wild was the best, with about 3-4" of packed sugary stuff over the hard stuff. The new ride was sweet and smooth $20 lift tickets and a blue bird day
  8. Hey Bob, Can you go out and check the conditions at Buck today?...and post a report? I want to test ride my new board tomorrow ;) It's hard to tell what the conditions are on the webcams. I was kinda wishin' they'd turn on the snow guns during this cold spell─guess they're just giving up
  9. yeah, crazy weather, at least there is some winter temps returning. Most places closed down for a few days during all the warm temps last week. Things are likely icy/crusty. Maybe we'll get some local reports from some brave souls that venture out. Seems most areas have given up on making any new snow, even with the return of cold temps. Lake effect snows are likely in the U.P. over the next few days and Indianhead is starting to blow some man made snow. http://www.bigsnow.com/live-cams Might be worth making a day trip over there. Pick a sunny day, midweek.
  10. I haven't been there, but they get a good dose of lake effect snow. "NMU Alpine Boarder" recommended it a few years ago. Please post a ride report after your trip. I'd be interested to know if it has good carving terrain. Where do you usually ride?
  11. Ha! Great minds think alike, though I haven't named mine yet, but then it's not staring at me either. Started out as a 163 too, but grew a couple of cm as the build progressed. Is that a single scr? Looks like she has some taper. Hey, would you mind posting some condition reports for Indianhead if/when you're up there? Thinking of heading over there next week if lake effect snows kick in to replenish the hill.
  12. Coiler 165 race/SL, but with with a near radial 9-10m scr. 20.5 waist, 1.6cm taper. I really, really needed another board─for snaking through the afternoon crowds. Mornings typically start off riding its big (safari striped) brother with a 13-14m scr on wide open groomers .
  13. ^^That's how I was told to do it. I started in the "highest setting" (arrow down) both sides, because of the buckle issue, and then did the above to align the cuffs with my legs. At present, I seem to prefer the feel, under my feet, of pure heel (3° rear) and toe (6° front) lift on my bindings with no canting, so this helped fine tune things from the sole up.
  14. Looks good on a Rev too, thanks to Thedo for the graphic design... SES 2015... ATC last year, thanks to Jack for the graphics....looks suspiciously like a copy of the old Burton Safari graphic. Yup, I've got one of each
  15. Bummer. Good thing you sleep with that new Coiler!
  16. Sounds great! Looks like the nicest day of the week!
  17. Hoigaards in St Louis Park (SW Mpls) might be your only "local" choice. I suspect they still see a fair amount of carving boards from the G-team's alpine riders. I brought my first Kessler there for a base repair and grind several years ago and they did a good job. http://hoigaards.com/articles/ski-snowboard-tunes-pg66.htm It's not far from where I live, so I might be able to help out getting the board up to Spirit for you if you decided to swing by and drop it off at Hoigaards on your way to Duluth. If it's not too bad, you can probably ride it as is, just fill the gouge with wax.
  18. Ken has experience with Ski Hut, the local Duluth shop.I think he has taken his alpine boards there. So, your NEW Coiler needs a base grind already? How come we haven't seen any pictures of said board yet? I usually set my own edge bevels when I get a new board and save a base grind for when I need one, but then, I don't race.
  19. Spirit is reporting 6" of new snow and there should be a few more inches over the next couple of days. Thinkin' about coming up for Thurs & Fri.
  20. It's snowing pretty good today at Indianhead (webcam verified). Reporting 6" past week and another 6"+ expected with this storm. http://www.bigsnow.com/live-cams
  21. I just molded new liners yesterday (Intuition Alpine using their hot rice method) and I also heated the shells after seeing this video. Thought it made sense to get a good mold between shell and liner too.
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