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Everything posted by slopestar

  1. Need a set of decent used heels.
  2. 175 shipped... Leeho, where are you getting the information?
  3. More photos of base/repairs. Rating on boards too? 9/10? 7/10? Addtl info may help
  4. Tell me next week Ladia when it's below freezing again with more precip. Besides I just want to ride. So I take it that no one here has heard of this board. I am a thread killer anyway. I'll just go back under my rock
  5. Found some more information. Similar dimensions to swoard. Made for korean market by Monson. Turns out, more are available. I will post a review after I ride it on May 16-18 at Mammoth.
  6. Heading up for one last hoorah
  7. Bid on one and lost on fleabay. Anyone have info? Specs were like a swoard and said glass/built in US?
  8. Magic stance for freestyle/switch/carve 21+/9+ 20-21.5" width Terje's stance. Don't tell me he doesn't do it all with style... CK rode with similar angles and width (later years of course) and he would show up at summer camp in BC and have not seen a pipe in a year and be on par if not have a deeper bag of tricks than the current pipe kids. Then would carve his way down to the t-bar better than the Hardboot racers
  9. Rob, You are so right. He slays it heelside. Toeside is actually pretty nice too. my point with Knapton is his style is pleasing and he still carves a turn. Not a gouging turn but a carve with style. I really have fun watching these videos too. Too many to list/ Not my favorite but an example...
  10. I think the waving arms and stink bug style are the obvious detractors of the video we are all referring to. Lets not forget that... The guys are making amazing turns but the style is awkward and its because of a "ducked-out" stance. I love watching riders who rip and I would undoubtedly be hooting from a chairlift if either of these guys passed underneath. It's awkward and hindered. Rockered boards are playful but not carve oriented. Love the edge work but the stink bug needs an exterminator. Sorry. Check out a Ryan Knapton video on you tube. The guy shreds/ and rides mainly cambered boards. Camber=power...
  11. 40% off this weekend. next season redesign with XL available. Ruroc has been very good to me and hooked me up as a loyal supporter and contributor with a free visor. I will also have first dibs on the new helmets and will be getting one before the public. Stay tuned... Love Ruroc!
  12. Never say: "Hey guys, watch this!" "Lets take one down for lunch" "One more!?" and never ever under any circumstances say... "Last run" Usually a nod at the bottom to a friend and/or shaky legs and a strong craving for alcohol usually does it for me,
  13. Mom got her promotion Saturday morning. So happy for her. One last hoo-rah coming up May 17/18. Conditions permitting of course. If Mammy is open, we will be there. Hope you can join us.
  14. I love softboot carving and have spent the last couple years getting better at it. I like the kagayaking videos. Japanese and I believe Korean riders really going after it. More style than anything (sometimes too much style) I have some snippets of myself on youtube under MrSlopestar...go figure... But these guys, as good as the turns are, are just not pleasing to the eye. It looks like stinkbug carving. But they look like they are having fun and the snow looks like hero-cord. Both photos here are on a softy carver/not duck... snippets here and critique welcomed
  15. Plans have changed. Helping Mom pack for her promotion. Love you Mom! You are going to do great!
  16. Thanks for the tip. Planning on running plates on the bamboo Donek for the first time. Joe, let me know. I'll drive.
  17. my roadside always gets trashed...
  18. Planning on heading up early Saturday morning.
  19. Ride it hard and put her away wet. You scored either way! Nice looking resto.
  20. If only They made a binder complete that utilized the td-3 base. That extra weight could actually be a direct replacement for the Catek. "Help us Fin Kenobi, you are our only hope" I will gladly test any prototypes you may come up with!!!
  21. Longboardin, the boardside and street side bushings I use on my bennet front are the most important. At 200lbs I use khiro short cones one dark blue and one orange. I melt them together to form an hourglass. I use a tall orange cone on top. The rebound I get from the combo/hourglass bushing makes all the difference for me. Also using a drop down deck/not a drop through. The photo has different bushings as I was mid experimentation. I bought every color and tried as any combinations as I could think of to dial it in. The big barrels on board side had a tendency to bind up for me/ hence the custom hourglass
  22. Stoked to get back out there. Missing the snow as taxes and the cost of trekking to Mammoth have me close to home. I'm moving back up to North Huntington mid summer so I'm looking forward to cruising the long and wide side walks like I used to. I like the strand but the sand can be a real bummer. I like the feeling of asphalt and sidewalk over the glassy smooth strand in Manhattan and Hermosa Beach. Still rocking my drop down slant nose with bennet 5.0 and RTS rear.
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