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Everything posted by lonbordin

  1. I get to Paoli and what do ya' know I run into Carve234. He's very humble but he can lay down some really nice carves! Really nice! He gave me much needed advice... much needed. I need more hours on the hill. more, More, MORE! Did I mention that Carve234 can lay down some nice trenches. It was so great to ride with him tonight. Thanks. Ended up with 63F 60R. Carving is different than racing. Rode Carve234's board on a run... whoa his front angle is like... whoa. How weird is it that two random BOL members meet on a small bump in Southern Indiana and we have the same boot size?! Mondo 30. Oh and the snow was as good as it can get at Paoli. Freaking fantastic.
  2. and here: http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=28274
  3. The secret appears to hinge upon the connection. ;) http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Uetgrb9wF1Lz9pTDXVHVPg?feat=directlink http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/7-vC1c6QxN9lEo7ATi_82A?feat=directlink Maybe the links will work, at least. Does this type of plate make the SW moot as even simple flat bindings will be able to flex?! hmmmnnn.
  4. B.C. is trying to corner the Madd market!
  5. All of Sinecure's questions are relevant. I'm just making the transition myself and I found even though I had read everything I could about hardboot riding my muscle memory was all softboot information. Everything about beginning a turn requires different techniques in hardboots. Good gravy I remember attempting my first turns early this season... it was like I was fighting everything (the snow, the board, myself)! I felt so out of control! Last night while I was running my first gates ever in a hardboot setup I found when I started to flounder I would subconsciously attempt to revert to softboot techniques which did not work! Only by focusing on my limited hardboot techniques allowed me to get by. It takes a while to retrain the ole' brain (muscle memory). Keep at it!
  6. Of course the "bumps" are more than twice as big as of last night!
  7. So I see from the Paoli Peaks website they are "Building 5 Star Terrain Park today! Opening Soon! Mindbender & Powerline will be closed today as we work on the park." Last year they did this for the first time and I thought the amount of injuries would cease this practice but I guess not. On the positive note if they follow last years example they will flatten and smooth out all the areas around the kickers so a carving course can be had... watch for flying jibbers lying on the ground writhing in pain (no joke, sad.). I too am hoping to get up Friday or Saturday!
  8. Soooooo back to the Peaks tonight! Wednesday night NASTAR... my son was quite amped to try his new skis on the racecourse. He did great for his first day racing. Upon arrival we ran in to Carve234 in the parking lot. After I got my son going in NASTAR I went looking for Jim but was unable to hook up. Sorry Jim! You don't know how much I wanted to ride behind you... crap. Note: Paoli is suffering an absurd amount of days below 0C. They just keep blowing snow and now it's getting a little silly (-9c tonight). They've built huge hills everywhere... you really have to plan your carving course or bad things might happen! Went back to the course and ran gates the rest of the night on the 178 BS Liberation. Whoa the board can fly! Unfortunately the course was not snowboarder friendly but I laid down some of my best carves ever trying to get around those gates and stay away from the 6" drop from the different levels of groom. I really love "racing" as it forces me out of my comfort zone and I end up progressing. I've been on a overhang tear on the BOL boards and so tonight was overhang or bust night. I ran 57 F 54 R and never booted out once but I didn't even go for an EC. :D I really liked lowering the angles for racing! W00t! Thanks BOL!
  9. So all things being equal your system leads to running higher binding angles on boards with larger SCR, yes? Is that what you find in looking at your setups? Thanks again!
  10. "Closer to the edges" seems to infer possibly overhang or still within 90??? My boot overhang post: http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=28034 Thanks for the great review!
  11. I'm confused about this page 100 business... I only see page 75 of 75?! Is this a screen resolution thing? Font size? Thanks!
  12. The whole family went tonight... -7C upon arrival down to -9C upon departure. My spouse had a great first day on her X-Mas gift (Atomic Cloud 7 163), yea! I went out on the 178 Liberation to start with but it was apparent that making 1 to 1.5 meter bumps (jumps) everywhere was the goal of the Paoli "Snow Pros". I understand they never get this streak of snowmaking weather and their just blowing it all the time. Good for them... bad for me. So I put the HB setup back in the car and broke out the SB and the Grocer. First time in SB this season... how did I ride this setup?! I cant believe I ran this setup through the gates as fast as possible last year... I must've been nuts. Lesson learned I'll just run the Liberation until it or myself breaks. :D Snow was pretty great for Southern Indiana. Looking forward to the first NASTAR of the season Wednesday!
  13. Took the Liberation out tonight... had a lot of fun. Thanks Mark! and everyone who provided feedback!
  14. Paoli has the best snow conditions I have ever ridden, right now. It's nearly as good as any other western resort. No really. In a word fantastic. And there are no days above freezing in the forecast!!! And the crowds were very light! So tonight I took the 178 BS Liberation out for its maiden voyage. Wow, it is a great board. It does demand your full attention and I did not let it run at full speed but I locked into some really great carves. I did also tighten my boots differently tonight and that worked out a lot better! 63 +3 F 60 +3 R 52.2 cm (20.55") stance width My son was on his "new" skis tonight (Rossignol Radical Racing X 145). He loved them and the conditions... he wore himself out. Going back tomorrow afternoon. They were blowing tons o' snow all day and into tonight... could be even better tomorrow!
  15. A nice ad hominem argument there beetle... real classy.
  16. So you're saying your profile is in need of updating? :D "Current bindings and set-up?: F2 Bindings / Hangl Plates / 53F 53R"
  17. I've gone surfing around zero and snowboarding at far less but always with calm winds. Wind > temperature for my consideration.
  18. Jessica- I hope since you are faced with such a low n that you are directly approaching the athletes themselves. Posting pleas for assistance on an online forum will net you a lot of but not many participants. Perhaps a better approach would be to troll the boards for contact information for aforementioned athletes. Good Luck!
  19. Nail... head. Where I ride the "black" would be blue anywhere else... There is not a steepness issue at my local hill. My biggest issue is and will forever be ICE*. Which goes back to points made earlier in the thread about carving angles being not so steep on icy terrain. It was these thoughts and the subsequent outing that had me post my query in the first place. *ICE... not like hard packed slopes but as in the sounds of the skiers and skidders are so loud the person beside you can't hear what your saying on the lift. SCKRIDDDCHHHHHHHH....
  20. like that has a possibility of happening. :lol: But thanks for the slow speed carving video... As a carving beginner I can learn from this (I saw you scrub/skid!) What I mean is there are plenty of at speed videos but very few out side the norm. Good luck!
  21. I grabbed the above picture as a reference point. I'd like to run a little lower angles but I run into overhang. I think I have an irrational fear of overhang... I know about: which looks to be a 90 degree angle. I'm a beginning carver and I'm not lying the board over that much, yet. :D I'm interested in the BOL communities opinions on what degree that angle can or should be? Does it have to be 90? Thanks!
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