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Everything posted by barryj

  1. What! I see bindings for sale on he Bomber website.......Did I miss something? I would like to see a bigger variety of cant disks like adding a 2 and 4 cant disk Also a stronger but not heavier base plate....I'd pay for Ti Toe bail that's sprung...always stays up would be nice ..............or fix the wavy washer dilemma!
  2. Still open as of today - New Hampshire: North to South: Bretton Woods, Cannon Mtn., Waterville Valley and Gunstock Resort
  3. Yep.......... already got the season off and rolling with a 15 miler last weekend but we got 2 inches of new snow today and more coming
  4. I'm always on the hunt! I would feel more guilty showing up at Starbucks these days!
  5. Yeah, Bud Fawcett took some great photos during snowboards infancy.....and He's still at it! check out budfawcett.com Like this photo of young Shaun Palmer and his Sims swallowtail...............looks a lot like my Moss PQ60!
  6. All Epic pass mtns. have joined the closing list All I can say is WOW!
  7. Damn! Burke Mtn resort VT just announced March 14th as end of season from Covid-19 also!!
  8. fyi: Just heard Jay Peak resort, northern VT has decided to shut down end of day tomorrow, Sat March 14th from Covid-19 It has begun..............
  9. Wow! Quite the deals and house cleaning ! Hmm, Workshop7 is making room for 2 Thirst boards! Man I gotta get on that train!!!
  10. Bummer! Sorry to hear the abrupt end to Michigan's season Chouinard! Hope it doesn't end your season!
  11. Fun and done! I get it Scully Obviously the right tool for the job helps but what board were you floating?
  12. All photos are Photoshopped to some degree thes days. Photoshop tools they probably used at a minimum... clarify, curves, sharpness, backlighting, contrast and crop to start...........
  13. Hey Missionman, Not sure a mask would help as this is more about bodily contact as I understand it, but yeah a mask would help if somebody sneezed on you I guess.....it's a tough call Yea, even last week it felt a little disconcerting to be stuck in the gondola with a bunch of strangers and everybody has the sniffles form the cold conditions! When I go out next week, (if mountains up here haven't closed!) I plan to avoid the gondola and stick to the regular lifts......at least on an open chairlift your not stuck in a petri dish.
  14. Jack, I don't see how it was inappropiate as I was interested in the impact of this situation on other members local Mtn. and the resulting issues and experience...........but to call me out publicly, that was Inappropriate............but whatever~ Corey thanks for using your Moderator skills and discretion to move this to the appropriate forum without publicly placing judgement.
  15. hmm....Jack you post a response and then scold me for the topic? I'm confused I thought an opportunity to discuss what were experiencing with this situation could provide us all with more knowledge and knowledge is our best weapon in this critical situation. if your saying it's inappropriate to discuss the effects and precautions of this global situation that will be effecting all of us............than delete the post.
  16. This came out last Oct. but don't remember see this posted, so here goes..... A great article with many classic photos on early board makers and their board shapes and the rebirth of retro surf style shapes so popular today! Enjoy~ https://tahoequarterly.com/ski-ride-2019/the-shape-of-snowboarding
  17. Kneel is that BP a 4x4 mount or did you seriously have the Ball's to ask Mark for UPM inserts in the build!!
  18. Wow Dan, really hope your new job isn't in jeopardy! With today's news of all the NCAA, NBA, MLS, NHL, etc...sporting events seasons being canceled It hit me how Huge the economic meltdown of lay offs and loss of work is going to be!! I really hope I'm wrong!
  19. Hope everybody is staying safe considering the intensifying situation! I surely don't mean to make light of the situation with this being a Pandemic with people dying but life in general and being on the local ski hill up here in northern NH (were 60 miles south of the Canadian border) has not changed or been disrupted in any way noticeable as of yet. On my riding days last week to two destination resorts up here, Loon and Bretton Woods I didn't here any talk or concern of "corona virus" in the lodge or on the chair or gondola. Both ski areas were busy imo for mid-week with the college spring break crowds. All stores are well stocked and no shortage of TP or other desirable essentials. All other businesses and schools are running regular schedules and it seems business as usual. In NH and VT there only 7? or so confirmed cases, so (as of yet) I don't know of anyone impacted or even remotely impacted by the virus so obviously NH is not being impacted anywhere like Italy where all non essential businesses and all ski resorts were shut down! ............but what's happening to you, your ski areas and your neck of the woods??
  20. barryj


    It's a Custom K168 that the Man himself, Hansjurig Kessler made Just For You! I hope You Do Change Your Mind and Keep It!!!
  21. barryj


    Scully, Don't Do It Brother!!! It's the fabled K168 Customized For You! If you don't like the way it rides now put a plate on it - trust me and others that say that will be an OMG! moment for ya!!
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