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Everything posted by breeseomatic

  1. Holy crap that graphic is awesome! Can you send me a high-res version with and without the text? I want to see if I can have some stickers made up.
  2. To all who are coming, I'll be bringing my camera and will camp out on a few runs. I don't have a telephoto lens, so you will have to lay out your turns sort of close to me, just don't spray me with your rooster tail or slide into me. I'll post links to the photos in this thread.
  3. I would like to ride June, especially if we can get Gunsmoke mostly to ourselves. It would be awesome if we could all agree to ride June on Saturday and Mammoth on Sunday, but that's just my personal preference since we could all have a post SNES beverage at The Mill around 2-3PM. I'll ride where the carvers congregate. - Wolfman - Nekdut - Starcarver? - Slopestar - Breesej - George S./Sunday Maybe - Chad (Coda), only Sunday afternoon - 2stroke (Chris), Sunday @ June, Sat @ Mammoth
  4. Have you been to June? What's the coverage like there?
  5. For just risers, Donek may be the fastest and cheapest option. For cant and lift possibilities, then Bomber Power Plates for sure. Either products will work, it just depends on what your requirements are for adjustment.
  6. Riding an F2 Silberpfeil 162, I got a compliment from a skier last weekend 3/8. I was laying stomach down facing uphill in the middle of the trail to watch another carver on one of my boards I loaned out. He skids to a stop and has that look like he was going to ask a question or say something. So I speak up first, "I'm not hurt, I'm just laying here watching some snowboarding technique". His reply was "I just want to say that I've been watching you from the chair and trying to catch up to you. You're probably one of the best snowboarders I've ever seen. I really enjoy watching you turn, it looks so graceful and powerful at the same time." Damn, I was not expecting that. And I won't lie, it felt good to get a compliment.
  7. Darren, It was great meeting you and getting a couple of runs in. I hope to see you at June this weekend. Now that the Forum is up, I'll send you the photos that I took. I didn't have a telephoto lens, so one a few shots where you were close enough are usable.
  8. Oh man, it's so good to have the forum back.
  9. Jack, Thanks for your technical efforts. Fin, thanks for providing us a forum to coordinate, educate and enjoy our sport.
  10. It looks like Chris (2stroke) and Tommy (starcarver) may be heading up too. I was trying to combing Will to come up, he's a definite maybe. I will contact Andrea and Julian to get them interested. I am making my whole quiver available to ride. Donek Rev 185 prototype Donek Proteus 170 Donek SaBeR 160 Coiler Freecarve 169 F2 Silberpfeil 162 Dynastar 3800 163 Oxygen Proton 149 Coda Freecarve 170 Put your bindings on and ride them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. The liners that are in the boots now are Intuition Pro Tongues, molded twice. The stock liners are not included. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Dave, I sent you an email, if you don't get it (the site has been experiencing some issues the past few days) please "gmail" me at joe dot breese. <- sorry, just trying to obfuscate the text from information harvesting programs.
  13. Driving 88mph in a DeLorean? Step 1: Get ye to a boot fitter to measure your foot in centimeters. If your boot is the proper size for your foot, then proceed to the next step otherwise buy a boot that is sized for your foot. Step 2: Determine if you want to spend over $200 on some fresh liners, and about $150-$250 on real custom insoles. The bare minimum for my usage is custom insoles. Step 3: See if you can get a couple insole shims of varying thickness and some heel pads in different shapes. Fine tuning can be done on the mountain if you buy some supplies and just mess around with shim placement. Step 4: You can also adjust your bindings to be slightly closer, more heel lift in the rear or a combination of the two.
  14. Still available. And the stock liners are shot, so I'm throwing in some Intuition liners that have be remolded once.
  15. March 22/23 might work out for me too. I have a bunch of boards that I can bring up for a pseudo demo-day.
  16. I know this is super short notice, but I will be riding up in Mammoth this weekend. If you want to get a few turns in together, email me for my info, or look for me on the mountain. I'm in a lime green helmet, mustard jacket and blue pants. I usually start my day at Stump Alley under the chair for a few runs and then will move around the mountain. You can't miss me.
  17. Are you interested in TD3 sidewinders?
  18. Looks like Vic may have also gotten $120k per medal too: http://www.autoblog.com/2014/02/27/russia-gives-olympic-medalists-new-mercedes-benz/
  19. A freerider at Mammoth Mountain over the weekend asked me where he could rent an alpine setup. I regretfully told him that he's out of luck for a traditional shop, but gave him my phone number and told him I have some gear that I can loan out and also where to rent AT boots. Hopefully I can help another curious individual try something a little different.
  20. Conditions are awesome. The snow held up nicely, lots f edge hold, decent speed and no clumps in the afternoon. Rode a BIG carving board for the whole day. We carved up stump alley pretty good. There was no need to go elsewhere since the lift line wasn't bad and we had a gallery carving under the chair. After 20k ft of vertical, it's time to enjoy a beer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Bummer, at the asking price it was a good deal, the final auction price was a great deal. For future eBay scores, check out esnipe.com. I know someone selling a Dynastar 3800 :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. For the benefit of prospective buyers, can you list the angles of the cant rings?
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