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Everything posted by fin

  1. fin

    race videos...

    DemoC, Hey, we just ordered a bunch of DVD's from Olympian Jeff Greenwood called "Unplug the Toaster". It is a very cool movie that is more a documentary of the US Alpine Snowboard team as they get ready and race at the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City. A good amount of race footage as well as a ton of footage of the lifestyle of these racers. We played this at the 04' Session Dinner last year and it was VERY well received. Jeff has done a really good job with it. Should have them for sale on the site is a few weeks. Keep an eye out for it and we'll announce it on the next newsletter as well.
  2. Yep, I hear you, we are hoping to announce the winner at the next Bomber Newsletter which we plan to do in a week or so. Also, we desperatly need more goofy shots so please send them to me or Michelle if you have anything we can use. Thanks for your patience guys! P.S. oldvolvosrule, we just shipped your bindings out. They went to : Nice Try, Boonesville, USA ;)
  3. paappraiser, The best choice for your friend is to find out what the "Shell length" is on his current size 17 boots. On a ski boot they ussualy have this on the side of the boot near the sole area. Then I can tell you if it will fit in our TD2 binding. However, with a ski boot it will be a standard model and not step-in. Let me know,
  4. If any one left us a voice mail on either November 1st or 2nd (Monday and Tuesday), we had a voice mail system melt-down and lost them all Many tech calls placed and it looks like we cannot retrieve them. We apologies for this and please give us another call so we can take care of your requests. :D Bomber Crew
  5. OK, this is a poll I have wanted to do for a while. What I am curious to find out is, from the three core parts of a "carving system" (board, bindings, and boots) which one needs the most work? In other words, list the order you think these items need the most improvement on. For example I think boards have the most room for improvement, then bindings, and last is boots. So I would select #1 as my vote. ___________________________________ I believe that the board is where we can see some really good advances in carving. Don't get me wrong, I am in NO way saying the boards we have now are inadequate, I just think this is where we can see the big returns. I want a board that will stick like a slot car on the hard stuff but give a damp ride like a Cadillac. I believe that the current board makers have done a fantastic job with the materials they have at their disposal, but someone needs to step-up and take us to the "next level". Points in the history like this are: - Steel edges - The first high-back (thanks Jeff Grell!(sp)) - 4 hole threaded inserts Just a few examples of the sport making a huge leap forward. Look at Mnt Bikes, in the 80's we where all trying to figure out how to make our "hard tails and rigid forks" ride smoother. Paul Tuner (Rock Shox) stepped up and showed that in order to get that smooth ride we better go to the "next step" and copy from the Moto-X world with forks with sliders and stanchions with 2+ inches of travel. At first he was laughed at, but who is laughing now and what do 99% of Mnt. Bikes now have? So what do you think needs the most work?
  6. ncermak, Well, as an ex-sierra rider I can attest to the "sticky" snow you guys can get. I cannot remember the last time had snow stick to the boot here in the Rockies :D . However, as mentioned above, you have one very effective tool already mounted on your board, the binding itself. On most step-ins (TD's, Cateks, Deeluxe, etc.) they tend to all have a "wing" or tall metal sides that make up the receiver. Just run the bottom of your boot along the top of this before stepping in and you will be good to go. One tip is to also make use of the visual check found on most step-ins. Last year we added a new cut to the rear receiver that lets you look down and see that the pins is engaged. Try and get in the habit of this if there is a concern for snow build-up. I wish we had the problem of too much snow right now :rolleyes:
  7. terekhov, My version of this comparision would be that the LeMans will be more like your SB323 (softer flex) then the 325. The 325 where actually pretty darn stiff for their time and still are stiff by todays standards. However, if you can locate a set of "race" tounges for those Lemans you will then have a much stiffer boot getting close to yuor 325. Also, keep in mind you could also take the tougue from your current 325's and put them in the new Lemans. As long as they are in the same size range (tounges come in three sizes) then they will snap right in. If a firmer boot is what you are looking for then I would suggest the Indy or the Heads. Both are currently on the stiff side of the scale.
  8. bodaro, Do not have any experience with the Winds so I will leave that comparison to others. However, the one suggestion I can make is no matter what boot you decide on make sure it has a moldable liner. More so with you and your bunionette. Reason being during the molding you can do all kinds of cool modification to accommodate for "issues" with your feet. Example: we had a guy in a while back who had a bunion on the side of his right foot. Before molding we taped a small piece of foam over the bunion. Obviously during the molding this just irritated it but after the mold you take off he foam and now you have created a little "pocket" for the bunion so there is no longer pressure from the liner. We have done this for all kinds of crazy feet issues we see here.
  9. ScooterDC, First of all, WELOME :) to the forum! Good to have you join us. And second, you are about a 4 minute drive from our shop in Silverthorne. And yes, we are one of the largest sellers of Deeluxe and Head boots in North America. So come on by! Give us a call first and make sure we are around as it is crazy time right now.
  10. Scuff, That is VERY cool! I agree with Skategoat, what software did you use? Man, this makes me think of a project I always wanted to do from years back. I wanted to make a short film that is like a Pixar type animation. The "short-film" would be maybe 5 to 8 minutes long and be about a typical day of a carver at the hill. Scuff, what line of work are you in if I may ask?
  11. Hey, just responded to your e-mail and it bounced back. E-mail working OK?
  12. Surfer_D, I agree with Ray, your boots should be functional for lots of different boards. However, you should also pick a boot that works best for your style. The Suzuka is by far the best "do-all" boot available. It uses the new generation shell and comes with the top of the line Thermo-Flex liner. I suspect your older Raichles are SB series shell (older) and regular liner? Also, seeing as you already have a Rachle/DFeeluxe boot you can also do the shell test and see if you have the correct size or not. Go HERE for details on the test.
  13. Ha, I can pretty much leave our shop and walk there :D The Sunshine Cafe is an excellent place to eat breakfast and lunch. It is very down to earth and a hot spot for the locals. They are boarder line "greasy-spoon" but they pull it off well. There are more expensive and posh-er places here but the Sunshine is not one of them and that is why I like it. Just for curiosity, why are you asking?
  14. Tony, great to hear you are coming out again for this years SES! Havn't see you since the very first one. Funny enough I was talking with Milan the other day and he asked if we had heard from you? Ha, and then you pop up. :D Milan wants to know if you plan to rally the Vail BMW again ;) Stay in touch and good to hear from you.
  15. D-sub, Hey, you need to look up Doug Dryer when you are there. I bet he may have some infor for you on housing as well. Super cool guy and a great carve-ambassador as well. From what I can tell he is the man when it comes to plates at Bachelor. Drop me an e-mail and I'll get you his contact info.
  16. Randy, well I have to admit the photo has made us go "Hmmmm". However, we currently have a girl in her underwear for the current Photo Contest so who are we to talk . However, I did go in and "PG-13" the photo a bit more as the title on the pic was a bit over the top.
  17. Nils, Hey, where can I get the Divx plug-in? Sure enough will not play on the Windows Media Player or Quicktime.
  18. Boogieman: write to Michelle at bomber@bomberonline.com as she has tons of information on housing options. Also, keep an eye on this board as people are posting looking for room-mates. ARCrider: Good news, we will have three 175 Swoards at the SES this year and possibly more if the Swoard guys come again like last year. But for sure three. And they will be one of each of the stiffness levels so you can find the one you like the best.
  19. Damn you Shred Gruumer! I had my "delete" key all warmed up and ready to go!
  20. Damn you Randy ! You have so trumped us all! A picture like this from just a month ago ?!?! Make it stop.....
  21. Hmmmm, I would say 4 to 4.5 hours if the roads are good.
  22. Ethan, Colorado is very carve friendly as a whole. The best places (in my opinion), that are drivable for a one day trip, are: -Beaver Creek -Copper Mnt. -Keystone (some days) Other resorts worth mentioning are: - Loveland - Arapahoe Basin And the Daddy of them all: Aspen (all the resorts) Bottom line is you have about 6-7 resorts you can choose from close to Boulder. Those 4 day passes are a screaming deal though!
  23. Oh baby....... One of my favorites
  24. The new mill will do 30" by 16" on the X and Y axis.
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