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Everything posted by scrapster

  1. scrapster

    Yo Lci!!

    Wow, that explains why I didn't run into you guys (and gals) after I met Big Mario in the parking lot that morning. I thought some weird, hardbooter alien abduction had occurred. Sorry to hear things went so terribly awry, AND that I didn't get to meet all of you. On the other hand, I did have a pleasant day riding with two older skiers I met while staying in Frisco. And we were all taken by Loveland--what a stunning mountain. I can only imagine what it's like when the whole resort is open. Well, all the more reason for me to come back! I hope everyone recovers from what sounds like a series of unfortunate events.
  2. Thanks Angie! With the timing of this trip, I'm setting my expectations pretty low. I guess finding the most open trails with the least rocks and people will be my holy grail--and I'm willing to pay a little extra or travel a little farther if that's attainable. With a kid on the way next month, this is my last big trip for the foreseeable future. My champagne powder dreams will have to wait a while longer. ;)
  3. Hey Angie, Having never been there, what's the scoop on Aspen? It looks like they picked up a little snow last night. If I were to head over there on Friday or Saturday, is there a preferred mountain for carving? And how much would the lift ticket likely run me ? Thanks!
  4. Hey Angie, Thanks! Looks like the San Juans have been pounded a few more times since October and will be at the epicenter of the storms moving through this week. Wolf Creek is rockin'. Luckily, Summit should catch a moderate snowfall on Tue/Wed and maybe again this coming weekend. (The map below shows expected snow totals for Tues through Thursday.) So I'm hopeful either way! I'll most definitely be at Lovey on Sunday unless an epic storm hits somewhere nearby ;) Look forward to riding with everyone!
  5. Thanks, Ink. Got my 4-pack, I'll be there at least two days.
  6. Hey All, Looking to meet up with some fellow riders in the Summit County area and search out the best snow from 12/15 to 12/19. I'll be based in Frisco. I do have the hair-brained idea of maybe heading to Wolf Creek on Friday or Saturday. (I rarely get out west and want to make the most of it.) So, if anyone's game for a road-trip... Otherwise, I'll be happily sampling the local mountains.
  7. Hmm, after a bit more research, the Beave looks like it may be a better carving hill.
  8. Not to jinx things, but it looks like more snow is on the way next week. For a visitor headed out in a few days, would it be worth it to plan a day trip from the Frisco area up to Steamboat? They seem to have substantially more open then anywhere else in CO, aside from Wolf Creek of course, and just got another 7" last night. Appreciate the tuning suggestions too. I may need to have a new board ground. :D And did some mention beer?!--New Belgium Brewing Company 1554 Ale--I've been waiting years to sample it again You guys are lucky to have such a fine, local libation.
  9. Well, JP1 should be touching down in Denver soon. Watch out, I hear he's a wild man ;) Keep warm out there, John! I'll be following a week later and chasing the best conditions I can around CO for a few days. Speaking of touching down, I also managed to score a ticket to the Broncos/Pats game--for $5! (God, I love half-price tickets and credit card bonus points--sayeth Tim Tebow.) Now I won't feel bad if I have to skip it for an epic powder dump I just know it's comin.'
  10. My newest glass board has a similar problem. I thought I tweaked it when I dug the nose and crashed on its maiden voyage. From that point forward, I noticed the board rocked side to side when laid flat on the ground. To step back for a minute...it may have always done that, but I only noticed it after the mishap. I also can get up to a 2mm difference in the tip rise on one side depending on where (in my house) that I measure it. Long story short, I'm starting to think that it's the base that isn't flat! It seems base high right where the effective edge begins. Obviously, if you can actually feel a difference in flex on your Kessler, it may be a lost cause. But it may be worth checking out. Good luck! Was this board used for racing? Always a risky way to go. I learned the hard way.
  11. Wow, that really does look amazing. Congrats! Even the faux bamboo totally works. Very subtle. BTW, I didn't end up using the font, so your board is still unique!
  12. Well, I refuse to join with you dirty, lazy, hippie protesters. Out of the goodness of my heart, however, I will call my lobbying firm and have them contact Fin's local representatives. (That's how the well-bred and hygienically-aware do it, after all ) If all else fails, I'll just have to open a factory somewhere in China and produce them myself for 1/4 the cost. And I'd be more than willing to employ Fin and Michelle at Bomber Guangdong if they're looking for a lifestyle change. ;)
  13. Bought soft boots and F2 Titaniums from Hardbooter the last few years. All were shipped quickly and came exactly as advertised. It was a good experience all around.
  14. Hey Bobby, I've had lots of luck with the two part epoxy (again, the slower drying/high strength kind.) I usually drip/work some into the ding and then squish the whole thing down with a very small c-clamp to cure for a day or so. To protect that purdy topsheet and your base from getting dented in the process, I'd also suggest using some thin wood (popsicle sticks, shims, etc.) between your board and the metal ends of the clamp. Just be clean with your epoxy so everything doesn't get stuck together. Good luck! See you on the hill.
  15. I've been trying to work through this the past few years. Have you ever experienced that wavy, aura sensation in low light? It's totally unnerving and disorienting. Anyway, I've had the worst luck with rose and orange/amber lenses in low light. The best have been gold/pale yellow--though maybe it's different for different people. Just my two cents.
  16. You can also watch the video about sidecut radii on the Donek homepage. It's really good! The board's sidecut plays a big role in determining how a board turns at different speeds and given different inputs from the rider. In general, the smaller the radii number (SCR) --which means a deeper sidecut--the more "turny" the board will be at slower speeds. Bigger radii numbers--ie. shallower sidecuts-- feel more stable going faster. They can still turn tight, but you often need to get the board higher on it's edge to do so. It can get much more technical from there...
  17. Just tried: scrapster, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
  18. scrapster


    I have various Highlander parts I'd be willing to part with.
  19. Sean actually has a few different cores which he pairs to specific models given their target flex and other desired characteristics. As far as I understand, he developed the Olympic core as a way to increase dampness without employing a lot of rubber--which can affect durability. It uses a special mix of woods to reduce vibration, as the different harmonic frequencies of each wood species cancel each other out. Folks really liked their mix of quietness, dampness and pop, though the technology has been surpassed pretty thoroughly by metal. Still, it's a classic construction that probably has its place for some. It costs a few $ more than standard construction, but less than metal.
  20. I've had most luck reaching Sean at Donek via phone. His wife advised after 4pm mtn time. Great guy and a master board-builder, but pretty busy. PS- If you're looking for some dampness but wary of metal, Sean still has some of his Olympic construction cores in the shop from before metal became all the rage. (He's putting one in my new Razor.)
  21. I found Sean Martin's (Donek) videos on sidecut really helpful. Even though I had a basic grasp of how it all worked, seeing it brought everything together. Definitely different strokes for different folks!
  22. Is the Starting Gate back into alpine? Last ECES they had a few Deeluxe 225's left, but that was it. (They are good when it comes to bootfitting though.)
  23. http://www.powdermag.com/photos/monster-noreastah-ravages-interior-new-england/#ebd57ed58e
  24. I have no idea if the info is in any way current, but this shop USED to sell some alpine equipment (they were offering Head SP's on Ebay just a few years ago.) Somehow, I suspect they got out of the business, but worth a try. http://raceboarding.com/directionstostore.html (I think their new name is Performance Downhill.) Otherwise, the only other east coast (U.S.) dealer I know with any alpine equipment is in Connecticut: http://suburbanskiandbike.com/store/
  25. SCR is around 10m, I think. (The 170 is 12m.) It's definitely not a new school race board, and it's a bit of a tweener. But for a relatively new racer standing 5'2" and 140lbs, might it serve some function? I don't know. Remember that she's racing both slalom and GS on boards in the 150's right now (I'm guessing with around 8m scr's). This would be a big leap in both feel and performance.
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