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Everything posted by xy9ine

  1. went up today to see what's what. pretty dismal conditions really. a single narrow run, huge line & minimal coverage (some nice brown snow). an exercise in dodging rocks & meat pylons. and they shut down the hill 2:30ish after a close lightning strike. not sure opening the hill with such minimal coverage was a great idea; more of a marketing ploy than anything methinks. anyways, looks like more (natural) snow in the forecast for next week, so hopefully things will improve for net w/e. i'd personally stay away until more runs are opened.
  2. i was wavering between this and a pow stick, but deep pow days are few & far between & typically limited to a handful of runs before everything is tracked out (at least based on my relatively limited days on slope). not really sure you need a dedicated pow board for resorts around here. would love to do a cat session w/ one however. the 174 kessler was surprisingly good in 8" of fresh though...
  3. picked up an atv 167 as a soft snow compliment to the kesslers i scored the end of last season. guess i'm committed to this hardboot thing now. sorry for the grainy cellphone pic.
  4. subscribed! might head up sunday morning to blow off the cobwebs if the weather doesn't look too crappy...
  5. you'd think easterners would be seasoned / well prepared snow drivers (don't you have a mandatory snow tire law?). out here in vancouver, snow is sporadic, and the percentage of experienced snow drivers is pretty low (and the percentage of appropriately shod cars lower), so things go sideways as soon as the first snowflakes fly. the snow commute is always an adventure.
  6. the big f2 wedge gives about 5* slope according to my iphone, so yeah, td3 6* should be in the ballpark (esp. w/ the wide stance you're using).
  7. prior also gave me a break on a replacement board after my out of warranty board snapped. give them a go again if you're not gunshy. the flc wide does sound spot on given your requirements.
  8. i was in whistler for the last weekend of the bike park (last week). sunday was fantastic; sunny & trails were in great shape; no snow on garbanzo. i'm assuming that pic was from monday when the clouds opened up & the weather got nasty. that was my cue to go home. i like to keep tabs on the webcams for a reminder that yes, winter is soon on it's way: http://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/weather/cams/whistler/index.htm
  9. haha, was about to say - get on scoob's mailing list and you're set. carry on then & welcome to the local club. good to see more bodies on cypress; becoming a hotbed of alpine fiends so it seems.
  10. wicked! got a pass this season, and (i think) have my gear sorted. hope to be able to make good use of both.
  11. mine fit perfect out of the box - all day comfort. love the things.
  12. yep. i had to move in the blocks of my medium f2's for my m27 rc10's about 1cm. ie, lots of room, go medium.
  13. i have this magazine as well. i was equally surprised at the percentage of hardboot content back then. pretty cool. and of course what can you say about the awesomely rad graphics / colors...
  14. my god, that bd virus is a sick piece of art. price tag on that? super rad coilers too! any significant performance attributes to the horny cut outs or primarily aesthetic? very cool. a bit suggestive of guitar cut outs; makes me want a bc rich variation; aggressively angular and METAL. odd to be cruising this forum now that summer has decidedly arrived...
  15. here it be. another 5 months or so to determine it's level of sucky-ness or lack thereof. looks like it should be in the ballpark.
  16. price just dropped even more, and couldn't say no. atv on it's way. lot's of great prices on priors boardrack (ie, up to $200 off new boards - my ill fated flc is now $800).
  17. ^alas, i'm limited (self imposed price restriction) to stock demo decks.
  18. to whomever might be hanging on the boards this time of year. i've rehashed this a bit on a couple threads, however... on the verge of pulling the trigger on one for a soft snow plaything. yes, it's not latest tech, but the numbers look fine, and the price is right. other options are the 4wd (perhaps a bit narrow, short of nose for optimum soft fun), and pow stick (perhaps a bit wide on hb's, too pow specific for an all round soft / crap / bumps / whatever plaything). i've almost convinced myself. moral support or discouragement appreciated!
  19. xy9ine


    all the above is good! i love to see hard charging on variable / interesting terrain & exploring how the hardware enables different / exciting ways to engage said terrain. whereas alpine has been more traditionally oriented towards ripping relatively featureless groom, i like the idea of a mashup w/ freestyle/ride which is a more feature manipulation & air oriented. the newschool skiers seem to have it down: laid our carves, whackity whack transfers / transitions & huge amplitude... if you guys out there are doing this, get thyselves on video & spread the stoke!
  20. xy9ine


    yeah, something along those lines w/ modern technique & gear of course (wow, that flick is 17 years old) would be rad. finding riders might be the trick though. i optimistically assume there's some progressive rippers out there, though perhaps i'm projecting what i like to believe is the next level potential of the sport - that has yet to be realized. we're a pretty geriatric group generally speaking.
  21. xy9ine


    though pretty, the slowmo / arty pretensions gets boring quickly (as does ec, for that matter). would love to see some fast freecarving with some diversity (of terrain / snow / styles, etc). ie, something exciting & progressive that might be fun to watch for even those outside the sport. waiting for some hotshot younger racers to start mashing up allmountain / freeride w/ alpine & injecting some vitality & broader spectrum appeal to the sport.
  22. yep. i always try my best to NOT sound exclusionary, elitist, or critical of other snow sliding factions in relation to alpine inquiry. i'm all about being the positive ambassador.
  23. any idea how the bsquared specs compare to the new FLC? i was kinda inspired by that b2 - looked like the perfect all mountain alpine freecarving ripper - really the progressive direction alpine should be headed (imo). i ordered an flc & had it in my hands, but due to a build error, ended up sending it back before it touched snow. still deliberating if i should revisit this for next season.
  24. here's some vid clippage: be a fun guy to ride with for sure. apparently still running his vintage alpine race gear.
  25. found this rad vintage pic on a bike site. hardboot shirtless dirt boarding; just jam packed with awesomeness. classic tippie.
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