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Everything posted by Furi

  1. totally agreed! Sadly enough I probably fall into the category of needing to be cattle prodded :( Normally try to stick to email when on the hill, but sometimes I have to use my cell phone. And often times I can't finish my cell-phone convo in the lift line (which I guess is also considered confined space) so it spills over on the lift.
  2. I think its more that skiers assume if you are on a snowboard you will stop just about anywhere EXPECT the side of the run. At least on my mountain(s) it certainly seems that way...I just pretend they are pylons to carve around
  3. Thanks Art! Very fast shipping, board got here on Friday but I was unable to pick it up. Good packaging job, all the edges were protected. Looking forward to riding it!
  4. Furi

    Oes 2008!

    I'll be brining my checkbook more then likely if RJ is brining tankers
  5. Furi

    VIRUS teaser

    god that board is impressive....soooo shinny that it looks black. I don't think I could bring myself to ride that even if I could afford it
  6. nice! Good way to promote alpine! Did you set them up with "The Norm"?
  7. Furi

    Donek FC179 II

  8. ouch.....man that sucks :( hope its just cosmetic and won't affect the board.
  9. Furi

    Oes 2008!

    Excellent! Thanks Mike!
  10. Furi

    Oes 2008!

    Hey Mike - I realize we won't have an official demo tent, but will there be a secure place to leave spare/extra boards at? Or should we plan to leave them locked up on a rack or in the car?
  11. Hi looking to buy one or two TD2 second board kits with yellow rings. Let me know if you have any you aren't using anymore :) thanks!
  12. Furi

    Oes 2008!

    dialing in the BTS this weekend! I might actually get these *($@*($ boots to fit correctly before OES thats good news on the snow! I'll be bringing a POW board just to be on safe side ;)
  13. I agree Gecko - I guess I should have stated my comment a bit better. I definitely wasn't trying to remove the creativity and skill of the photographer from the finished product. I guess I was trying to get at is that I can't get over how crisp and how much detail can come out of digital photos. I dabbled in photography back in school and worked mostly with B+W enlargers, I never quite got good enough with color. Post-processing is somewhat of a mystery to me with digital so I tend to just credit the camera which is probably the wrong way to look at it.
  14. yup, thats what i'm thinking too. Kind-of like how wakeskating got popular...
  15. those are some great shots! Thanks for sharing! Man that D300 takes some amazing shots....
  16. I love the orange sidewalls! very nice with the white topsheet. What color is the base?
  17. nice find on the eliminator pad...just ordered one. I have small shins and i've already drilled out custom holes to move the strap back on my 325T's and they are still loose. This should help fill in the volume a bit, I'll give it a shot!
  18. Michael - The Union bindings are more freestyle oriented. The straps are super comfy though but all the base plates are plastic hybrid materials. I haven't ridden them myself yet - but a freestyle buddy of mine got some Union Force bindings and they flex quite a bit. They certainly look nice though and have alot of nicer features - toe ramp, padded material under base plate, etc..
  19. wow those are some amazing shots.... very cool how your wife captured the board camber/flexing like that during the carve! I hope she is ok after getting hit and isn't hurt!
  20. thats a seriously cool video! I cant believe some of the jumps that WRX took...they looked extreme
  21. Furi


    wow this looks great! the clips from burly don't work in firefox btw :(
  22. I second hydration...with the amount of exercise you doing make sure to stay hydrated. I would say just around a gallon a day if you can manage that much (and all the trips to the bathroom :)). Potassium is also very helpful to get rid of craps and aches. I also take a glutamine supplement when I'm having a heavy few weeks of exercise to help my body recover faster. Info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glutamine What is your normal activity level? Are you starting all the riding and cardio all of a sudden or have you gradually ramped up your activity level? Did the pains and aches just start? Or have they been consistent? Other things to consider - take a long bath to allow your muscles to relax. Try adding light stretching every morning, then gradually increase to stretching every morning and night. And make sure you are getting a solid 8+ hours of sleep. As we grow older we tend to sleep less, but your body still needs the same amount of sleep time to relax and recover and heal over the night.
  23. man that looks crazy lol! the drop in to get to the gates is nasty, alot of rocks there heh Nice that is there is some corporate sponsorship there - I saw one guy with a columbia kite...
  24. hehe all that snow is gonna make OES very interesting :) I'm just happy you guys are sharing up there :) we've had some great snow this year....unlike last year where you guys kept it all to yourself up north :(
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