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Everything posted by skategoat

  1. Rob: Since we're both in Toronto, I can remove the glue for you. Drop it off at my place on Friday night and I'll get it back to you on Monday <G>. Henry
  2. P.S. To Canadian readers: I was able to get the book in 3 days from Indigo/Chapters Online. Amazon.ca was quoting several weeks.
  3. I bought Chris Klug's book mainly because my mother was the recipient of a liver transplant in 2000 (same year as Klug). It was an incredible, harrowing, roller-coaster experience for her and our whole family. So naturally, I was interested in reading about Klug's tale. I really didn't expect much of the book. It took me weeks to even open it but when I did, I could not put it down. I finished it in three nights which is pretty close to a record for me. "To the Edge and Back: My Story from Organ Transplant Survivor to Olympic Snowboarder" is really two books in one. First, it's an inspirational story about a medical miracle. Klug's resilience in the face of physical challenges is amazing to me. I know what my mother went through with the liver. Like Klug says in the book, the surgeon basically "splits you open like a trout". He pulls out half your guts and lays it on your lap. Then he cuts out the old liver and sews in the new one before sewing you together with about 1000 stitches. Afterwards, you're black and blue, you have tubes sewn into your body and your abdomen looks like a baseball. I can't believe Klug was walking the day after surgery. Second, the book is a walk through the history of snowboarding. The stories about the early pro tours and World Cup are very entertaining. It's great to read about the early days for all those names I read about on Bomber - Brushie, Jealouse, JJ Anderson, Kelly, Thorndike, Fawcett. That Anton Pogue sounds like a fun (and dangerous) guy. Klug doesn't duck controversy either. He expresses his opinions on the ISF/FIS wars, Rebagliati's "Weed-gate" and the demise of racing in favour of freestyle. If you're a recent convert to alpine snowboarding, this book is a must-read. For those of you who know Chris or follow his career, a couple of questions - is he still sponsored by Burton? Is he still riding Burton gear? If so, is it old stuff or the Burton gear they sell in Japan?
  4. I've been to Bromont twice and both times it rained (in January). The second time I went was the first time I tried snowboarding. It was icey and needless to say, I had snowboarder ass in a big way. It was a nicely laid out mountain though and I did not find it crowded. They also have a spa where I got the absolute best massage in my life from a huge Russian woman. Highly recommended.
  5. Use 24 hour epoxy. It flows better than the 1 hour stuff. Apply sparingly and then use heat to draw it into the core. If you want, colour it while you're mixing. You can just use tempura paint powder.
  6. What's up with that? Has Grandi been sandbagging it for 11 years?
  7. I assumed it was going to be live. How naive! It's US network TV. I guess they'll squeeze it in between bowling and bass fishing.
  8. I'm interested in a back-up pair. Email me please. skategoat25 AT yahoo.ca
  9. It looks like everyone is having a great time. I love that about snowboard racing. Not spoiled by the big money. BTW, was this thing televised? The Grand Prix site said NBC but I checked the listings and there was nothing on Saturday. And Sunday, of course, is all football.
  10. This week and next is a great time to ride. People are too busy with Xmas shopping and events to hit the slopes. Plus, with no snow in the city, no one's thinking about skiing or boarding. I'm trying to negotiate my way out of a few engagements to give me more riding time. BTW, my server was down for maintenance this morning. The ISP I'm using is having some UPS issues so the mailing list goes down while they address it. Everything should be 100% by Monday.
  11. I don't like the way that front leash arrangement (like the standard Bomber leash) flaps in the wind. Distracting. I think I'll try the rear bail idea.
  12. I think there'll be a bunch of us next week at Mt. St. Louis. I'll be there Monday for sure and maybe Wed. and Thurs. John, are you a member at Osler? I hear there are a quite a few carvers there.
  13. Seems my service provider had some technical difficulties. The link is working and the list is up. So far, we have 4, count 'em FOUR members.
  14. skategoat


    Okay, okay, I'll hand torque. But too late on the thread-lok. <G>
  15. While I'm firmly believe that riders, skiers and especially drivers should be free of intoxicants of any kind, there is at least one guy who's performance didn't seem to be adversely affected by THC. Ross Rebagliati Then again, maybe if the guy wasn't a pothead, he would've acheived even greater success on the World Cup circuit.
  16. skategoat


    How much torque should we be applying to the mounting bolts (bottom plate to board) and the base plate bolts (base plate to bottom plate)?
  17. I own a 167 Volkl Spline which is a softer version of the Cross. I used to ride it with soft boots but late last year, I threw my Trenchdiggers on tried it out with my hard boots. The ride was incredible! I had an absolute blast making quick, deep carves. I was really throwing my weight forward to initiate the turns and instead of the nose digging in, the board was "swooping" into SL-type turns. I swear, it was the most fun I've had on snow in years.
  18. Lift pass revoked for smoking pot? That's harsh man.
  19. Since the rideboard is not live and doesn't appear to include a Canadian option, I took the liberty of setting up a mailing list for Ontario-based carvers. You can join on this page: http://mailbox.corefusion.net/mailman/listinfo/ontariocarvers The idea is to let everyone know what is going on in terms of events, rides, etc. in Ontario. Sometimes these things just whither due to lack of message traffic, other times, they take off. I thought I'd give it a shot. Don't know about you but I actually prefer mailing lists to web forums.
  20. Re: eyeglass yard/garage sale When I wore glasses (I did the laser surgery thing 4 years ago), I used to call that a "Magoo". Ever try to make it down 800 feet of huge, icy moguls after you've face planted and smashed your glasses? Not fun. Dave: That's a good one. Gotta remember that.
  21. Don't forget, "face plant". And when you catch the heel edge, and slam, I call it a "neck-snapper".
  22. Great advice guys, thanks. Is the elevation going to affect me? I live at close to sea level. Are there any hard booters who want to car pool on Jan. 21?
  23. Speaking of Utah, I might be in Salt Lake City later this winter. What's the closest resort to the SLC airport? Is there a shuttle?
  24. Looks like I'll be in Southern California in late January on business. I'd like to extend the trip and squeeze in a day or two at Mammoth. How does one get from LA to Mammoth? Is rental car the best option or is there any kind of bus service? How about a flights? Are there any reasonably priced flights into Mammoth from Orange County or LA? Thanks, Henry
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