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Everything posted by skategoat

  1. Same boat here. I'd like one Intec heel to use as a backup. If anyone has one...
  2. edit: Uh oh...just a sec...someone told me the 162 was NOT a split tail. If true, I spoke too soon. Must have split tail for the quiver. If it's a split tail, then I'll buy it.
  3. I've seen the Sims name on some department store level skateboards and like you guys say, on clear-out type snowboards. So I'm wondering, how did the name get so cheapened? Who did Tom Sims originally sell to? I thought this forum was full of board historians.
  4. Glad to hear I am not alone? My first day out last Thursday, I quit at 1:00PM. I was feeling very tired and I just wasn't linking my turns together. Plus, my herniated disc was acting up. The next two days, I woke up, hardly able to straighten up. I was thinking I should just go back to skiing. Instead, I'm going to dust off the bike trainer and work my legs while I watch TV. Maybe I can't just drink beer and play golf all summer and expect to be in riding shape.
  5. Just wondering, what happened to Sims? I see on their website that their mailing address is now Mississauga, Ontario. I never see their boards in shops and no wonder - their dealer locator lists one shop in all of Ontario. What happened between Tom Sims selling the company and it ending up in a suburban hell like Mississauga? And, when was the last Burner made? Did Sims make any other alpine board? Thanks in advance (Jack). HK
  6. Bogus Nerdish Caakaa? These things are really thin but tough. Doubt you need longer screws. Now I can throw out my ghetto looking inner tube sheets.
  7. I came up with a nifty solution for protecting top sheets from the damaging effects of TD1 cant discs - pot holders. Picked up these silicone pot holders at Wal-Mart for $9.78. They are just sheets of silicone. One of those sheets is the perfect size for two TD1 cant discs. They are waterproof and hey, they withstand heat up to 575 degrees F. You just use your discs as templates. Mark the perimeter and the hole locations. Use a metal ring of some sort to punch out the holes. I used an old BNC connector (silver thing at top of first photo). Works like a charm. Thin and tough.
  8. Think of these things as giant paperclips. If you wiggle it back and forth enough times, in the same place, the paperclip will break. That's the explanation I heard after a friend of mine broke his TD2 rear bail last year.
  9. Batteries die. It's hard to use a radio when you're upside down. You can easily drop a radio or cellphone especially if you're feeling panicky. Those cheap consumer radios have no range. I have one of these attached to my jacket at all times. Make sure it is a pea-less whistle (ie. Fox 40). You can hear these things for miles.
  10. Amazing how much more snow there is north of Barrie. Rode MSLM today and they must've had 18 inches of natural snow in the last week. Good base there. Almost ready for full opening.
  11. Bruce at Coiler cuts the camber rather than bending or pressing it. Time consuming, very manual process. I don't know how he does it. Regarding the wood core, I was looking at an F2 Speedster just yesterday and the wood definitely goes right to the top. Didn't really look at the tail but I suspect the same there. F2 uses a transparent top sheet to show it off.
  12. Whistler has enough wide groomers to keep you going for a week. I'm with Dave, I like the Saddle until it gets bumped up. "First Tracks Breakfast". $14.75 for breakfast and some quality morning carving before the crowds hit. http://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/todo/events/detail/freshtracks.htm
  13. Anyone notice the pit bull guarding the gear?
  14. I'm going to MSLM tomorrow (Wed.). If anyone wants to share a ride, email me tonight and we can hook up. Henry
  15. Sold both pair of Cateks this summer. I didn't like their stiffness and weight. Looking for something lighter and with more flex. I pretty much decided on F2s until Bomber put out the suspension kit. Now I regret selling my TD2s last year.
  16. Dang! I'm in my pajamas and you guys are stealing my gear. I gotta get a laptop in the bedroom. P.S. I *am* in dire need of bindings.
  17. Maybe not as incredible but close: http://www.cbc.ca/story/turin2006/national/2005/04/15/Sports/rebagliati050415.html Lightning doesn't strike twice Ross.
  18. Has anyone tried an alternative like BidPay or Western Union? What's the experience with them?
  19. skategoat

    Mini TD1

    Mark: I have Paypal set up to take funds from my credit card. A *slightly* less scarey proposition. While I'd rather deal with money orders, you can't beat the convenience of Paypal. Henry
  20. Holy cow Scott. Nice job. Especially the price almanac. Where do you get the historical eBay info?
  21. Mind you, I've never used the flouro stuff which I hear is crazy fast. But then again, I don't want or need to go any faster than I do now. I'm serious when I say I would actually like to find something that makes me go slower. I'm not racing, just rec. carving and I'm usually at the bottom of the hill waiting for people on each run.
  22. I've tried about 18 different waxes on skiis and boards and have *never* noticed a difference when I ride in any snow condition. I used to hot wax my boards and not even bother scraping. I let Mother Nature do the scraping. Now I scrape and structure with a brush but again, I don't notice any difference on the snow. This year, I'm going to experiment and try parrafin (ya, that stuff your mom uses for canning). Will it slow me down? I kinda hope so.
  23. d b: I'll take the bindings for the asking price assuming they are complete. Also sent you email on the O-Sin. Let's make a deal. Henry
  24. I have the tools4boards clamp at home. I wouldn't buy it if I saw it in advance. It's plastic. It looks like steel or aluminum in the photos but it's plastic except for the table clamps. Spend a bit more money and buy something sturdier and you'll be happy.
  25. Na, I don't need the boots. I was interested because of the buckles. I hate the Raichle buckles. But then again, when Fin ships the BTS-RAB spring mod thing, I may become a Raichle fan again. Henry
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