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Everything posted by skategoat

  1. While they are not cheap, Prior boards are made in BC and readily available in the Calgary/Banff area (which is where I'm assuming you'll be flying into). I'll bet Chris Prior could have a board ready for you in your hotel in Fernie. You might even want to check to see if he'll send you a demo. I noticed his demo schedule puts him in the interior of BC although not quite in Fernie just a few days ahead of you. www.priorsnowboards.com
  2. yyzcanuck.com carries liners at a very reasonable price. Mountain Equipment Co-op also has liners available.
  3. I was there before the latest dump and the conditions were great.
  4. I could swear you could switch the cables over from one side to the other. At least on my old pair of heels. My new ones are like yours, you can't do it. I'll have to scrounge around to see if I can find an old heel to see if I was imagining things or not. Sorry about the misinformation.
  5. The cables can be moved to either side so the heels are interchangeable, left or right. Plus, you will want to keep a backup because the cables and pins can break. If you're on a trip somewhere and your heel breaks, it's not like you can run down to the ski shop and buy a new one. So I suggest you save it and keep it in your boot bag.
  6. ttipping. If you buy these, I have regular heels I can swap you for the Intecs and I will throw in $50 cash or I will detail your car - your choice. I'm in Toronto.
  7. It's an emotional issue. But one thing I know for sure - terrorists are not crazy. There is no evidence that shows 9/11 conspirators were insane. Nor the London bombers or the Madrid bombers. In their minds, what they were doing was entirely rational. We don't understand their actions but that doesn't make them crazy. We need to deal with the root of the problem rather than just "killing all the crazies". After 9/11, the U.S. had unprecedented sympathy from the rest of the world. There was truly an outpouring of brotherly love - from Christians and Muslims alike. Instead of leveraging these feelings to seek reconciliation, we sought revenge. We all should have remembered the words of Nelson Mandela: "If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner. " Mandela chose reconciliation, not revenge with the former apartheid government. He forgave the people who threw him in jail for 25 years. Because of that, South Africa has peace. Why can't we learn from that?
  8. I'm pretty sure the USPS rate is the same for all of Canada, whether you send to Etobicoke or Tuktoyaktuk. At any rate, my PC is M8X 2P7. Linus is in the same area.
  9. Same thing here. I had a compact screwdriver with multi-bit confiscated. But then I suggested they take the bits and I keep the handle and they agreed. What bugs me about these rules is the fact that they incorporate little common sense. A 1-inch long screwdriver bit is a weapon but a wine bottle or a laptop computer is not. Thankfully in Canadian airports, they've stopped confiscating nail clippers.
  10. Go here for more info: http://kokotele.proboards18.com/index.cgi?board=general edit: Looks like you already found it
  11. I'm interested if Linus changes his mind. I need them for my kid.
  12. We're waiting on the Osler crowd to throw us plebes an invite. There is always an informal carver gathering at MSLM on weekends.
  13. You could teach the old folks on how to find dates on the Internet.
  14. Kelowna baby. But don't wait too long or the prices will be out of reach. Kelowna has the most sunshine days in Canada. It's wine country and three good ski mountains are within 1 hour drive. Plus, there are direct flights from Toronto. This info is mostly for Rob (arcrider) but Ginsu, if you have a university degree and high tech skills, we'll let you in the country. Hell, we let 50cent and Martha Stewart in recently.
  15. Wait a sec. Now that I think about it, an off-topic forum would probably be a good idea.
  16. Bob, I'll take a set. How much more for shipping to Canada? What do you cut diamond stones with anyways? Diamonds?
  17. Gotta wait a bit. I went last Thursday to MSLM and my wonky back did not feel good. I'm thinking late next week. I'll give you a ring.
  18. The only time my Prior 4WD gave me trouble was with a very big dump (10-15 inches) of heavy snow. I went over the nose a few times. Luckily, it was a soft landing.
  19. Threads tend to meander. Readers miss things because they don't check all the categories. Discussions get misfiled. I like things the way the way they are. I just ignore the threads that are irrelevant. Sometimes, I check out what I thought was an irrelevant thread and I find out that it's suddenly of interest. Why fix what ain't broken?
  20. I would start with a couple of easy, wide cruisers down Alpine or Beauvallon. Load at the TGV chair, do not go all the way to the bottom. Then move over to Kandahar and the other black diamonds on that side. You can continue on the blue cruisers to the bottom of the south side or load back up on TGV. Be warned, the lineups at the South base can be brutal. If it's crowded, move over to the North side. Geant and Duncan are my favourite runs on that side. The runs to stay away from are the green runs, Nansen on the south and Beaucheman on the north. They have multiple flat spots where you have to unbuckle and skate. If you get caught on them, tuck it all the way. Do not slow down. The Soleil side are narrow, icey rollers. But, they can be fun if not crowded and if there is a fresh dump. Visit the Soleil face for lunch - Refuge. It's a small, rustic cabin halfway down the hill. Usually not crowded. Don't forget to party at the Cariboo! Have fun. HK
  21. Contact cement? Use the water-based, green type. I don't *think* it will damage your board. D-Sub, you try it and let us know how it works.
  22. I was thinking the same thing when I was setting up my Coiler. I've been riding my Prior 4WD centred on it's running length. But, on the Coiler, because I'm riding with heel lift (rode the Prior flat), I know that my centre of gravity is thrown forward so I need to offset the bindings to the rear. I rode it centred on the inserts which are offset 2-3 inches back. It still didn't feel right. So, I've got a lot of experimenting to do. BTW, Bobby, just wondering how you like the Proflex/F2 bindings?
  23. I absolutely love it in the right conditions. It's my go-to stick when the snow is really sloppy and/or soft. I use it with plates (TD1s) and it carves on a dime. Very short turning radius. I've tried soft boots with it and absolutely hated it. I almost sold it and then I tried it with plates one last time and had the time of my life in soft, spring snow. Never rode the Cross but I understand the Spline is a slightly softer version of the Cross. The best part was the Spline cost me $100 brand new.
  24. I'm hoarding a couple of short boards for my kids to grow into but they are probably too small for me - a Rossi Throttle 159 and a Burton Factory Prime 160. I don't know, are these SL boards? Other than that, I have: 168 Volkl Renntiger RT GS 175 Coiler Racecarve 174 Prior 4x4 164 Volkl Spline freeride/boardercross 160 Burton Fish I need something softer and smaller radius for mellow riding with the family. My 9 year old, 13 year old and skier wife just don't seem compelled to go balls-out fast. My 13 year old is getting close. Also just want a Sims Burner just to ride a few times and hang on the wall as piece of snowboarding history.
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